FDA Investigator Thomas W Gordon

Thomas W Gordon has conducted inspections on 713 sites in 11 countries as of 27 Jun 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.

Investigator Details

Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
27 Jun 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
Argentina, United States of America, China, Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Serbia, India, Canada, Poland, Netherlands, Sweden
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Thomas W Gordon:
Alan L Truong, Alanna L Mussawwir Bias, Alex G Kalugin, Amanda E Lewin, PhD, Andrew E Kay, Angela D Wise, Anh M Lac, Anna L Marroquin, Annie H Lam, Anthony E Keller, RPh, Anthony N Onianwa, Arindam Dasgupta, PhD, Ashar P Parikh, Azza Talaat, Barbara J Rincon, Brian P Putz, Bruce H Mccullough, Carl Lee, Carla J Lundi, CDR Rochelle B Young, RPh, MSA, Charles D Brown, Christopher J Lee, Christopher M Reed, Cindy W Lewis, Claudia Mperez Kasmarski, Clinton J Lott, Courtney N Long, Courtney R Bolton, Cynthia L Evitt, Damon A Growl, Daniel J Roberts, Daniel L Aisen, Darla R Bracy, Darlene B Almogela, Darneillej, David A Lum, David G Eng, David H Engelskirchen, David X Gan, Dejon N Harris, Dena L Jacobs, Deyaa Shaheen, Dustin P Tran, Elva M Ibarra, Emmanuel O Kerry, Eric W Anderson, Erica L Nicoll, Estefania Fernandez, Gajendiran Mahadevan, PhD, Garciam, Gerald N Mcgirl, DDS, Gulshan R Anand, Gunneet Kaur, Hasan A Irier, PhD, Helen J Hamaoka, Humberto Z Gomez, Ingrid A Zambrana, Ismael Garibay, Ivis L Negron, Jacobitz, James A Barreto, James A Liubicich, James C Yee, James W Whitney, Jamie L Port, Jane M Kreis, Janete F Guardia, Janice K Gardner, Jazmine M Welcher, Jeffrey M Watson, Jeffrey P Raimondi, Jennifer Crumb, Jennifer L Degroot, Jennifer L Johnson, Jennifer S King, Jessica B Darneille, Joanne Hosting, Joanne M Fukuda, Joanne M Schlossin, John A Gonzalez, Jonathan M Mcbride, Jorge L Bertran, Jose M Cayuela, Joseph M Willems, Joseph P Iser, MD, Joseph R Haynes, Joseph Tibay, Joshua C Schafer, Joy P Matthias, Julia N Alvarez, Julia Ventura, Kara D Dobbin, Karen J Bak, Karen L Robles, Karen M Willis, Karin A Velasques, Karla J Gibler, Kathleen D Culver, Katie T Duong, Kawshalya Pathiraja, Kelly S Mammen, Kelvin X Sanders, Kenneth G Klobus, Kenneth S Boehnen, Kent A Conforti, Kevin P Foley, Lacresha Menifee, Lam, Lance Mde Souza, MBA, Ligia M Cline, Ligia M Sanders, Lillian C Lopez, Linda S Shook, Lisa H Nakagawa, Lisa K Capron, Lloyd D Payne, Lopez, LT Mark A Chen, MPH, Lucas B Leake, Lucila B Nwatu, Lynda L Perry, PhD, Macropolk, Maira P Brading, Makini Cobourne Duval, PhD, Marcus F Yambot, Marie A Fadden, Marie K Kinkade, Marjorie D Santos, Mark C Saale, Mark E Baldwin, Marshalette O Edwards, Mary C Acton, Matthew C Watson, Matthew R Clabeaux, Mcgrewp, Melody M Ragasa Leong, Michael D Garcia, Michael S Call, Michele M Falchek, Michelle L Lopez, Michelle L Orner, Minh D Phan, Monique C Lo, Mra Mcculloughj, Myers, Ngoc T Le, Nicholas L Hunt, Nicolas C Tolosa, III, Nicole Yuen, Phal K Chhun, Phillip J Sample, Randy L Elsberry, Regina T Brown, Richard H Penta, Robert D Tollefsen, Robles, Rochelle A Rolnik, Rochelle R Blair, Ronald P Boyce, Ruben C Ayala, PharmD, Rumany C Penn, PharmD, Sajin Bae, Samuel J Barone, III, Sandra S Saniga, Sangeeta M Khurana, PhD, Sara H Gabel, Sara Jdent Acosta, Satheesh Thomas, Savannah E Samp, Scott J Matsuda, Scott N Lim, Shaquenta Y Perkins, Shelby N Turner, Shelly M King, Simone E Pitts, Siobhan A Gallagher, Sondra R Davis, Sparky L Bartee, Sripal R Mada, PhD, Stefanie R Cook, Steven A Gonzales, Steven D Kehoe, Steven E Porter, Jr, Steven M Galvez, Stuart W Russell, Taichun Qin, PhD, Tammy Vasquez Hancock, Theressa B Smith, Tiffani D Wilson, Timothy T Kapsala, Tomanik'e C Banks, Travelle D Mason, Travis R Hunt, Tristian E Strait, Tuan D Tran, Uduak M Inokon, Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom), Victoria Taylor, Willemsj, William V Millar, Xikui Chen (nmi), PhD, Yen Tso Kuo

Thomas W Gordon's Documents

Publish Date Document Type Title
November, 2018 EIR Guess Cattle Company LLC - EIR, 2018-11-26
March, 2005 FDA 483 Formulation Technology Incorporated - Form 483, 2005-03-04
December, 2004 FDA 483 Jim Bakker Dairy - Form 483, 2004-12-13
October, 2003 FDA 483 HMS Veterinary Development Inc - Form 483, 2003-10-30
June, 2009 EIR Super Care Inc - EIR, 2009-06-02
March, 2013 EIR David Margolin, M.D. - EIR, 2013-03-19
September, 2013 FDA 483 CRS Clinical Research Services Mönchengladbach GmbH - Form 483, 2013-09-13
August, 2017 EIR Pitman Family Farms - EIR, 2017-08-04
August, 2003 FDA 483 Bushnell Industries Inc - Form 483, 2003-08-05
November, 2002 EIR Alza Corp - EIR, 2002-11-01
February, 2019 EIR Veldhuis North Dairy - EIR, 2019-02-05
October, 2003 EIR HMS Veterinary Development Inc - EIR, 2003-10-30
January, 2009 EIR LCG Bioscience - EIR, 2009-01-23
October, 2014 FDA 483 Response Aftab A. Naz, M.D. - Form 483R, 2014-11-03
October, 2014 EIR Aftab A. Naz, M.D. - EIR, 2014-10-31
December, 2003 FDA 483 Stanislaus Surgical Hospital IRB - Form 483, 2003-12-23
November, 2016 FDA 483 Zorica Tomasevic - Form 483, 2016-11-18
August, 2003 EIR Bushnell Industries Inc - EIR, 2003-08-05
October, 2014 FDA 483 Aftab A. Naz, M.D. - Form 483, 2014-10-31
December, 2003 EIR Stanislaus Surgical Hospital IRB - EIR, 2003-12-23
June, 2015 EIR West Agro, Inc. - EIR, 2015-06-26
November, 2018 FDA 483 Guess Cattle Company LLC - Form 483, 2018-11-26
February, 2019 FDA 483 Veldhuis North Dairy - Form 483, 2019-02-05
September, 2012 EIR Manuel Gaspar & Son Dairy - EIR, 2012-09-07
November, 2015 FDA 483 Western Milling, LLC - Form 483, 2015-11-16
January, 2018 FDA 483 Mello-D Jerseys - Form 483, 2018-01-26
May, 2018 EIR OCPP LLC - EIR, 2018-05-15
November, 2015 EIR Western Milling, LLC - EIR, 2015-11-16
March, 2023 FDA 483 BioTech Associates Ltd, Inc. - Form 483, 2023-03-28
May, 2021 FDA 483 OCPP LLC - Form 483, 2021-05-26
May, 2011 FDA 483 NuSil Technology LLC - Form 483, 2011-05-04
March, 2023 FDA 483 Silveira Holsteins - Form 483, 2023-03-22
March, 2023 FDA 483 Farinelli Enterprises - Form 483, 2023-03-02
April, 2013 FDA 483 Generitech Corporation - Form 483, 2013-04-05
October, 2003 FDA 483 Response HMS Veterinary Development Inc - Form 483R, 2004-01-19
April, 2024 FDA 483 AGCO Hay LLC - Form 483, 2024-04-04
November, 2023 FDA 483 Diamond S Dairy - Form 483, 2023-11-21
March, 2024 FDA 483 J & M Dairy - Form 483, 2024-03-04
October, 2023 FDA 483 Sozinho Jerseys - Form 483, 2023-10-24
February, 2024 FDA 483 Chris De Jong Dairy LLC - Form 483, 2024-02-05
February, 2023 FDA 483 Mission Ag Resources LLC - Form 483, 2023-02-28

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