FDA Investigator Lewis K Antwi
Lewis K Antwi has conducted inspections on 132 sites in 6 countries as of 21 Mar 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.
Investigator Details
Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
21 Mar 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Lewis K Antwi:
Abby Lmozeke Baker,
Abdur Razzaque,
Adam J Taylor,
Aditi S Thakur,
Aikaterini Alexaki,
Alan L Truong,
Alanna L Mussawwir Bias,
Amanda L Baskin,
Amanda S Zorn,
Amina Bashir,
Andrea D Swingle,
Andrew A Hoopes,
Andrew Byrnes, PhD,
Andrew J Barrowcliff,
Angela J Alexander,
Angela K Shen,
Angela S Whatley,
Anissa M Cheung,
Anthony R Bucks,
Antonio M Hampton,
Arie C Menachem,
Ashley A Mutawakkil,
Ava M Bowman,
Barbara A Rusin,
Barbara G Peoples,
Benjamin J Smith,
Bernard P Heidt,
Bharat Khurana,
Bo Chi, PhD,
Bradley J Maunder,
Brandi N Mcgrady,
Brenda C Hamilton,
Brenda L Reihing,
Brenda W Uratani, PhD,
Brent T Hall,
Brentley S Collins,
Brett R Havranek,
Brian J Davis,
Brittany D Terhar,
Brittany M Lowe,
Bryan A Galvez,
Bryan L Mcguckin,
Bryce E Mansfield,
Burnell M Henry,
Calvin K Cook,
Camilla S Smith,
Candace Y Gomez Broughton,
Carl A Huffman, III,
Carmen Y Fisher,
Caryn M Everly,
Caryn M Mcnab,
Cassandra Overking,
Catherine J Laufmann,
Catherine V Quinlan,
CDR Kimberly Y Martin,
Charles L Zhou,
Charles M Spyr,
Chava Kimchi Sarfaty, PhD,
Christian D Lynch (CDL),
Christine A Harman, PhD,
Christine W Twohy,
Clotia Cabbey Mensah,
Cody D Rickman,
Constantin Y Philopoulos,
Corrine M Carter,
Crystal M Young Lewis,
Cynthia Jim, CSO,
Damaris Y Hernandez,
Dana D Carter, SR DDS,
Danial S Hutchison,
Daniel J Lahar,
David J Eide,
David L Miser,
David S Cho, PhD,
Dawn C Olenjack,
Debara R Reese,
Deborah A Nebenzahl,
Deborah M Trout,
Debra Lboyd Seale,
Denise L Burosh,
Destry M Sillivan,
Dina K West,
Donald C Obenhuber, PhD,
Donald L Myers,
Dr. Robert C Horan, MD,
Eboni S Funderburk,
Edmund F Mrak, Jr,
Edwin Melendez,
Eileen A Liu,
Elisa M Fleming,
Elizabeth E Hart (ASCP), MT,
Ellen P Madigan,
Elyshia Q Danaher,
Emest F Bizjak,
Eric M Mueller, PharmD,
Eric M Padgett,
Eric Zhu,
Erika V Butler,
Erin C Hill,
Erma Zaimova,
Everard A Irish,
Farhana Khan,
Felix Maldonado,
Frederick M Lochner,
Gabryelle J Solverud,
Garrad R Poole,
Gene D Arcy,
Gerald B Seaborn, Jr,
Ginger M Sykes,
Grace E Mcnally,
Gwyn G Dickinson,
Hanna L Potter,
Hector A Carrero,
Helen B Ricalde,
Helen Y Saccone,
Howard A Burmester,
Humera T Khan,
Ifueko Osemwota,
Ingrid Y Johnson,
J David Doleski,
Jacek Cieslak, PhD,
Jacqueline Mdiaz Albertini,
James A Lane,
James C Maclaughlin,
James D Planchon,
James I Giefer,
James R Evans,
James R Fleckenstein,
James R Montero,
Jamie L Dion,
Janae D Price,
Janet B Abt,
Janet L Bowen,
Jazmine N Still,
Jean Lhu Primmer,
Jeanne J Chiu,
Jeanne J Thai,
Jeanne M Morris,
Jennifer A Hickey,
Jennifer A Jones,
Jennifer R Johnson,
Jessica L Peterson,
Jessie E Morris,
Jianyang Wang,
Jie He,
Joan A Loreng,
John A Iwen,
John D Finkbohner, PhD,
John M Mcinnis,
John M Mclnnis,
John S Hartford,
Joseph R Lambert,
Joseph R Strelnik,
Joyce A Rockwell,
Juan A Morales,
Judith A Jankowski,
Justin A Boyd,
Kaarin M Slotte,
Kalavati Suvarna, PhD,
Karen Emasley Joseph,
Karen M Cooper,
Karen M Labounty,
Kathleen S Tormey,
Kecia M Smith,
Kelley L Clark,
Kelly K Nachtigal,
Ken L Bowers,
Kevin A Gonzalez,
Kevin D Kallander,
Kevin J Matthews,
Kimberley A Hoefen,
Kip J Hanks,
L Norwood,
L'oreal F Walker,
Laura Fontan, MS,
Laureen F Kononen,
Laurel A Beer,
Lauren A Crivellone,
Lauren M Lilly, PhD,
Laurie Graham,
Laurie P Norwood,
LCDR Debra Emerson,
LCDR Ismael Olvera, IV,
Lee Terry Moore,
Leigh Anne Myers,
Lequita M Mayhew,
Lesley Maep Lutao,
Lily Y Koo,
Linda Thai,
Lisa M Thursam,
Lisa P Oakes,
Lori A Holmquist,
Lori Peters,
Lynn L Wong,
M Pedgen,
Maira P Brading,
Malgorzata G Norton, PhD,
Marc A Jackson, Jr,
Marcus L Head,
Margaret A Smithers,
Margaret Torres Vazquez,
Margarita Santiago,
Marianne Allen,
Marie B Buen Bigornia,
Marijo B Kambere, PhD,
Marion D Wimberly, Jr,
Marion Michaelis,
Marion W Nadeau,
Mariza M Jafary,
Mark A Elengold,
Mark I Kaspar,
Marlene G Swider,
Marlon K Turner,
Mary E Storch,
Mary Jeanet Mcgarry,
Maryann Ruff,
Matthew J Gretkierewicz,
Matthew J Sienko,
Matthew M Schuckmann,
Matthew R Dionne,
Matthew R Sleeter,
Megan A Haggerty,
Meisha R Sampson,
Meisha Waters,
Melissa D Kalik,
Melissa J Holz,
Michael A Blaine,
Michael D Robinson,
Michael I Gorman,
Michael J Kuchta,
Michael P Sheehan,
Michael R Goga,
Michael Y Philopoulos,
Michele L Forster, PhD,
Michele L Obert,
Michele Perry Williams,
Michelle Yclark Stuart,
Mihaly S Ligmond,
Minerva Rogers,
Misty D Harvey,
Monica M Mcclure,
Monique M Brooks,
Mra Munizn,
Muna Algharibeh,
Myra K Casey,
Nancy A Saxenian Emmons,
Nancy G Schmidt,
Nancy L Neiger,
Natalya M Ananyeva,
Nerizza B Guerin,
Nicholas Obiri, PhD,
Nicole K Trudel,
Noreen Muñiz,
Obinna R Echeozo,
Omotunde O Osunsanmi,
Pankaj H Amin,
Patricia A Mcilroy,
Patricia D Stahnke,
Patricia F Hughes, PhD,
Patricia H Dlugosz,
Patrick C Klotzbuecher,
Paul A Bonneau,
Paul M Kawamoto,
Paula A Trost,
Pawan K Jain,
Pete Amin (Pankaj),
Philip E Ake,
Prabhu P Raju,
Priscilla M Pastrana,
Ralph H Vocque,
Ramon E Martinez,
Randa Melhem, PhD,
Ranjani Prabhakara,
Rashmi Rawat, PhD,
Rebecca E Dombrowski,
Rebecca K Olin,
Reginald Walker,
Richard H Penta,
Richard L Rutherford,
Ricki A Chase,
Rita K Kabaso,
Robert C Coleman,
Robert J Ham,
Robert J Martin,
Robert J Nesselhauf,
Robert Jennings,
Robert M Barbosa,
Roberta W Cunningham,
Robin Levis, PhD,
Roman T Drews, PhD,
Ronit Jolles Mazor,
Rose Ashley,
Russell K Riley,
Samuel W Labinjo,
Santiago Gallardo Johnson,
Sarah A Palmer,
Sarah E Rhoades,
Satheesh Thomas,
Scott A Golladay,
Scott E Norris,
Scott R Nichols, PhD,
Scott T Ballard,
Sean R Marcsisin,
Shafiq S Ahadi,
Sharon I Gundersen,
Sharon K Thoma, PharmD,
Sherri J Jackson,
Shirley J Berryman,
Sidney B Priesmeyer,
Simone E Pitts,
Stacey S Degarmo,
Stephanie Mangigian, MS/OSH, RN,
Stephen R Souza,
Steven A Rubin,
Steven C Madzo,
Steven D Kehoe,
Steven E Bowen, PhD,
Steven P Donald,
Steven P Eastham,
Susan F Laska, MS,
Susan M Jackson,
Susan M Miller,
Susan M North,
Susan P Bruederle,
Susan T Hadman,
Susan Yu,
Susanna E Ford,
Svetlana A Shestopal,
Tania Y Hall,
Tara L Breckenridge,
Tara L Greene,
Telicia R White,
Thai D Truong,
Theressa B Smith,
Thomas J Arista,
Tiara Nbrown Crosen,
Tracy R Ball,
Travis S Bradley,
Unnee Ranjan,
Uruaku A Obasi,
Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom),
Vera M Anderson,
Vickie J Kanion,
Vijaya L Simhadri,
Viviana Matta,
Viviana R Ramirez,
Wayne E Seifert,
Wayne W Grundstrom,
Wei Wang, PhD,
William F Lagud, Jr,
William R Brubaker,
Xiaojun Yan,
Xiaokuang Lai, PhD,
Xiaoping Guan,
Zhong Li, PhD,
Zhongren Wu,
Zi Qiang Gu
Lewis K Antwi's Documents
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