FDA Investigator Tonia F Bernard

Tonia F Bernard has conducted inspections on 103 sites in 8 countries as of 22 Apr 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.

Investigator Details

Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
22 Apr 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America, China, Japan, India, Slovenia, Germany, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Tonia F Bernard:
Abby E Pelletier, Ademola O Daramola, Alberto A Viciedo, Alice S Tsao, Alison N Stieg, Allen Lou, Amatul H Marium, Amy L Singer, Amy M Cramer, Anastasia M Shields, Angela E Glenn, Ann L Demarco, Annemarie B Randow, Annemarie Bodnar, Annet R Rajan, Anthony F Lorenzo, Anthony J Donato, Anthony M Criscuolo, Jr, Arsen Karapetyan, Atul J Agrawal, Azza Talaat, Barbara A Gullick, Barbara J Maulfair, Barbara Jwilimczyk Macri, Bijoy Panicker, Binh T Nguyen, Bonita S Chester, Brandi L Garbutt, Brian D Nicholson, Brooke K Higgins, Byungja E Marciante, Cary Greene, Chaltu Nwakijra, Charles J Chacko, Charles M Edwards, Chelsea N Sealey, Cheryl A Clausen, Cheryl A Grandinetti, Chiang Syin, PhD, Christian D Lynch (CDL), Christina Capacci Daniel, PhD, Christina K Theodorou, Christina N Maurino, Christopher D Leach, Christopher Janik, Christopher T Middendorf, Constantin Y Philopoulos, Craig W Swanson, Daniel J Grabicki, Daniel J Min, Darren S Brown, David A Oluwo, David H Smith, David Perkins, Deborah B Goffman, Deborah B Nixon, Debra I Love, Dell S Moller, Denise M Visco, Investigator, Dennis Cantellops Paite, Dennis E Guilfoyle, PhD, Deyaa Shaheen, Dhaval H Patel, Dien N Nguyen, Dipesh K Shah, Don H Bark, PhD, Douglas A Campbell, Douglas C Kovacs, Dr. Barbara D Paul, PhD, Dr. Dominick Roselle, Dr. Gang Wang, PhD, Dr. Guang Gao, PhD, Dr. Roslyn F Powers, Dr. Yubing Tang, Edmund F Mrak, Jr, Eileen A Liu, Emest F Bizjak, Emmanuel Jramos Maldonado, Emmanuel T Donyina, Eric J Cunningham, Eric Rothschild, Erika V Butler, Erin D Mccaffery, Felix Maldonado, Frank J Marciniak, Frederick F Razzaghi, George J Flynn, George Pyramides, Gerald B Seaborn, Jr, Gianine E Delade, Gianine E Tompkins, Ginger M Sykes, Guerlain Ulysse, Hector Jcolon Torres, Helen B Ricalde, Helen Verdel, Jacek Cieslak, PhD, James C Maclaughlin, James D Bridges, James M Mason, James M Simpson, James R Birkenstamm, Janet A Rajan, Janete F Guardia, Jason A Rossi, Javier O Vega, Jean M Kelahan, Jeffrey A Sommers, Jennifer L Gustavus, Jennifer L Schmidt, Jenny Sung, Jessica M Monteiro, Jessica S Estriplet, Joan A Loreng, Jogy George, John A Gonzalez, John P Mistler, Jonah S Ufferfilge, Jonathan W Chapman, Jose Acruz Gonzalez, José E Meléndez, Jose M Cayuela, Jose Ohernandez Guzman, Joseph F Mcginnis, RPh, Joseph W Matthews, Joshua C Schafer, Joshua P Wireman, Joy F Canlas, Joy Rkozlowski Klena, Junho Pak, Justin A Boyd, Justine M Corson, Justine Tomasso, Karen A Briggs, Karen E D'orazio, Karishma G Gopaul, Kassa Ayalew, MD, Katherine Szestypalow, Kathleen M Jordan, Keith M Reilly, Kelli F Dobilas, Kelly Doremus, Kenneth M Gordon, Kenneth Nieves, Kerry A Kurdilla, Kevin A Gonzalez, Kevin D Kallander, Kevin P Foley, Kham Phommachanh, Kinh Q Mac, Ko U Min, Kristina L Conroy, Kristy A Zielny, Krystal O Ogunremi, Kyle D Covill, Laishan L Lam, Larry K Austin, Lata C Mathew, PhD, Latorie S Jones, Laura Fontan, MS, Laurimer Kuilan Torres, Lawrence Harmon, Jr, Lawrence R Johnson, Li Li, Liatte Kreuger, PharmD, Lisa B Hall, Lisa Harlan, Lisa M Bellows, Lisa M Feola, Lori S Lawless, LT Colin E Tack, BSE, Lucila B Nwatu, Luis A Dasta, Malik S Qaiser, Marcellinus D Dordunoo, Marcus A Ray, Marea K Harmon, Margaret E Walsh, Margaret M Doherty, Margaret M Sands, Margarita Santiago, Maria A Bienkowski, Maria A Reed, Maria Estrella, Marie B Buen Bigornia, Marion Michaelis, Marjorie D Schultz, Marlene G Swider, Mary Jeanet Mcgarry, Massoud Motamed, Matt D Suedkamp, Matthew A Spataro, Matthew B Casale, Matthew M Henciak, Maxwell Van Tassell, PhD, Mayar M Mussa, Melba Trivera Clavell, Melissa A Freeman, Melissa B Libby, Melissa D Ray, Melissa J Garcia, Melissa T Roy, Merril E Racke, Michael A Charles, Michael O Idowu, Michael R Goga, Michael R Klapal, Michael Serrano, Michael Shanks, MS, Miguel A Martinez Perez, Miguel Gmanzano Maldonado, Mihaly S Ligmond, Monika Borkowska, Mra Davism, Mra Munizn, Muralidhara B Gavini, PhD, Nancy F Scheraga, Narong Chamkasem, PhD, Nayan J Patel, Nebil A Oumer, Neil J Bonzagni, PhD MPH, Nerizza B Guerin, Nicholas A Violand, Nicholas E Squillante, Nicholas L Paulin, Niketa Patel, Nikki S Ramirez, Nina Yang, Omotunde O Osunsanmi, Pankaj H Amin, Parul M Patel, Patrick C Klotzbuecher, Paul L Bellamy, Peter E Baker, Peter R Lenahan, Phares O Okelo, Philip F Istafanos, DMV, MS, Pratik S Upadhyay, DDC, Qin Xu, Rachael A Moliver, Rachael O Oyewole, Rachel C Harrington, Raihan A Chowdhury, Rajiv R Srivastava, Regina T Brown, Remache, Richard D Manney, Rita K Kabaso, Rita K Vick, Robert D Tollefsen, Robert J Maffei, Robert J Martin, Robert Jennings, Robert Sharpnack, Robin P Mathew, Rodney T Allnutt, Rodrigo Vilchez, Roger F Zabinski, Rose Ashley, Rose Ljean Mary, Roy C Stephens, Russell J Glapion, S Lori Brown, PhD MPH, Saied A Asbagh, Saleem A Akhtar, Samantha J Bradley, Sandra Kershaw, Sangeeta M Khurana, PhD, Sangeeta M Rataul, Santos E Camara, Satheesh Thomas, Schultz, Scott J Lewis, Scott T Ballard, Sean R Marcsisin, Sena G Dissmeyer, Sharon K Thoma, PharmD, Sherri J Liu, Shirshendu K Deb, PhD, Simone E Pitts, Sinai I Davis, Sony Mathews, Stacey S Degarmo, Stephanie T Durso, Stephen D Brown, Stephen J Mottola, Steven D Kehoe, Steven P Donald, Sunita Iyer, Susan M Halsted, Susan M Jackson, Susan M Joseph, Susan T Hadman, Syeda N Mahazabin, Taichun Qin, PhD, Tamil Arasu, PhD, Tania E Vizcaino, Tara G Bizjak, Tara R Gooen, Terry Bridgewater, Thomas Cosgrove, Thomas J Arista, Thomas M Herbst, Tiffani D Wilson, Torrance J Slayton, Toyin B Oladimeji, Tracey L Harris, Tressa T Lewis, Tricia S Martinez, Tyanna N Hadley, Unnee Ranjan, Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom), Valerie C Reed, Vilmary Negron Rodriguez, Viviana Matta, Vivin George, Walter L Fava, Wanda Y Honeyblue, Wen Ning Chan (Sally), Willy A Orantes, Yasamin Ameri, Yiwei Li, Youmin Wang, Yumi J Hiramine, Yvesna C Blaise, Yvins Dezan, Zachary A Bogorad, Zakaria I Ganiyu, Zhong Li, PhD, Zhongren Wu

Tonia F Bernard's Documents

Publish Date Document Type Title
March, 2022 FDA 483 Xiamen LP Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2022-03-04
March, 2017 EIR Hetero USA Inc - EIR, 2017-03-17
April, 2022 FDA 483 Yabao Pharmaceutical Co.,Ltd.Beijing - Form 483, 2022-04-20
October, 2021 FDA 483 Shanghai STA Pharmaceutical Product Co., Ltd (Building 7) - Form 483, 2021-10-22
March, 2023 EIR Wuxi STA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd - EIR, 2023-04-03
October, 2016 FDA 483 PharmScript, LLC - Form 483, 2016-10-24
January, 2019 FDA 483 LEADING PHARMA, LLC - Form 483, 2019-01-31
April, 2019 FDA 483 Colonia Care Pharmacy - Form 483, 2019-04-22
January, 2018 FDA 483 AustarPharma LLC - Form 483, 2018-01-05
November, 2018 FDA 483 Intergel Pharmaceuticals Inc - Form 483, 2018-11-20
January, 2023 FDA 483 Shandong Anxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(Laoling site) - Form 483, 2023-01-13
December, 2016 FDA 483 Granules USA, Inc. - Form 483, 2016-12-20
August, 2022 FDA 483 Hangzhou Zhongmeihuadong Pharmaceutical Jiangdong Co., Ltd - Form 483, 2022-08-19
October, 2019 EIR SGS Analytics Germany GmbH - EIR, 2019-10-30
February, 2020 FDA 483 East Orange VA Medical Center - Form 483, 2020-02-27
March, 2017 FDA 483 Hetero USA Inc - Form 483, 2017-03-17
August, 2019 FDA 483 Athenex Pharma Solutions, LLC - Form 483, 2019-08-28
November, 2017 FDA 483 QuVa Pharma, Inc. - Form 483, 2017-11-30
August, 2020 FDA 483 Grant Industries Inc. - Form 483, 2020-08-21
April, 2016 EIR Prinston Pharmaceutical Inc - EIR, 2016-04-05
August, 2019 EIR Avantor Performance Materials, LLC - EIR, 2019-08-12
July, 2018 FDA 483 Dimensional Merchandising Inc. - Form 483, 2018-07-19
December, 2018 EIR ACUPAC PACKAGING INC - EIR, 2018-12-17
July, 2018 FDA 483 Buffalo Pharmacies Inc - Form 483, 2018-07-26
March, 2018 FDA 483 Response ENGLEWOOD LAB, INC. - Form 483R, 2018-03-23
February, 2019 FDA 483 James Alexander Corporation - Form 483, 2019-02-27
May, 2019 FDA 483 Davion, Inc - Form 483, 2019-05-15
March, 2018 EIR ENGLEWOOD LAB, INC. - EIR, 2018-03-19
October, 2020 FDA 483 Millers of Wyckoff, Inc. - Form 483, 2020-10-09
March, 2018 FDA 483 ENGLEWOOD LAB, INC. - Form 483, 2018-03-19
March, 2017 FDA 483 Response Pharmaceutics International, Inc. - Form 483R, 2017-04-13
July, 2022 FDA 483 Jiangxi Bioman Pharma Limited - Form 483, 2022-07-30
September, 2021 FDA 483 Waterstone Pharmaceuticals (Hubei) Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2021-09-29
August, 2020 EIR Grant Industries Inc. - EIR, 2020-08-21
July, 2019 EIR Azurity Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - EIR, 2019-07-26
August, 2016 FDA 483 Alcami Corporation - Form 483, 2016-08-23
March, 2023 FDA 483 Wuxi STA Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd - Form 483, 2023-03-03
March, 2017 FDA 483 Pharmaceutics International, Inc. - Form 483, 2017-03-24
June, 2019 FDA 483 NIPPON FINE CHEMICAL CO.,LTD - Form 483, 2019-06-11
October, 2020 FDA 483 Response Millers of Wyckoff, Inc. - Form 483R, 2020-10-19
September, 2021 FDA 483 Sichuan Qingmu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2021-09-07
September, 2023 FDA 483 Hangzhou Lingji Biotechnology.,Ltd¿ - Form 483, 2023-09-08

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