FDA Investigator Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom)

Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom) has conducted inspections on 284 sites in 11 countries as of 20 Feb 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.

Investigator Details

Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
20 Feb 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America, China, Austria, Japan, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, India, Taiwan, Korea (Republic of), Australia, Mexico, Spain
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom):
Aaron J Adler, Adam R Cooke, Ademola O Daramola, Aimee Cunningham, PhD, Alan L Truong, Alan M Stevens, Alan P Kurtzberg, Alexander M Kay, Alexandra B Pitkin, Alexandria L Capuano, Alford R Taylor, Alice S Tsao, Alicia M Mozzachio, Amalia C Himaya, Amanda E Lewin, PhD, Amanda L Fyles, Amber G Wardwell, Amir Alavi, Amy C Jordan, Amy N Chen, Ana Djurdjevic, Ana M Pietsch, Anastasia M Shields, Anderson, Andrea D Swingle, Andrew K Haack, PhD, Andrew S Limson, Andrew W Harmon, Andy B Lee, Angel K Sandhu, Angela E Glenn, Angela Shepas, Angele C Smith, Angelina M Albert, Anh M Lac, Anita Narula, PhD, Ann L Demarco, Anna L Marroquin, Anna M Brannen, Anney Lin, Anthony N Onianwa, April C Inyard, April P Shaw, Arie C Menachem, Ariel Cruz Figueroa, Arindam Dasgupta, PhD, Arsen Karapetyan, Ashar P Parikh, Astrida B Mattson, Avery J Dennis, Azza Talaat, Babajide Michael Osunsanmi, Barbara J Rincon, Barbara Janine Breithaupt, Barbara M Frazier, Barry Cherney, PhD, Bichsa T Tran, Binh T Nguyen, Bo Chi, PhD, Bonita S Chester, Bradley Dworak, PhD, Brandon L Mariner, Brenda W Uratani, PhD, Brian D Nicholson, Brian J Ryan, Brian P Putz, Brien C Fox, Bruce H Mccullough, Bruce W Benware, Bryan A Galvez, Bryan L Mcguckin, Bryce A Hammer, Bush, Calvin B Koerner, Camerson E Moore, Candace Y Gomez Broughton, Carl Lee, Carla J Lundi, Carolina D Vasquez, Carolyn A Renshaw, Carrie A Hughes, Caryn M Everly, Caryn M Mcnab, Cassandra L Abellard, Cathleen A Carr Sharpe, CDR Ileana Barreto Pettit, CDR Jeremy L Wally, PhD, CDR Kimberly Y Martin, CDR Rochelle B Young, RPh, MSA, CDR Sean T Creighton, Cecilia H Kieu, Celena Ngo, Charles I Ann, Charles L Larson, Charles R Cote, RIC, Chelsea N Sealey, Chengjiu Hu, Cheron M Portee, Cheryl A Clausen, Chiang Syin, PhD, Chiaochun J Wang, Christian D Lynch (CDL), Christina C Santos, Christina Capacci Daniel, PhD, Christina D Mello, Christina V Santos, Christine A Harman, PhD, Christopher D Washington, Christopher J Freebairn, Christopher M Elliott, Christopher M Jenner, Christopher R Czajka, Christopher S Keating, Christopher T Middendorf, Claire M Minden, Claudia Mperez Kasmarski, Comyar Shoghi, Concepcion Cruz, Jr, Connie P Rezendes, Constance Y Fears, Crystal Monroy, Cynthia J Lee, MS, Cynthia Jim, CSO, Dandan Wang, PhD, Daniel J Lahar, Daniel J Roberts, Daniel L Zheng, Daniel R Solis, Daniel W Cline, Darla J Christopher, Darren S Brown, Darrin E Davis, David G Eng, David G Whitman, David H Hsu, David Serrano, Davinna Ligons, PhD, Davis, Dawn C Olenjack, Dawn E Barkans, Deborah A Greco, Dejon N Harris, Denise M Digiulio, Dennis Cantellops Paite, Diana M Rand, Diane Cvan Leeuwen, Diane L Raccasi, Diane R Weidley, Dipesh K Shah, Doan T Nguyen, PharmD, Dogbeda F Mackenzie, Dolores E Price, Dolores Harper, Don H Bark, PhD, Dongping Dai, PhD, Donna Ltartaglino Besone, Donna Mwilliams Hill, PhD, Doretha M Tonkins, Doretha M Wilson, Douglas C Kovacs, Dr. Chunchang Fang, Dr. Jason R Caballero, Dr. Mark J Seaton, PhD, Dr. Ralph M Bernstein, PhD, Dr. Robert C Horan, MD, Dr. Zhihao Qiu (Peter), PhD, Dr. Zhou Chen (nmi), MD PhD, Durell L Giles, Dustin P Tran, Dyana K Stone, Edwin Melendez, Eias A Zahalka, Eileen A Liu, Elaine A Bunch, Elizabeth A Dakan, Elizabeth Ad Girard, Ellen J Tave, Emmanuel Adu Gyamfi, PhD, Erik M Slama, Erika V Butler, Esther B Gamallo Herrera, Esther C Broner, PhD, Eugene Y Chang, Evelyn Wong, Farhana Khan, Farwa Z Razvi, Felix Maldonado, Frances Namuswe, PhD, Frederick L Fricke, Gabriel M Guevarra, Gajendiran Mahadevan, PhD, Gam S Zamil, Garciam, Gavin T Cua, Gayle S Lawson, Gene D Arcy, George J Flynn, Gerard Pde Leon, Ginger M Sykes, Gloria J Baca, MS, Greg K Keshishyan, Gregory A Berg, Gunneet Kaur, Haley H Seymour, Haroon Vohra (NMI), Hasan A Irier, PhD, Heidy C Perales, Heika R Bounds, Heika R Tait, Henry E Carrillo, Henry K Lau, Himanshu Gupta, PhD, Homero W Aguilar, Hossein Khorshidi, PhD, Hung H Do, MS, Hung V Le, Ian A Pilcher, Irina Gaberman, Iris C Macinnes, Ismael Garibay, Ivar J Sohn, Ivis L Negron, Jacob G Lutz, Jacob W Reynolds, Jacqueline Mdiaz Albertini, Jade A Rorberg, Jai P Singh, James A Barreto, James A Lane, James B Arnett, James C Maclaughlin, James M Timper Jr, James P Stumpff, James R Evans, James R Fleckenstein, Jamie M Du, Jane G Choi, Jane S Wernberg, Janet D Blount, Janet Pulver, Jasmine N Thompson, Javier O Vega, Jee Chung, PhD, Jeff M Uriarte, Jeffery A Johnson, Jeffrey M Watson, Jeffrey P Raimondi, Jennie J Fan, Jennifer Gogley, Jennifer L Bridgewater, Jennifer M Gogley, Jessica E Paulsen, Jessica L Pressley, Jinkee Mvila Binayug, Jinnie Kokiatkulkij, Joan M Cantellops Figueroa, Joanne Hosting, Joanne M Fukuda, Jocelyn E Massey, Jocelyn E Sparks, Jodi M Gatica, Joe X Phillips, Joel D Hustedt, Joel Welch, PhD, Joey V Quitania, Johann M Fitch, John A Daubenspeck, John A Gonzalez, John E Emmert, John P Jorgensen, John R Myung, Jolanna A Norton, Jonathan G Matrisciano, Jorge L Guadalupe, Jose A Lopez, Jose Acruz Gonzalez, José E Meléndez, Jose M Cayuela, Jose Martinez, Jr, Jose R Hernandez, Joseph Kutze, PhD, Joseph M Willems, Joseph X Phillips, Joshua P Wireman, Joslyn K Brunelle, PhD, Juan J Casado, Juan Rjimenez Garcia, Juanita Banuelos, Judy C Nepsa, Julia Ventura, Julie A Rorberg, Julie A Stocklin, Junho Pak, Justine M Corson, Ka L Wong, Karen A Wolnik, Kari M Johansen, Kari M Laynor, Karthikeyan Kanakarajan (NMI), Katherine E Jacobitz, Katherine Szestypalow, Kathleen R Jones, PhD, Kathryn A Krentz, Kathryn E King, Kathy Chiu, Kathy Kuo, Keith O Webber, PhD, Keith Webber, PhD, Kelley, Kelvin Cheung, Kelvin X Sanders, Kendra A Biddick, Kenneth H Williams, Kenneth O Gee, PhD, Kenya Destin, Kevin A Gonzalez, Kevin D Kallander, Kevin Lee, Kevin P Foley, Kevin T Gerrity, Kevin T Nguyen, Kham Phommachanh, Khoa Nathanv Tran, Kim Lthomas Cruse, Kimberly M Lichter, Kirtida Patel, Korina Serrano, Kouros Kangarli, Krishna Ghosh, PhD, Krista K Petersen, Kristin M Abaonza, Kula N Jha, Lakecha N Lewis, Lance A Finnical, Lance Mde Souza, MBA, Lanita F Kelley, Lata C Mathew, PhD, Laura Fontan, MS, Laurel A Beer, Laurenee L Adeoshun, Laurie Graham, Laurie Nelson, Laurissa S Flowers, Lavender M Huskey, Lawrence Y Lee, PhD, LCDR Debra Emerson, Leanna M Slarsky, Leonard H Lavi, Lewis K Antwi, Lillian S Wu, Lilly O Barton, Liming Zhang, Linan Ha, PhD, Linda F Murphy, Linda Thai, Lindsey M Schwierjohann, Ling Yu L Liu, Lisa H Nakagawa, Lisa K Capron, Lisa Shin, Lloyd D Payne, Loretta J Jordan, Lori M Newman, Louis B Cencetti, LT Richard A Lyght, Lucas B Leake, Lucila B Nwatu, Luis A Dasta, Luis Mburgos Medero, Luis P Torres, Lynda L Perry, PhD, Mai X Huynh, Marcellinus D Dordunoo, Marcia B Williams, Marco S Esteves, Marcus F Yambot, Margaret M Annes, Margaret M Sands, Maria C Agpaoa, Maria C Fermin, Maria Pkelly Doggett, MBA, Marie F Morin, Marie Falcone, Marie T Falcone, Marijo B Kambere, PhD, Marion Michaelis, Mariza M Jafary, Mark A Tucker, Mark C Saale, Mark E Imsland, Mark W Babbitt, Marlo Ianm Alintanahin, Marshalette O Edwards, Mary Ewilkerson Brinsko, Mary Jeanet Mcgarry, Matthew B Casale, Matthew J Johnson, Matthew M Vernon, Matthew R Clabeaux, Maurice M Sheehan, Maxine H Wong, Maxyne T Lam, Meisha Waters, Melanie M Walker, Melissa A Torres, Melissa J Garcia, Michael A Charles, Michael D Garcia, Michael P Sheehan, Michael R Goga, Michael S Araneta, Michael Shanks, MS, Michael T Cyrus, Michele Perry Williams, Michelle A Marsh, Michelle J Hines, Michelle Rfrazier Jessen, PhD, Michelle Yclark Stuart, Miguel A Martinez Perez, Mihaly S Ligmond, Mikel T Wright, Milos Dokmanovic, PhD, Minh D Phan, Mohsen Rajabi Abhari, FDA, Monica R Maxwell, Mra B Kamberem, Mra Mcculloughj, Mra Narulaa, Muralidhara B Gavini, PhD, Nabeela J Chaudhry, Nancy E Boocker, Nancy E Byerly, Nancy G Schmidt, Natalia Pripuzova, PhD, Natalie J Ayoub, Nayan J Patel, Nelly N Tran, Nianna C Burns, Nicholas L Hunt, Nicholas Obiri, PhD, Nicola M Fenty Stewart, Nicole M Gillette, Omotunde O Osunsanmi, Pal S Mayasandra, Paquita F Segarra, Paraluman S Leonin, Parul M Patel, Patricia F Hughes, PhD, Patty P Kaewussdangkul, Paul L Bellamy, Paul R Whitby, Paula A Trost, Paula R Katz, Pearl C Ozuruigbo, Peggy M Speight, Peter C Chow, Peter E Baker, Peter S Diak, Philip F Istafanos, DMV, MS, Phillip L Toy, Prabhu P Raju, Prasad Peri, PhD, Pratik S Upadhyay, DDC, Qiao Y Bobo, Qin Xu, Qing Joanna Zhou, PhD, Quynh Van Tran, Rachel C Stanton, Rafael A Kaup, Rajiv R Srivastava, Ralph H Vocque, Randy L Self, Raymond T Oji, Rebecca Rodriguez, Regina T Brown, Reyes Candau Chacon, PhD, Richard C Chiang, Richard H Penta, Richmond K Yip, Robert C Coleman, Robert D Tollefsen, Robert Darius, Robert J Ham, Robert J Martin, Robert T Lorenz, Rochelle A Rolnik, Rocio Guzman Velazquez, Roger F Zabinski, Rona Leblanc, PhD, Ronald L Koller, Ronda Leblanc, Ruben C Ayala, PharmD, Rumany C Penn, PharmD, Russell J Glapion, Ruth A Williams, Ruth Moore, PhD, Ryan J Borges, S Lori Brown, PhD MPH, Sabino S Camacho, Saied A Asbagh, Saleem A Akhtar, Samson O Oluseye, Sandra A Boyd, Sandra L Shire, DMD, MPA, Sangeeta M Khurana, PhD, Sangeeta M Rataul, Santiago Gallardo Johnson, Santos E Camara, Sara Jdent Acosta, Sarah A Hassas, Sarah Arden, Satheesh Thomas, Scott N Lim, Scott R Nichols, PhD, Sean P Desbrow, Sean R Marcsisin, Selene T Torres, Sha'tina R Alridge, Shannon B Ruelle, Sharon K Thoma, PharmD, Shawn E Larson, Sherri J Jackson, Sidney B Priesmeyer, Sidonie J Takougang, Simone E Pitts, Sonia R Peterson, Sonya L Karsik, RAC, Sparky L Bartee, Srinivas R Chennamaneni, PhD, Stacie A Woods, Stanley Au, Stephanie A Slater, MS, Stephen D Brown, Stephen J Mottola, Stephen R Souza, Steve Y Rhieu, PhD, Steven E Porter, Jr, Steven Fong, MS, PhD, Stuart W Russell, Sudipan Karmakar, Sue Lee Chan, Sumit Sen, Sundy V Sedwick, Sunitha K Rajaram, PhD, Susan F Laska, MS, Susan T Hadman, Susan W Ting, Taichun Qin, PhD, Tamala P Bogan, Tamala P Magee, Tamika White, Tania Y Hall, Tanya E Malais, Tawny L Colling, Teresa I Navas, Teresa T Cain, Terri L Dodds, Thanh M Andrews, Thao T Kwan, Thao X Tran, Thea C Grome, Theresa Kirkham (NMI), Thomas J Arista, Thomas R Beilke, Thomas R Withers, Thomas W Gordon, Thuy T Nguyen, LCDR, Tiara Nbrown Crosen, Tiffani D Wilson, Timothy H Vo, Timothy T Kapsala, Tina S Roecklein, Tom Limchumroon, Tonia F Bernard, Tony J Wu, Tracey L Harris, Tracey T Duong, Tracy K Li, Tricia S Martinez, Troy D Mansell, Truong Xuan Nguyen (Andy), Uduak M Inokon, Valerie L Whipp, Vashti E Bocker, Vickie L Anderson, Victor H Loo, Vilmary Negron Rodriguez, Vioela J Caze, Virgilio F Pacio, CSO, Vivian Garcia, Walden H Lee, Wayne T Smith, Wen Syi Lin, Wenzheng Wendy Zhang, William J Leonard, William S Vitale, William V Millar, Wr Bowman, Xiaohui Shen, Xiaokuang Lai, PhD, Xiomara Copeland, Yasamin Ameri, Yen Tso Kuo, Ying Xin Fan, PhD, Yiyue Zhang (nmi), PhD, Youkeun Kim, Young M Choi, PhD, Yumi J Hiramine, Yvette E Guillermo, Yvette Mlacour Davis, Yvins Dezan, Yvonne C Wilkes, Yvonne T Lacour, Yvonne Y Wu, Zachary A Bogorad, Zachary L Miller, Zhigang Sun, PhD

Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom)'s Documents

Publish Date Document Type Title
January, 2020 FDA 483 PETNET SOLUTIONS, INC. - Form 483, 2020-01-31
July, 2009 FDA 483 Neutraderm, Inc. - Form 483, 2009-07-02
August, 2016 EIR PYRAMID Laboratories, Inc. - EIR, 2016-08-31
March, 2017 EIR Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - EIR, 2017-03-06
November, 2015 FDA 483 Response Auro Pharmacies, Inc. - Form 483R, 2015-11-20
June, 2010 EIR Amgen, Inc - EIR, 2010-06-03
November, 2017 FDA 483 Dignity Health - Northridge Hospital Medical Center - Form 483, 2017-11-07
November, 2019 EIR Tomita Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. - EIR, 2019-11-08
September, 2010 FDA 483 Lifetech Resources LLC - Form 483, 2010-09-27
December, 2018 FDA 483 Barclay, Luke, & Pillai Specialty Pharmacy, PLLC - Form 483, 2018-12-14
February, 2006 FDA 483 CATALENT SAN DIEGO, INC. - Form 483, 2006-02-23
November, 2012 EIR kdc/one Chatsworth, Inc - EIR, 2012-11-30
July, 2020 EIR B. Braun Medical Inc. - EIR, 2020-07-23
March, 2011 FDA 483 Stason Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2011-03-18
June, 2019 FDA 483 Mentholatum (China) Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2019-06-21
February, 2009 EIR Medtronic MiniMed, Inc. - EIR, 2009-02-04
August, 2013 EIR Element Materials Technology Pharma US LLC - EIR, 2013-08-29
December, 2021 EIR Gilead Sciences, Inc. - EIR, 2021-12-17
July, 2019 FDA 483 Huaian Zongheng Bio-Tech Co., Ltd - Form 483, 2019-07-05
June, 2018 FDA 483 Dasami Lab Private Limited - Form 483, 2018-06-01
May, 2015 EIR Evonik Active Oxygens, LLC - EIR, 2015-05-28
June, 2019 FDA 483 Best Formulations Inc. - Form 483, 2019-06-12
October, 2002 EIR Bachem Americas, Inc. - EIR, 2002-10-11
February, 2007 FDA 483 Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483, 2007-02-22
September, 2012 FDA 483 Lydie L. Hazan, M.D. - Form 483, 2012-09-19
April, 2021 EIR BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. - EIR, 2021-04-02
March, 2019 FDA 483 BMD Skincare Inc - Form 483, 2019-03-05
October, 2002 FDA 483 Bachem Americas, Inc. - Form 483, 2002-10-11
August, 2011 EIR McGuff Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - EIR, 2011-08-24
March, 2015 FDA 483 PureTek Corporation - Form 483, 2015-03-18
August, 2019 EIR Biostorage Technologies, Inc. - EIR, 2019-09-28
February, 2020 FDA 483 PETNET SOLUTIONS, INC. - Form 483, 2020-02-21
December, 2016 FDA 483 Auro Pharmacies, Inc DBA Central Drugs - Form 483, 2016-12-02
June, 2019 EIR Best Formulations Inc. - EIR, 2019-06-12
February, 2006 FDA 483 Spectrum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2006-02-23
February, 2020 EIR PETNET SOLUTIONS, INC. - EIR, 2020-02-21
November, 2011 FDA 483 Anil Kumar, M.D. - Form 483, 2011-11-02
December, 2009 FDA 483 Stason Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2009-12-16
October, 2021 FDA 483 Swabplus, L.P. - Form 483, 2021-10-15
April, 2021 FDA 483 Response BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. - Form 483R, 2021-04-02
January, 2014 FDA 483 Response United Consortium Inc - Form 483R, 2014-02-19
July, 2017 FDA 483 Cangzhou Senary Chemical S. & T. Co. Ltd. - Form 483, 2017-07-07
July, 2006 FDA 483 ACCU BIO-CHEM LABS - Form 483, 2006-07-18
December, 2003 EIR Univar Solutions USA Inc. - EIR, 2003-12-04
October, 2005 EIR kdc/one Chatsworth, Inc. - EIR, 2005-10-25
April, 2016 FDA 483 Ningxia Qiyuan Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2016-04-28
August, 2011 FDA 483 McGuff Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2011-08-24
November, 2014 EIR Micro Quality Laboratories, Inc. - EIR, 2014-11-06
January, 2014 EIR United Consortium Inc - EIR, 2014-01-30
November, 2006 FDA 483 Classic Cosmetics, Inc. - Form 483, 2006-11-21
September, 2015 EIR Benedict S. Liao, M.D. - EIR, 2015-09-29
March, 2021 FDA 483 Diamond Wipes International, Inc. - Form 483, 2021-03-19
January, 2014 FDA 483 United Consortium Inc - Form 483, 2014-01-30
September, 2015 FDA 483 Response Oeyama-Moto Medical Foundation - Form 483R, 2015-10-08
September, 2019 FDA 483 PETNET SOLUTIONS, INC. - Form 483, 2019-09-20
September, 2013 FDA 483 Thibiant International, Inc. - Form 483, 2013-09-26
November, 2021 EIR Polypeptide Laboratories, Inc. - EIR, 2021-11-19
April, 2012 EIR Irvine Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. - EIR, 2012-04-02
May, 2011 FDA 483 Cardinal Health 414, LLC - Form 483, 2011-05-11
April, 2019 FDA 483 Kohana Pharmacy and Center for Regenerative Medicine Inc. - Form 483, 2019-04-17
February, 2008 EIR PureTek Corporation - EIR, 2008-02-14
September, 2014 FDA 483 Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483, 2014-09-17
August, 2019 FDA 483 University of Southern California DBA USC Molecular Imaging Center - Form 483, 2019-08-14
April, 2021 FDA 483 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. - Form 483, 2021-04-02
January, 2006 FDA 483 Response Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483R, 2006-01-31
March, 2008 FDA 483 Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2008-03-20
July, 2020 FDA 483 B. Braun Medical Inc. - Form 483, 2020-07-23
December, 2011 FDA 483 S&B Pharma LLC dba Norac Pharma - Form 483, 2011-12-02
February, 2020 FDA 483 Response PETNET SOLUTIONS, INC. - Form 483R, 2020-03-13
March, 2017 FDA 483 Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483, 2017-03-06
December, 2017 FDA 483 International Isotopes Inc. - Form 483, 2017-12-08
June, 2019 EIR Mentholatum (China) Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. - EIR, 2019-06-21
January, 2016 FDA 483 kdc/one Chatsworth, Inc. - Form 483, 2016-01-08
August, 2013 FDA 483 AMPAC Fine Chemicals LLC - Form 483, 2013-08-16
January, 2020 FDA 483 Response PETNET SOLUTIONS, INC. - Form 483R, 2020-02-20
February, 2014 FDA 483 WSM Investments LLC dba Topco Sales - Form 483, 2014-02-12
February, 2011 FDA 483 KC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2011-02-14
December, 2016 FDA 483 International Medication Systems, Ltd. - Form 483, 2016-12-07
March, 2020 EIR Genentech, Inc. - EIR, 2020-03-17
December, 2021 FDA 483 Gilead Sciences, Inc. - Form 483, 2021-12-17
September, 2017 EIR Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - EIR, 2017-09-21
February, 2018 FDA 483 BioDiagnostic International - Form 483, 2018-02-27
February, 2009 EIR Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - EIR, 2009-02-02
March, 2008 FDA 483 Response Noven Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483R, 2008-04-03
April, 2012 FDA 483 Avid Bioservices Inc. - Form 483, 2012-04-24
September, 2015 FDA 483 Oeyama-Moto-Medical Group Foundation, LLC - Form 483, 2015-09-29
September, 2015 FDA 483 Oeyama-Moto Medical Foundation - Form 483, 2015-09-29
August, 2018 FDA 483 Inventive Infusion Solutions, LP - Form 483, 2018-08-31
October, 2005 FDA 483 kdc/one Chatsworth, Inc. - Form 483, 2005-10-25
February, 2009 FDA 483 Bioduro LLC - Form 483, 2009-02-17
January, 2006 FDA 483 Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483, 2006-01-20
January, 2020 EIR PETNET SOLUTIONS, INC. - EIR, 2020-01-31
April, 2018 FDA 483 Person and Covey - Form 483, 2018-05-17
December, 2012 EIR Cardinal Health 414, LLC - EIR, 2012-12-14
July, 2015 FDA 483 Pharmasol Corporation - Form 483, 2015-07-16
March, 2016 FDA 483 Dignity Health - Northridge Hospital Medical Center - Form 483, 2016-03-11
June, 2009 FDA 483 Thibiant International, Inc. - Form 483, 2009-06-25
June, 2019 FDA 483 Hubei Gedian Humanwell Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2019-06-28
March, 2009 EIR YoungYou International - EIR, 2009-03-02
January, 2006 EIR Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - EIR, 2006-01-20
December, 2019 FDA 483 ABC Pharmacy, Inc. - Form 483, 2019-12-20
March, 2005 FDA 483 ALS Group USA, Corp. - Form 483, 2005-03-17
August, 2012 EIR PETNET SOLUTIONS, INC. - EIR, 2012-08-29
May, 2014 FDA 483 KC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2014-05-23
February, 2016 EIR Voiant LLC - EIR, 2016-02-12
June, 2018 EIR MSN Laboratories Private Limited - EIR, 2018-06-14
November, 2014 FDA 483 Micro Quality Laboratories, Inc. - Form 483, 2014-11-06
March, 2012 EIR Advanced Botanical Consulting & Testing Inc - EIR, 2012-03-16
December, 2013 FDA 483 PureTek Corporation - Form 483, 2013-12-18
February, 2009 FDA 483 Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483, 2009-02-02
January, 2012 FDA 483 Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483, 2012-01-04
August, 2021 FDA 483 B. Braun Medical Inc. - Form 483, 2021-08-17
June, 2017 FDA 483 Hangzhou Facecare Cosmetics Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2017-06-22
May, 2009 FDA 483 Classic Cosmetics, Inc. - Form 483, 2009-05-13
January, 2017 FDA 483 GP PHARM SA - Form 483, 2017-01-24
September, 2015 EIR Oeyama-Moto Medical Foundation - EIR, 2015-09-29
November, 2014 FDA 483 Response Micro Quality Laboratories, Inc. - Form 483R, 2014-11-24
April, 2018 EIR Person and Covey - EIR, 2018-04-06
March, 2016 EIR Avrio Biopharmaceuticals, LLC - EIR, 2016-03-23
June, 2019 FDA 483 Response Mentholatum (China) Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd. - Form 483R, 2019-07-05
June, 2016 FDA 483 Meishan Tianxing Biological Products Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2016-06-17
August, 2003 FDA 483 Truett Laboratories, Inc. - Form 483, 2003-08-11
November, 2002 FDA 483 Allergan Sales, LLC - Form 483, 2002-11-15
September, 2014 FDA 483 Response Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483R, 2014-10-03
November, 2015 FDA 483 Auro Pharmacies, Inc. - Form 483, 2015-11-05
January, 2020 FDA 483 Intarcia Therapeutics, Inc - Form 483, 2020-01-17
November, 2011 EIR Anil Kumar, M.D. - EIR, 2011-11-02
September, 2015 FDA 483 Benedict S. Liao, M.D. - Form 483, 2015-09-29
February, 2010 EIR Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - EIR, 2010-02-12
September, 2014 EIR Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - EIR, 2014-09-17
March, 2012 FDA 483 Advanced Botanical Consulting & Testing Inc - Form 483, 2012-03-16
March, 2024 FDA 483 Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2024-03-01
March, 2013 FDA 483 Shanghai Life-Beauty Cosmetics Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2013-03-22
June, 2013 FDA 483 KC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2013-06-10
November, 2012 FDA 483 kdc/one Chatsworth, Inc - Form 483, 2012-11-30
June, 2021 FDA 483 Amphastar Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2021-06-22
March, 2016 FDA 483 Avrio Biopharmaceuticals, LLC - Form 483, 2016-03-23
August, 2009 FDA 483 Creation's Garden Natural Products, Inc. - Form 483, 2009-08-13
May, 2016 FDA 483 Changzhou Yinsheng Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. - Form 483, 2016-05-13
April, 2016 FDA 483 Shanghai Techwell Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2016-04-15
September, 2017 FDA 483 Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - Form 483, 2017-09-21
June, 2016 FDA 483 ALP Pharm Beijing Co., Ltd - Form 483, 2016-06-01
September, 2020 FDA 483 Master Herbs, Inc. - Form 483, 2020-09-14
September, 2021 FDA 483 Med-Pharmex, Inc - Form 483, 2021-09-14

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