FDA Investigator Guerlain Ulysse
Guerlain Ulysse has conducted inspections on 85 sites in 9 countries as of 11 Jun 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.
Investigator Details
Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
11 Jun 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
Korea (Republic of),
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Guerlain Ulysse:
Addam S Reynolds,
Adetutu M Gidado,
Aditi S Thakur,
Alan P Kurtzberg,
Alanna L Mussawwir Bias,
Alberto A Viciedo,
Alice S Tsao,
Alison N Stieg,
Allen Lou,
Amatul H Marium,
Amy L Singer,
Amy M Cramer,
Anastasia I Onuorah,
Anastasia M Shields,
Andrea Siegel, PhD,
Ankur C Patel,
Ann Marie Montemurro,
Anna M Brannen,
Annemarie B Randow,
Annemarie Bodnar,
Annet R Rajan,
Anthony J Donato,
Arsen Karapetyan,
Atul J Agrawal,
Azza Talaat,
Bapu R Gaddam,
Barbara J Maulfair,
Barbara Jwilimczyk Macri,
Bei Yu,
Benton M Ketron,
Bijoy Panicker,
Bo Chi, PhD,
Bonita S Chester,
Brandy N Lepage,
Brooke K Higgins,
Brooke K Seeman,
Bryan L Mcguckin,
Byungja E Marciante,
Camerson E Moore,
Candace Y Gomez Broughton,
Carrie A Hughes,
Cary Greene,
Caryn M Mcnab,
Cassandra L Abellard,
CDR Ileana Barreto Pettit,
Chaltu Nwakijra,
Charanjeet Jassal,
Charisse K Green,
Charles J Chacko,
Charles R Cote, RIC,
Charles Yuanchia Kuo, PhD,
Cheryl A Grandinetti,
Christina N Maurino,
Christina P Burkhart,
Christine M Cerenzio,
Craig W Swanson,
Crystal A Harlan,
Cynthia F Kleppinger, MD,
Cynthia Jim, CSO,
Dale A Nyberg,
Daniel J Grabicki,
David D Anderson, PhD,
David R Delucia,
Dawn C Olenjack,
Dawn L Wydner,
Deborah B Nixon,
Deborah J Parris,
Debra I Love,
Debra L Pagano,
Demitria J Xiradakis,
Denise M Digiulio,
Denise M Visco, Investigator,
Dennis Cantellops Paite,
Dennis E Guilfoyle, PhD,
Dennis L Doupnik,
Dhaval H Patel,
Diane T Bargo,
Diane T O'brien,
Dinesh Kumar,
Dipesh K Shah,
Doan T Nguyen, PharmD,
Douglas A Campbell,
Douglas C Kovacs,
Dr. Ralph M Bernstein, PhD,
Dr. Robert C Horan, MD,
Dr. Willie Wilson, PhD,
Dr. Zhihao Qiu (Peter), PhD,
Edmund F Mrak, Jr,
Emest F Bizjak,
Emmanuel Jramos Maldonado,
Eric J Cunningham,
Eric L Dong, BS,
Eric Rothschild,
Erin D Mccaffery,
Esteban Beltran,
Farhana Khan,
Felix Maldonado,
Frank J Marciniak,
Frank Wackes,
Frederick F Razzaghi,
Gabrielle J Swain,
Gam S Zamil,
Gary J Lehr,
Gary T Greco,
George Pyramides,
Gerard Pde Leon,
Gianine E Delade,
Gianine E Tompkins,
Gobiga Vanniyasingam,
Gregson A Joseph,
Gunther Boekhoudt, PhD,
Guo Q Shen,
Haitao Li,
Helen B Ricalde,
Helen Verdel,
Herbert M Corbello,
Ivy E Sweeney,
J Paul Kirwan, PhD,
Jacqueline Mdiaz Albertini,
James A Liubicich,
James C Maclaughlin,
James L Dunnie, Jr,
James M Mason,
James R Birkenstamm,
Janet A Rajan,
Jason M Sluzynski,
Javier E Santos,
Jawaid Hamid,
Jay T Wong,
Jean M Kelahan,
Jean M Mulinde, MD,
Jeffery B Medwid, PhD,
Jeffrey P Raimondi,
Jenny Sung,
Jens Fricke,
Jeremy W Rotton,
Jessica M Monteiro,
Jessica S Estriplet,
Joan A Loreng,
Jogy George,
John P Mistler,
Johnna L Bleem,
Jonah S Ufferfilge,
Jonathan S Helfgott,
Jonathan W Chapman,
Jonee J Mearns,
Jose A Lopez,
Jose Acruz Gonzalez,
Jose M Cayuela,
Jose Ohernandez Guzman,
Joseph F Mcginnis, RPh,
Josh Renzo N Ramilo,
Joshua P Wireman,
Joy Rkozlowski Klena,
Juan Rjimenez Garcia,
Juanita P Versace,
June P Page,
Junho Pak,
Justin A Boyd,
Justine Tomasso,
Kalavati Suvarna, PhD,
Kara A Scheibner, PhD,
Karen E D'orazio,
Karen L Kosar,
Karishma G Gopaul,
Kassa Ayalew, MD,
Katelyn Astaub Zamperini,
Kathleen M Jordan,
Keith M Reilly,
Kelli F Dobilas,
Kelli Regente,
Kellia N Hicks,
Kellie Leveille,
Kevin A Gonzalez,
Kham Phommachanh,
Kinh Q Mac,
Ko U Min,
Krishnaiah Yellela,
Kristy A Zielny,
Krystal O Ogunremi,
Kshitij A Patkar,
Kumar G Janoria,
Laishan L Lam,
Lakecha N Lewis,
Lakshmi Narasimhan, PhD,
Lance Mde Souza, MBA,
Larry K Austin,
Lata C Mathew, PhD,
Latorie S Jones,
Laura Fontan, MS,
Lauren L Vajo,
Lawrence J Stringer,
Lawrence R Johnson,
Lawrence W Farina,
LCDR Chad N Thompson,
Leiyun Boone, PhD,
Li Li,
Liatte Kreuger, PharmD,
Libia M Lugo,
Linda F Murphy,
Lisa Harlan,
Loretta Nemchik,
Lucila B Nwatu,
Luis A Dasta,
Madushini Dharmasena, PhD,
Maotang Zhou, PhD,
Marcellinus D Dordunoo,
Marcelo O Mangalindan, Jr,
Marcia D Fields,
Marcus A Ray,
Marea K Harmon,
Margaret E Sarles,
Margaret M Annes,
Margaret M Sands,
Maria Estrella,
Maria Joselopez Barragan, PhD,
Maria Manzoni, PhD,
Marlene G Swider,
Massoud Motamed,
Matthew A Spataro,
Maxwell Van Tassell, PhD,
Mayar M Mussa,
Meisha R Sampson,
Meisha Waters,
Melba Trivera Clavell,
Melissa B Libby,
Melissa J Garcia,
Melissa M Dauksis,
Melissa M Schafer,
Melissa T Roy,
Meredith L Sheridan,
Meredith P Soehl, Investigator,
Merril E Racke,
Meyer J Slobotsky,
Michael A Charles,
Michael A Taylor,
Michael D Omeara,
Michael L Casner,
Michael L Chasey,
Michael Levin,
Michael O Idowu,
Michael R Dominick,
Michael R Klapal,
Michael Serrano,
Michele Gottshall,
Michele Perry Williams,
Michelle Marsh,
Michelle Yclark Stuart,
Milos Dokmanovic, PhD,
Mindy M Chou,
Monika Borkowska,
Mra Davism,
Muralidhara B Gavini, PhD,
Nailing Zhang,
Nancy F Scheraga,
Nancy L Rolli,
Nancy M Espinal,
Natasha Gupta,
Nayan J Patel,
Nazmul Hassan,
Neil J Bonzagni, PhD MPH,
Nerizza B Guerin,
Nicholas A Violand,
Nicole E Knowlton,
Niketa Patel,
Nikki S Ramirez,
Nina Yang,
Ogechi C Nna,
Omotunde O Osunsanmi,
Pankaj H Amin,
Parul M Patel,
Patricia F Hughes, PhD,
Patrick C Klotzbuecher,
Paul A Bonneau,
Paul L Bellamy,
Paul Mouris,
Paula J Bretz,
Perry T Nichols,
Peter R Lenahan,
Philip F Istafanos, DMV, MS,
Prabhu P Raju,
Pratik S Upadhyay, DDC,
Qin Xu,
Rabin N Ghoshal,
Rachael A Moliver,
Raihan A Chowdhury,
Rajiv R Srivastava,
Ramon A Hernandez,
Rebecca E Dombrowski,
Regina T Brown,
Reyes Candau Chacon, PhD,
Richard D Manney,
Richard H Penta,
Richard Ledwidge (nmi), PhD,
Richard W Thornton,
Richmond K Yip,
Rita K Kabaso,
Robert C Steyert,
Robert D Tollefsen,
Robert J Maffei,
Robert J Martin,
Robert Jennings,
Robert M Barbosa,
Robert Sharpnack,
Robin P Mathew,
Rodney T Allnutt,
Roger F Zabinski,
Rose Ljean Mary,
Russell J Glapion,
Sachinkumar V Patel,
Saleem A Akhtar,
Samina S Khan,
Samir C Gala,
Samuel Mindaye,
Samuel T Walker,
Sandra A Boyd,
Sandra A Hughes,
Sandra D Thompson,
Sangeeta M Khurana, PhD,
Sarah Kennett, PhD,
Satheesh K Podaralla,
Satheesh Thomas,
Sean R Marcsisin,
Shahla Parvizi,
Sherri J Liu,
Shirley S Wen,
Sidney B Priesmeyer,
Simone E Pitts,
Sinai I Davis,
Sixto M Mercado Rios,
Sneha S Patel,
Sony Mathews,
Srinivas R Chennamaneni, PhD,
Stephanie T Durso,
Stephen D Brown,
Stephen J Mottola,
Stephenie M Ortiz,
Steven M Weinman,
Steven P Donald,
Suchan Kim,
Susan M Halsted,
Susan M Jackson,
Susan M Joseph,
Susan P Bruederle,
Susanna E Ford,
Tamika White,
Tamil Arasu, PhD,
Tanya R Syffrard,
Tara G Bizjak,
Tara K Carmody,
Tara R Gooen,
Tenzin Jangchup,
Terry Bridgewater,
Thomas J Arista,
Thomas J Mooney,
Thomas W Nojek,
Thuy T Nguyen, LCDR,
Tiara Nbrown Crosen,
Tonia F Bernard,
Torrance J Slayton,
Toyin B Oladimeji,
Tracey L Harris,
Tressa T Lewis,
Truong Xuan Nguyen (Andy),
Tyanna N Hadley,
Tzanko Stantchev,
Uduak M Inokon,
Unnee Ranjan,
Valerie C Reed,
Valerie Reed,
Victoria Spivak,
Vilmary Negron Rodriguez,
Wayne E Seifert,
William A Warnick,
William J Leonard,
William L Bargo,
William V Millar,
Xiaohan Cai, PhD,
Xiaokuang Lai, PhD,
Yan Wang,
Yvesna C Blaise,
Yvette I Henry,
Yvette I Johnson,
Yvins Dezan,
Zakaria I Ganiyu,
Zhijin Chen,
Zhong Li, PhD,
Zhongren Wu
Guerlain Ulysse's Documents
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