FDA Investigator Scott R Nichols, PhD
Scott R Nichols, PhD has conducted inspections on 57 sites in 10 countries as of 16 May 2019. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.
Investigator Details
Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
16 May 2019
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Scott R Nichols, PhD:
Adaliz Santaliz Cruz,
Adam C Hipko,
Ademola O Daramola,
Adrian Rodriguez,
Akbar J Zaidi,
Akbar Javed,
Alan L Truong,
Alan P Kurtzberg,
Alcee M Tavarez,
Alice S Tsao,
Althea A Williams,
Amalia C Himaya,
Amanda J White,
Amy Devlin, PhD,
Anastasia G Lolas,
Andrea A Branche,
Andrea Franco,
Andrea Siegel, PhD,
Andrew J Barrowcliff,
Anh M Lac,
Anita Narula, PhD,
Anjali Shukla, PhD,
Antonina Aydanian,
Anya Dlockett Evans,
Ariel Cruz Figueroa,
Ashley A Mutawakkil,
Barbara Janine Breithaupt,
Barry Cherney, PhD,
Bichsa T Tran,
Bing Lin,
Bo Chi, PhD,
Bonnie L Menzel,
Brenda G Stewart Munoz,
Brenda W Uratani, PhD,
Brian M Janelsins, PhD,
Brien C Fox,
Brook Shea,
Brooke K Higgins,
Candace Y Gomez Broughton,
Carla J Lundi,
Caryn M Mcnab,
Catherine J Laufmann,
Cathleen A Castellaw,
Chaltu Nwakijra,
Charanjeet Jassal,
Charles D Brown,
Charles L Larson,
Charles Yuanchia Kuo, PhD,
Chen Sun, PhD,
Cheron M Portee,
Chikako Torigoe, PhD,
Christina C Santos,
Christina V Santos,
Christopher D Rush,
Clinton K George,
Connie L Hannon Rabel,
Cristina Ausin Moreno, PhD,
Cymbre Weatherly,
Cynthia A Harris, MD, RN,
Cynthia Jim, CSO,
Dallas E Gilbreath Jr,
Damaris Y Hernandez,
Daniel J Lahar,
Daniel S Fam,
Daniel W Cline,
Danny D Horner,
Davinna Ligons, PhD,
Deborah Schmiel, PhD,
Deniza Karacic,
Dennis Cantellops Paite,
Dennis R Hudson,
Diane Cvan Leeuwen,
Diane L Raccasi,
Dirk L Lincoln,
Doan T Nguyen, PharmD,
Dolores Harper,
Donald C Obenhuber, PhD,
Donna Ltartaglino Besone,
Dr. Jun Liu, PhD,
Dr. Ralph M Bernstein, PhD,
Dr. Robert C Horan, MD,
Dr. Zhihao Qiu (Peter), PhD,
Eboni S Funderburk,
Edmund F Mrak, Jr,
Edward D Edmiston,
Edward E Lockwood (EEL),
Edwin Jao,
Elisa M Fleming,
Ellen J Tave,
Ellen P Madigan,
Emilie E Kahn,
Erika V Butler,
Esther C Broner, PhD,
Frances Namuswe, PhD,
Frans E Mercado,
Genoula K Ryan,
Gerald B Seaborn, Jr,
Glasgow Glasgow,
Graham N Giesen,
Grant L Davis,
Gregson A Joseph,
H Ljamilla Selby,
Hala L Selby,
Haley H Seymour,
Haley L Coleman,
Hamed Ghoda,
Haroon Vohra (NMI),
Hasan A Irier, PhD,
Hyung Yul Lee,
Iris C Macinnes,
J Elkins,
Jacek Cieslak, PhD,
Jacob G Lutz,
Jacob W Reynolds,
James A Lane,
James I Giefer,
James R Fleckenstein,
James W Leonette,
Jamie L Dion,
Jamie M Bumpas,
Janet B Abt,
Janete F Guardia,
Janice M Hickok,
Jd Young,
Jeanne Fringer, PhD,
Jee Chung, PhD,
Jeffrey D Meng,
Jeffrey P Raimondi,
Jeffrey R Wooley,
Jennifer C Adams,
Jennifer Cunningham,
Jennifer D Young,
Jennifer Gogley,
Jennifer M Gogley,
Jennifer O Dowdy,
Jennifer Swisher, PhD,
Jesse A Vazquez,
Jessica Fierros, RS,
Jocelyn C Turner,
Joel Welch, PhD,
John R Myung,
John S Hartford,
Jon P Antoniou,
Jonathan W Chapman,
Jose M Cayuela,
Joslyn K Brunelle, PhD,
Jude C Dikes,
Junho Pak,
Ka L Wong,
Kalavati Suvarna, PhD,
Kamara Tx,
Kari M Johansen,
Katherine Szestypalow,
Kathleen Chmura Shaffer,
Kathleen R Jones, PhD,
Kathy Lee,
Kelvin Cheung,
Kelvin X Sanders,
Kendra A Biddick,
Kenitra D Hewitt,
Kim Lthomas Cruse,
Kimberly Lewandowski Walker,
Kunapuli T Madhusudhan,
L Grant,
L Norwood,
Lance Kunnemon,
Laura Fontan, MS,
Lauren E Skokan,
Laurie Graham,
Lawrence C Coleman,
LCDR Debra Emerson,
LCDR Sean Byrd,
Leighton Kn Gai,
Leonard H Lavi,
Lewis K Antwi,
Linda F Murphy,
Lindsey S Fleischman,
Liza L Quiles,
Lloyd D Payne,
Logan T Williams,
Lori A Holmquist,
Lourdes R Genera,
LT Richard A Lyght,
Luis A Dasta,
Lynda L Perry, PhD,
M Pedgen,
Madushini Dharmasena, PhD,
Marc R Dickens,
Marcia B Williams,
Marcus F Yambot,
Margaret M Annes,
Maria Cruz Fisher,
Maria Gutierrez Lugo, PhD,
Maria Joselopez Barragan, PhD,
Marion Michaelis,
Mariza M Jafary,
Marjorie A Shapiro, PhD,
Marlene G Swider,
Martha S Baldwin,
Mary E Farbman, PhD,
Mary Jeanet Mcgarry,
Maryam Tabatabaie,
Maxyne T Lam,
Megan A Haggerty,
Meisha R Sampson,
Meisha Waters,
Merry Christie, PhD,
Michael A Charles,
Michael A Taylor,
Michael Shanks, MS,
Michele Dougherty, PhD,
Michele L Forster, PhD,
Michele Perry Williams,
Michelle A Marsh,
Michelle Yclark Stuart,
Mihaly S Ligmond,
Mohsen Rajabi Abhari, FDA,
Monica Commerford, PhD,
Monica J Wilkins,
Mra B Kamberem,
Mra Davism,
Mra Munizn,
Muna Algharibeh,
Muralidhara B Gavini, PhD,
Nancy S Henley,
Nebil A Oumer,
Nicholas L Hunt,
Nicholas L Paulin,
Nicholas Obiri, PhD,
Nicola M Fenty Stewart,
Obinna R Echeozo,
Omotunde O Osunsanmi,
P John Kamthong,
Pankaj H Amin,
Patricia F Hughes, PhD,
Paul L Bellamy,
Pauline N Logan,
Peggy M Speight,
Pete Amin (Pankaj),
Peter Adams, PhD,
Peter S Diak,
Philip M Steele, PhD,
Phillip M Pontikos,
Priscilla M Pastrana,
Rabia Ballica, PhD,
Rachel C Harrington,
Rafeeq A Habeeb,
Ramesh Potla, PhD,
Ramon E Martinez,
Ranjani Prabhakara,
Rashmi Rawat, PhD,
Reba A Gates,
Rebecca Co Bryan,
Rebecca L Stephany,
Rebecca Rodriguez,
Rendall E Barfoot,
Renee Johnson, RS,
Reyes Candau Chacon, PhD,
Richard Jay Tucker, RS,
Richard Ledwidge (nmi), PhD,
Richmond K Yip,
Riley C Myers, PhD,
Robert Barbosa,
Robert D Tollefsen,
Robert Darius,
Robert J Martin,
Robert M Barbosa,
Robert T Harris,
Roger F Zabinski,
Rona Leblanc, PhD,
Ronald L Koller,
Ronald T Weber,
Ronda Leblanc,
Rose Ashley,
Roy Baby,
Saijal P Naik,
Saleem A Akhtar,
Samuel A Hamblin,
Samuel R Carter,
Sandra A Boyd,
Santos E Camara,
Sarah Arden,
Sarah L Fredric,
Sargum C Sood,
Sean Fitzsimmons,
Sean R Marcsisin,
Selene T Torres,
Shadia Zaman, PhD,
Sherrie L Krolczyk,
Sidney B Priesmeyer,
Sneha S Patel,
Sonia R Peterson,
Stacey S Degarmo,
Stanley Au,
Stephen D Eich,
Stephen L Beekman,
Steven E Bowen, PhD,
Steven Fong, MS, PhD,
Susanne M Richardson, MS RAC,
Svetlana A Shestopal,
Taichun Qin, PhD,
Tamera H Hunt,
Tamika White,
Teegan Dellibovi Ragheb, PhD,
Terri E Gibson,
Terri L Dodds,
Thao T Kwan,
Thao X Tran,
Thomas J Arista,
Thuy T Nguyen, LCDR,
Timothy J Schmidt,
Toby Vern H Hill,
Travis S Brown,
Tricia S Martinez,
Trina K Vick,
Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom),
Vaishali J Patel,
Victor Spanioli,
Vijaya L Simhadri,
Vivian Garcia,
Wayne E Seifert,
Wendy G Tan, PhD,
William Hallett, PhD,
Xiaoping Guan,
Xiaoshi N Wang,
Yanming An, PhD,
Yehualashet A Gessesse,
Ying Xin Fan, PhD,
Young M Yoon,
Yuan Chia Kuo,
Yumi J Hiramine,
Yvonne C Wilkes,
Zhong Li, PhD
Scott R Nichols, PhD's Documents
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