FDA Investigator Nicole E Knowlton

Nicole E Knowlton has conducted inspections on 225 sites in 20 countries as of 01 May 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.

Investigator Details

Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
01 May 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
India, China, United States of America, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Mexico, Italy, France, Korea (Republic of), Greece, Singapore, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Malta, Switzerland, Bulgaria, Taiwan, Malaysia, Israel, Netherlands
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Nicole E Knowlton:
Aaron J Fox, Adam M Derr, Adam R Cooke, Ademola O Daramola, Alan L Truong, Alan P Kurtzberg, Alanna L Mussawwir Bias, Albert A Salvador, Alec D Fabus, Alice S Tsao, Alicia M Mozzachio, Almaris N Alonso, Amy H Ruble, Ana P Pineda Zavaleta, Andrea A Branche, Andrea H Norwood, Angela E Glenn, Anissa M Vargas, Anthony A Charity, Anthony C Warchut, Anthony J Ladner, Arie C Menachem, Ariel Cruz Figueroa, Arsen Karapetyan, Ashley B Jelonek, Azza Talaat, Bapu R Gaddam, Barbara M Frazier, Barbara T Carmichael, Benita C Okeke, Betsy C Galliher, Bichsa T Tran, Bijoy Panicker, Bill Tacket, Jr, Billy M Battles, Binh T Nguyen, Blondell W Johnson, Bonita S Chester, Brandon C Heitmeier, Brant M Schroeder, Brenda Rivera, Brian D Nicholson, Brian Ravitch, Brittny C Cargo, Brunilda Torres, Camerson E Moore, Carl A Huffman, III, Carla A Norris, Carol S Davis, CDR Ileana Barreto Pettit, CDR Thomas R Berry, PPh, Charanjeet Jassal, Charisse K Green, Charles D Brown, Charles M Edwards, Cheryl A Clausen, Cheryl L Watson, Christie A Soto, Christopher T Middendorf, Christos G Tsingelis, Cierra S Strong, Claire M Minden, Clara E Santiago, Claudette D Brooks, Clinton J Lott, Cody D Rickman, Concepcion Cruz, Jr, Constantin Y Philopoulos, Courtney A Gilbert, Courtney A Hunt, Courtney N Long, Craig A Garmendia, Cynthia Jim, CSO, Cynthia R Gibson, Dale A Nyberg, Damaris Y Hernandez, Daniel J Roberts, Danielle M Maddox, Darcy L Webber, Daryl A Dewoskin, David J Leray, David P King, Dawn E Barkans, Deborah A Greco, Debra I Love, Dell S Moller, Demario L Walls, Demitria J Xiradakis, Denise M Digiulio, Dennis Cantellops Paite, Dennis R Butcher, Derek S Smith, PhD, Devaughn Edwards, Dillard H Woody, Jr, Dipesh K Shah, Dolores Harper, Donald L Lech, Donald M Mack, Dongping Dai, PhD, Dorothy P Kramer, Douglas C Kovacs, Dr. Dominick Roselle, Dr. Gopa Biswas, PhD, Dr. Robert C Horan, MD, Dr. S Nar Ali, PhD, Dr. Yubing Tang, Edward H Maticka, Edwin J Gorney, Edwin Martinez, Edwin Melendez, Eileen A Liu, Emilie E Kahn, Eric L Dong, BS, Eric M Mueller, PharmD, Eric S Weilage, Erika V Butler, Ernest A Clausnitzer, Ethan P Stegman, Farhana Khan, Felix Maldonado, Figarole, Francis A Guidry, Freddy Ortiz Colon, Gam S Zamil, Gary E Coleman, Jr, REHS, Gayle S Lawson, Gene R Gunn, George J Flynn, George Pyramides, Gerardo Z Vazquez, German Rivera, Glenn S Quintanilla, Gregson A Joseph, Gretchen M Laws, Guerlain Ulysse, Gwyn G Dickinson, Hai Lient Phung, Haitao Li, Hang N Guo, Harry R Bringger, Jr, Harshal J Desai, Hasan A Irier, PhD, Hector Jcolon Torres, Heriberto Negron Rivera, Holly M Scott, Howard A Webley, Ibad U Khan, Ivis L Negron, Jana L Caylor, Jason D Tenney, Jason F Chancey, Jason K Morgan, Jason P Aun, Jawaid Hamid, Jean A Peeples, Jeffery A Hangartner, Jeffrey P Raimondi, Jennifer A Robinson, Jennifer C Adams, Jennifer L Huntington, Jennifer Lalama, Jennifer M Gogley, Jennifer M Menendez, Jessica L Pressley, Joan M Cantellops Figueroa, Joanne E King, Joel D Hustedt, Jogy George, John A Gonzalez, Jolanna A Norton, Jonah S Ufferfilge, Jose A Lopez, Jose Acruz Gonzalez, José E Meléndez, Jose M Cayuela, Jose Martinez, Jr, Jose Perez Soto, Jose R Hernandez, Jose R Rodriguez, Jose Velez, Joseph A Piechocki, Joseph R Lambert, Joseph T Goertz Jr, Joshua J Silvestri, Joshua P Wireman, Julianne C Mccullough, June P Page, Junho Pak, Justin A Boyd, Justin H Price, Karen G Hirshfield, Karen M Rodriguez, Karen S Anthony, Karl D Hezel, Katherine Szestypalow, Kathleen E Mcafoose, Kayla V Sprague, Keith A Schwartz, Kejun Cheng, Kellia N Hicks, Kelly I Anderson, Kenneth H Williams, Kent C Faul, Kevin A Gonzalez, Kevin P Regan, Kevin T Nguyen, Kham Phommachanh, Kim Lthomas Cruse, Krista W Whitten, Kristy A Zielny, Ladislav Kermet, Larry K Austin, Lata C Mathew, PhD, Latorie S Jones, Laura B Kennedy, Laura L Staples, Laurimer Kuilan Torres, LCDR Michael H Tollon, LCDR Randall L Morris, Leo J Lagrotte, Leslie A Cartmill, Leslie A Jackanicz, Lillian S Wu, Liming Zhang, Linda F Murphy, Linda K Matheny, Linda Thai, Lisa A Warner, Lisa M Bellows, Lisa Sg Shelton, Lourdes Andujar, LT Daveta L Bailey, LT Kimberly M Hull, LT Richard A Lyght, Lucas B Leake, Luella J Rossi, Luis A Dasta, Luis Mburgos Medero, Lundy H Patrick, Lynne Ensor, Mabany Lizardi, Maotang Zhou, PhD, Marc Balzarini, Marcellinus D Dordunoo, Margaret M Annes, Maria A Reed, Maria C Shih, Maria Estrella, Maria Rubi, Marian E Ramirez, Marianela Aponte Cruz, Marie F Morin, Markeesa M Scales, Marla A Cassidy, Marvin A Marenco, Marvin D Jones, Mary E Storch, Matt D Suedkamp, Matthew B Casale, Matthew B Thomaston, Matthew T Sanchez, Megan A Haggerty, Megan K Otero, Meisha R Sampson, Meisha Waters, Melanie G Warzala, Melanie W Pishnery, Melinda B Lewis, Melissa J Garcia, Melissa J Hill, Melkamu Getie Kebtie, PhD, Meredith M Andress, Meredith M Cobb, Merideth K Rose, Michael A Charles, Michael C Lombardi, Michael L Casner, Michael L Chasey, Michael R Goga, Michele Perry Williams, Miguel A Martinez Perez, Mihaly S Ligmond, Mizanne E Lewis, Monica Cburgos Garcia, Moraima Jramos Valle, Mra B Kamberem, Mra Davism, Mra M Barbosar, Mra Mcculloughj, Mra Narulaa, Muralidhara B Gavini, PhD, Myoshi M Francis, Nadeem I Chaudhry, Nakesha J Jackson, Nancy G Schmidt, Nancy M Espinal, Narahi J Alvarez Alcazar, Nathan R Moon, Nicholas A Violand, Nicholas P Diorio, Nicolas Riveratorres, Nicole K Buck, Nije A Thomas, Noreen Muñiz, Ormond, Pal S Mayasandra, Pankaj H Amin, Parul M Patel, Patrick C Klotzbuecher, Paul A Bonneau, Paul L Bellamy, Paul L Figarole, Jr, Paul Mouris, Paula J Bretz, Paula R Katz, Pei I Chu, Penny H Mccarver, Peter C Chow, Peter E Baker, Philip F Istafanos, DMV, MS, Pratik S Upadhyay, DDC, Qin Xu, Rachael L Cook, Rachel A Peters, Rafael E Arroyo, Rafael Nevarez Nieves, Rafeeq A Habeeb, Rajiv R Srivastava, Ralph H Vocque, Ramesh Sood, Ramon A Hernandez, Ramon E Martinez, Raymond T Oji, Reba A Gates, Rebecca E Dombrowski, Rebecca Parrilla, Rebecca Rodriguez, Regan T Harp, Regina T Brown, Reynolds, Richard E Needham, Richard H Penta, Richard K Vogel, Rita K Kabaso, Robert C Coleman, Robert D Tollefsen, Robert J Doyle, Robert J Ham, Robert J Martin, Robert L Lewis, Jr, Robert M Barbosa, Robert W Calais, Robin N Goins, Robin P Mathew, Rochelle L Cross, Rodney W Lenger, Roger F Zabinski, Ronald T Weber, Rosario D'costa, Rose Xu, Ross J Grigsby, Rozelle G Smith, Russell J Glapion, S Lori Brown, PhD MPH, Sachinkumar V Patel, Saleem A Akhtar, Salvatore N Randazzo, Samantha J Pinizzotto, D V M, Samina S Khan, Samir C Gala, Sandra A Hughes, Sandy L Atkins, Sangeeta M Khurana, PhD, Santos E Camara, Sarah E Mcmullen, Saundrea A Munroe, Scott A Golladay, Scott B Laufenberg, Scott T Ballard, Sena G Dissmeyer, Seneca D Toms, Sha'tina R Alridge, Sharon Giamberini, Sharon K Thoma, PharmD, Sheri L Stephenson, Sherry G Bous, Shirshendu K Deb, PhD, Simone E Pitts, Sina Shojaee, Sixto M Mercado Rios, Sonia M Monges, Sony Mathews, Sonya M Edmonds, Stacey F Allard, Stanley B Eugene, BS, BME, Stephanie D Crockett, Stephen D Brown, Stephen D Eich, Steven A Brettler, Steven D Dittert, Steven D Kehoe, Steven P Donald, Sunitha K Rajaram, PhD, Susan M Jackson, Susan O Oladeji, Susan T Hadman, Susanna E Ford, Suzanne M Healy, Suzanne N Vallez, Syed N Ali, Taichun Qin, PhD, Tamara M Casselman, Tamil Arasu, PhD, Tara L Greene, Tenzin Jangchup, Teresa C Thompson, Teresa I Navas, Terri L Dodds, Thomas E Friel, Thomas J Arista, Thomas J Hudson, Tina M Pawlowski, Torrance J Slayton, Tracy L Reed, Tracy M Portelli, Unnee Ranjan, Vaishali J Patel, Victor Spanioli, Vioela J Caze, Virgilio F Pacio, CSO, Virginia L Meeks, Viviana Matta, Vivin George, Vlada Matusovsky, Walden H Lee, Wayne D Mcgrath, Wen Ning Chan (Sally), Wendy G Tan, PhD, William A Warnick, William J Leonard, Woody, Xikui Chen (nmi), PhD, Yasamin Ameri, Yumi J Hiramine, Yvette I Henry, Yvette I Johnson, Yvins Dezan, Yvonne E Lozano, Zachary L Stamm, Zakaria Wahba, Zhaoyang Meng, Zhongren Wu

Nicole E Knowlton's Documents

Publish Date Document Type Title
October, 2013 FDA 483 Nature's Rite, LLC - Form 483, 2013-10-28
January, 2016 FDA 483 Anjan Drug Private Limited - Form 483, 2016-01-22
June, 2014 FDA 483 Wells Pharmacy Network LLC - Form 483, 2014-06-19
September, 2015 FDA 483 Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG - Form 483, 2015-09-11
March, 2022 EIR DARMERICA, LLC - EIR, 2022-03-11
May, 2022 FDA 483 Degasa, S.A. de C.V. - Form 483, 2022-05-27
July, 2018 FDA 483 Yung Shin Pharmaceutical Ind. Co., Ltd. (Taichung Youth Factory) - Form 483, 2018-07-27
February, 2014 FDA 483 Belcher Pharmaceuticals,LLC - Form 483, 2014-02-03
March, 2017 FDA 483 Zydus Lifesciences Limited - Form 483, 2017-03-01
December, 2013 FDA 483 Catalent Pharma Solutions, LLC - Form 483, 2013-12-30
November, 2021 FDA 483 Belcher Pharmaceuticals, LLC - Form 483, 2021-11-15
April, 2023 FDA 483 Ion Labs Inc - Form 483, 2023-04-28
September, 2016 FDA 483 Response Auro Peptides Limited - Form 483R, 2016-09-16
May, 2013 FDA 483 Gulf Fiberoptics, Inc. - Form 483, 2013-05-06
December, 2013 FDA 483 SmartScience Laboratories, Inc. - Form 483, 2013-12-06
July, 2019 FDA 483 Inventia Healthcare Limited - Form 483, 2019-08-05
March, 2012 EIR Bausch & Lomb Incorporated - EIR, 2012-03-21
November, 2015 FDA 483 Cardinal Health 414, LLC - Form 483, 2015-11-12
January, 2010 FDA 483 Isolux, LLC - Form 483, 2010-01-22
March, 2024 FDA 483 Alkem Laboratories Limited - Form 483, 2024-03-27
May, 2011 FDA 483 Alpha Industries, Inc. - Form 483, 2011-05-25
September, 2022 FDA 483 PAI Holdings, LLC, dba Pharmaceutical Associates, Inc - Form 483, 2022-09-02
January, 2012 FDA 483 MedOp Health, Inc. - Form 483, 2012-01-19
June, 2019 FDA 483 Ajanta Pharma Limited - Form 483, 2019-06-28
November, 2017 FDA 483 Europharma Concepts Limited - Form 483, 2017-11-03
July, 2018 EIR Yung Shin Pharmaceutical Ind. Co., Ltd. (Taichung Youth Factory) - EIR, 2018-07-27
February, 2023 FDA 483 Lex Inc - Form 483, 2023-02-28
September, 2018 FDA 483 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited - Form 483, 2018-09-14
July, 2015 FDA 483 Viyash Life Sciences Private Limited - Form 483, 2015-07-17
September, 2018 FDA 483 Cipla Ltd. - Form 483, 2018-09-28
June, 2023 FDA 483 Fujian Genohope Biotech Ltd - Form 483, 2023-06-02
July, 2022 FDA 483 Auriga Research Private Limited - Form 483, 2022-07-22
October, 2023 FDA 483 Ultrum Labs, LLC - Form 483, 2023-10-16
January, 2017 FDA 483 Response Wittman Pharma, Inc. - Form 483R, 2017-02-10
August, 2012 FDA 483 HQ, Inc. - Form 483, 2012-08-03
December, 2010 FDA 483 Dynamic Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2010-12-03
September, 2016 FDA 483 Auro Peptides Limited - Form 483, 2016-09-02
February, 2018 FDA 483 B.V. Katwijk Chemie - Form 483, 2018-02-08
March, 2022 FDA 483 Response DARMERICA, LLC - Form 483R, 2022-03-28
March, 2012 FDA 483 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated - Form 483, 2012-03-21
July, 2013 FDA 483 Bausch & Lomb Incorporated - Form 483, 2013-07-12
September, 2021 FDA 483 Pharmco Laboratories Inc. - Form 483, 2021-09-22
October, 2014 FDA 483 K+S Minerals and Agriculture GmbH - Form 483, 2014-10-10
October, 2012 FDA 483 Theochem Laboratories Inc - Form 483, 2012-10-15
September, 2013 FDA 483 The Compounding Shop, Inc. - Form 483, 2013-09-03
November, 2017 FDA 483 Macfarlan Smith Limited - Form 483, 2017-11-10
January, 2017 FDA 483 Wittman Pharma, Inc. - Form 483, 2017-01-25
September, 2015 FDA 483 LAB-SERVICE SAS - Form 483, 2015-09-17
March, 2013 FDA 483 Cardinal Health 414, LLC - Form 483, 2013-03-19
March, 2013 FDA 483 Response Cardinal Health 414, LLC - Form 483R, 2013-04-19
November, 2014 FDA 483 Belcher Pharmaceuticals,LLC - Form 483, 2014-11-21
June, 2012 FDA 483 PAI Holdings, LLC, dba Pharmaceutical Associates, Inc - Form 483, 2012-06-15
January, 2024 FDA 483 Kesin Pharma Corporation - Form 483, 2024-01-19
December, 2018 FDA 483 Luen Fook Medicine Sdn. Bhd. - Form 483, 2018-12-14
April, 2023 FDA 483 Response Ion Labs Inc - Form 483R, 2023-04-28
March, 2022 FDA 483 DARMERICA, LLC - Form 483, 2022-03-11
June, 2011 FDA 483 Tawee Tanvetyanon - Form 483, 2011-06-07
November, 2012 FDA 483 Dermazone Solutions, Inc. - Form 483, 2012-11-01
January, 2019 EIR Alcami Carolinas Corporation - EIR, 2019-01-29
March, 2016 FDA 483 Zambon Switzerland LTD - Form 483, 2016-03-30
May, 2012 FDA 483 Dynamic Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2012-05-03
March, 2013 EIR Cardinal Health 414, LLC - EIR, 2013-03-19
October, 2021 FDA 483 Aphena Pharma Solutions - Tennessee LLC - Form 483, 2021-10-15
December, 2022 FDA 483 Herbrand PharmaChemicals GmbH - Form 483, 2022-12-09
May, 2022 FDA 483 Boehringer Ingelheim Promeco S.A. de C.V. - Form 483, 2022-05-20
July, 2015 FDA 483 Alkem Laboratories Limited - Form 483, 2015-07-31
August, 2021 FDA 483 HILL DERMACEUTICALS, INC. - Form 483, 2021-08-11
December, 2022 FDA 483 Dottikon Exclusive Synthesis AG - Form 483, 2022-12-16
September, 2011 FDA 483 Biopsy Sciences, LLC - Form 483, 2011-09-15
December, 2013 EIR Catalent Pharma Solutions, LLC - EIR, 2013-12-30
June, 2014 FDA 483 Wells Pharmacy Network LLC - Form 483, 2014-03-07
July, 2022 FDA 483 ONESOURCE SPECIALTY PHARMA LIMITED - Form 483, 2022-07-19
December, 2022 FDA 483 Biokosmes SRL - Form 483, 2022-12-02
October, 2014 EIR ZACH SYSTEM S.A. - EIR, 2014-10-16
March, 2022 FDA 483 Klocke of America, Inc. - Form 483, 2022-03-30
August, 2018 FDA 483 Livzon Group Fuzhou Fuxing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2018-08-03
August, 2016 FDA 483 ALKALOIDS PRIVATE LIMITED - Form 483, 2016-08-27
August, 2019 FDA 483 COHANCE LIFESCIENCES LIMITED - Form 483, 2019-08-20
November, 2017 EIR Macfarlan Smith Limited - EIR, 2017-11-10
January, 2016 FDA 483 Arch Pharmalabs Limited - Form 483, 2016-01-29
March, 2017 FDA 483 Alkem Laboratories Limited - Form 483, 2017-03-10
September, 2017 EIR DSM Nutritional Products (UK) Ltd. - EIR, 2019-03-28
August, 2013 FDA 483 Parcus Medical, LLC - Form 483, 2013-08-16
April, 2024 FDA 483 PINNACLE LIFE SCIENCE PRIVATE LIMITED - Form 483, 2024-04-22
February, 2024 FDA 483 SHRIRAM INSTITUTE FOR INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH - Form 483, 2024-02-29
March, 2022 FDA 483 Darmerica, LLC - Form 483, 2022-03-11
February, 2025 FDA 483 BPI LABS LLC - Form 483, 2025-02-21
September, 2023 FDA 483 OrBion Pharmaceuticals Private Limited - Form 483, 2023-09-08

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