FDA Investigator Alanna L Mussawwir Bias

Alanna L Mussawwir Bias has conducted inspections on 252 sites in 20 countries as of 06 May 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.

Investigator Details

Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
06 May 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America, India, Thailand, Canada, China, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Bulgaria, Greece, Russian Federation, New Zealand, Romania, Poland, Germany, France, Jordan, South Africa, Armenia, Georgia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Argentina
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Alanna L Mussawwir Bias:
Adam C Hipko, Alan M Barker, Alan P Kurtzberg, Alcee M Tavarez, Alexandra A Carrico, Alicia A Armijo, Allen F Hall, Amanda E Lewin, PhD, Amanda J White, Amy S Graf, Andrace L Deyampert, Andrea A Branche, Andrea D Swingle, Andrea J Schmidt, Angela E Glenn, Ann Marie Karnick, Anthony E Keller, RPh, Anthony F Lorenzo, Anthony L Smith, Arindam Dasgupta, PhD, Art O Czabaniuk, Ashley E Lewis, Azza Talaat, Bapu R Gaddam, Barbara A Rusin, Barbara D Wright, Barbara J White, Barbara Janine Breithaupt, Bei Y He, Bleta Vuniqi, Bobbi J Miller, Bonita S Chester, Bonnie L Menzel, Brandi N Mcgrady, Brandon K Barbee, Brandon L Mariner, Brent M Dehaan, Brent W Higgs, Brett R Havranek, Brian Sanders, Camille D Brown, Carla A Norris, Carla R Hinz, Caroline H Le, Carolyn J Oyster, Catherine V Quinlan, Cathie S Marshall, CDR Kimberly Y Martin, Cecilia H Kieu, Charles D Brown, Charles M Spyr, Cheryl M Monroe, Christian D Lynch (CDL), Christin L Torres, Christine I Shaw, Christine J Watts, Christopher J Freebairn, Christopher J Hurst, Christopher K Gibbs, Christopher T Middendorf, Claire M Minden, Connie L Hannon Rabel, Constantin Y Philopoulos, Corrine M Carter, Courtney E Hillier, Courtney N Long, Craig A Garmendia, Crystal M Young Lewis, Cynthia A Harris, MD, RN, Cynthia Jim, CSO, Cynthia L Aycock, Cynthia Li, Dana M Lewis, Daniel J Brown, Daniel J Lahar, Daniel J Roberts, Daniel L Aisen, Daniel Pst Laurent, Danielle Lyke, Danny D Horner, Darin S Wiegers, Darla J Christopher, David R Heiar, Dawn C Olenjack, Deborah M Trout, Debra L Curtis, Decarlos A Gomez, Denise Connelly, Deniza Karacic, Dennis E Swartz, Dianna D Wardlow Dotter, Dina A Tallman, Dipesh K Shah, Dr. Gopa Biswas, PhD, Dustin M James, Dylan C Grippi, Edith M Gonzalez, Edward D Mcdonald, Elmina E Akwo, Emilie E Kahn, Emily B Camire, Emily J Orban, Eric S Pittman, Erica N Koory, Erma Zaimova, Ernest Serna, III, Farhana Khan, Felicia M Orlando, Gabryelle J Solverud, Gajendiran Mahadevan, PhD, Gary R Dzidowski, Gene D Arcy, Gene R Gunn, Geoffrey K Kilili, Gloria A Milster, Grace E Mcnally, Guerlain Ulysse, Gulshan R Anand, Haley L Coleman, Hanna L Potter, Hector Jcolon Torres, Hokenson, Humberto Z Gomez, Ifueko Osemwota, Isabel Y Espinosa, J Elkins, Jacob A Clark, Jacob G Lutz, Jacob W Reynolds, Jacqueline Mdiaz Albertini, Jai P Singh, James A Lane, James L Finn, James R Evans, Jamie L Dion, Jamie M Bumpas, Jane M Kreis, Janet B Abt, Janete F Guardia, Janice M Hickok, Jeanne J Thai, Jeffrey D Meng, Jeffrey P Raimondi, Jeffrey R Wooley, Jeffrey W Shrifter, DPM, Jennifer A Kemp, Jennifer C Adams, Jennifer L Sheehan, Jennifer O Dowdy, Joan T Briones, Jocelyn C Turner, John N Woodall, John S Hartford, Jonathan A Womack, Jonathan R Campos, Joohi Castelvetere, Jose A Lopez, Jose A Torres, Jose M Cayuela, Joseph A Piechocki, Joseph T Madak, Joshua P Wireman, Joy P Matthias, Joy Rkozlowski Klena, Juan D Lopez, Judith A Jankowski, Julia E Chervoni, Julian C Hanson, Ka L Wong, Kara A Scheibner, PhD, Karen J Bak, Karlton T Watson, Katherine Szestypalow, Kelly D Moore, Kenneth H Williams, Kham Phommachanh, Kip J Hanks, Kristina Mezin, Kristina Nastovski, Kunapuli T Madhusudhan, L Gnnmassimia Massimilla, PharmD, L'oreal D Fowlkes, L'oreal F Walker, Larry K Austin, Laura B Kennedy, Laura L Staples, Laureen F Kononen, Lauren E Burke, Lauren E Sexton, Lauren M Lilly, PhD, Lauren R Brady, Lauren R Howell, Laverne Puckett, LCDR Anastasia M Piliafas Brown, Lee Terry Moore, Leigh Anne Myers, Leon R Stratman, Lesley Maep Lutao, Leslie A Paul, Lewis K Antwi, Li Hongpaul Yeh, PhD, Linda M Cheny, Linda R Kuchenthal, Linda S Jozefiak, Linda Thai, Lindsey Brown, PhD, Lisa J Joseph, Lisa M Thursam, Lisa P Oakes, Lloyd D Payne, Logan T Williams, LT Richard A Lyght, Makini Cobourne Duval, PhD, Marc A Jackson, Jr, Marc R Dickens, Margaret M Annes, Margarito J Uribe, Marie B Buen Bigornia, Marijo B Kambere, PhD, Marion W Nadeau, Marlon K Turner, Marsha L Mccauley, Martha S Baldwin, Martin R Vowell, Matthew B Casale, Matthew C Watson, Matthew J Gretkierewicz, Megan C Amye, Megan C Spencer, Melkamu Getie Kebtie, PhD, Merelynn Rhoten, Miah I Schneider, Michael A Charles, Michael L Zimmerman, Michael R Goga, Michael Shanks, MS, Michele L Forster, PhD, Michele L Obert, Michele Perry Williams, Michelle L Jones, Mihaly S Ligmond, Mikhail V Ovanesov, PhD, Minh D Phan, Mitzi A Schwertfeger, Mohsen Rajabi Abhari, FDA, Monica J Wilkins, Monique S Frazier, Myra K Casey, Nadeem I Chaudhry, Nancy A Bellamy, Nancy L Neiger, Neali H Lucas, Ni Aye Khin, MD, Nicholas J Presto, Nicola M Fenty Stewart, Nicole E Knowlton, Nicole J Clausen, Ninfa N Innocent, Oluwaseyi Ojinni, Omotunde O Osunsanmi, Owens, Paige E Shelborne, Patricia A Brown, Patricia A Maestas, Patricia H Dlugosz, Patrick B Cummings, Patrick D Stone, MS, Patsy J Domingo, Pauline N Logan, Payne, Perry H Gambrell, Peter E Baker, Peter R Lenahan, Philip M Steele, PhD, Phillip D Waldron, Prabhu P Raju, Rafeeq A Habeeb, Randy V Bong, Rasha Bamieh, Reba A Gates, Rebecca Co Bryan, Rebecca E Dombrowski, Rebecca Rodriguez, Rebecca T Davis, Reginald Walker, Rene R Ramirez, Rian L Pope, Robert G Taylor, Robert M Tillman, Robert P Whisenant, Rochelle L Cross, Roger A Hartman, Rohn R Robertson, Ronda Rloyd Jones, Rose Ashley, Ruben C Ayala, PharmD, Ruth A Williams, Ryan J Benedict, Saijal P Naik, Salwa K Poole, Sam H Haidar, PhD, Sandra S Saniga, Sanket N Patel, Sarah E Rhoades, Sarah M Meng, Sarah M Napier, Scott B Laufenberg, Scott N Lim, Scott T Ballard, Seri L Essary, Shanna R Haden, Shelley H Beausoleil, Sherri J Blessman, Sherri J Jackson, Sherrie L Krolczyk, Shirley H Isbill, Shirshendu K Deb, PhD, Sidney B Priesmeyer, Sixto M Mercado Rios, Sneha S Patel, Sonya M Lambkin, Soyinka S Eneng, Sripal R Mada, PhD, Stephanie Mangigian, MS/OSH, RN, Stephen D Brown, Steve P Yost, Steven P Eastham, Stuart W Russell, Susan D Yuscius, Susan M Jackson, Susan M North, Tawny L Colling, Teena H Aiken, Terrance L Thomas, Thea C Grome, Theressa B Smith, Thomas J Arista, Thomas W Gordon, Tina M Pawlowski, Tina S Roecklein, Torrance J Slayton, Tracey L Harris, Travis M Beard, Travis S Bradley, Travis S Brown, Trevor R Beach, Trina K Vick, Trinidad D Barreras, Truong Xuan Nguyen (Andy), Twana R Chandler, Tyra L Vanleer, Vesa Vuniqi, Victoria L Palmer, Vivin George, Vlada Matusovsky, William A Warnick, William R Brubaker, William V Millar, Xikui Chen (nmi), PhD, Yasamin Ameri, Young M Choi, PhD, Young M Yoon, Yumi J Hiramine, Zachary L Stamm, Zerita White, Zoey A Trombley

Alanna L Mussawwir Bias's Documents

Publish Date Document Type Title
May, 2013 EIR LSG SKY CHEFS, INC - EIR, 2013-05-08
July, 2000 FDA 483 ENDO USA, Inc. - Form 483, 2000-07-28
April, 2017 EIR Julio A. Peguero, MD - EIR, 2017-04-06
December, 2000 FDA 483 Ash Stevens LLC - Form 483, 2000-12-21
June, 2003 FDA 483 Acura Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2003-06-19
October, 2020 FDA 483 Jawad A. Qureshi MD - Form 483, 2020-10-21
April, 2017 FDA 483 Julio A. Peguero, MD - Form 483, 2017-04-06
January, 2019 EIR Dr. Arun Ravindran, MBBS MSc., PhD - EIR, 2019-01-11
September, 2002 FDA 483 Fontana, Joseph A., MD - Form 483, 2002-08-27
July, 2002 EIR Pfizer, Inc. IRB - EIR, 2002-07-30
July, 2002 FDA 483 Response Pfizer, Inc. IRB - Form 483R, 2002-08-20
November, 2010 FDA 483 Eagle Diagnostics, Inc - Form 483, 2010-11-01
February, 2023 FDA 483 Divyam Hospital - Form 483, 2023-02-10
May, 2017 EIR Hagop M. Kantarjian, M.D. - EIR, 2017-05-05
July, 2000 EIR ENDO USA, Inc. - EIR, 2000-07-28
May, 2017 FDA 483 Hagop M. Kantarjian, M.D. - Form 483, 2017-05-05
July, 2002 FDA 483 Pfizer, Inc. IRB - Form 483, 2002-07-30
December, 2004 FDA 483 CSL Plasma, Inc. - Form 483, 2004-12-14
January, 2019 FDA 483 Dr. Arun Ravindran, MBBS MSc., PhD - Form 483, 2019-01-11
December, 2008 FDA 483 Hansen, Vincent, M.D. - Form 483, 2008-12-05
May, 2019 FDA 483 Francesco Muntoni, M.D. - Form 483, 2019-05-03
June, 2024 FDA 483 Pearl Evelyn Grimes, MD - Form 483, 2024-06-14
September, 2024 FDA 483 Lee Duncan Cranmer, MD PhD - Form 483, 2024-09-06
September, 2022 FDA 483 St. Agnes Medical Center IRB - Form 483, 2022-09-01

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