FDA Investigator Rafael Nevarez Nieves
Rafael Nevarez Nieves has conducted inspections on 96 sites in 9 countries as of 29 Feb 2016. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.
Investigator Details
Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
29 Feb 2016
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
Puerto Rico,
Virgin Islands (U.S.)
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Rafael Nevarez Nieves:
Adalberto Cajigas,
Adaliz Santaliz Cruz,
Adetutu M Gidado,
Agnes M Santori,
Alan A Rivera,
Alan L Truong,
Alan P Kurtzberg,
Alice S Tsao,
Alicia M Mozzachio,
Ana M Rivera,
Ana P Pineda Zavaleta,
Angelica M Hernandez,
Anissa M Vargas,
Annette Melendez,
Anthony A Charity,
Ariel Cruz Figueroa,
Arlene M Badillo,
Azza Talaat,
Brenda Rivera,
Brenda S Zimmer, PhD,
Brian P Hendrickson,
Brittany D Terhar,
Bruce H Mccullough,
Camerson E Moore,
Carlos A Medina,
Carlos Arivera Ramirez,
Cassandra L Abellard,
Catherine J Laufmann,
CDR Ileana Barreto Pettit,
Christopher M Jenner,
Christopher T Middendorf,
Claudia Mperez Kasmarski,
Clinton J Lott,
Colleen F Hoyt,
Damaris Y Hernandez,
David J Eide,
David M Beltran,
Dayna I Martinez,
Dennis Cantellops Paite,
Deyaa Shaheen,
Doan T Nguyen, PharmD,
Donald L Smith,
Dr. Carmelo Rosa,
Dr. Jason R Caballero,
Edwin Martinez,
Eric M Mueller, PharmD,
Eva I Merced Medina,
Felix Maldonado,
Frances L Dejesus,
Frederick L Fricke,
German Rivera,
Gwyn G Dickinson,
Hector Jcolon Torres,
Heriberto Negron Rivera,
Iraida Ortiz,
Israel Santiago, OCM,
Ivis L Negron,
Jacob G Lutz,
Jaime E Pares,
James L Dunnie, Jr,
Javier E Santos,
Jessica L Pressley,
Joanne Heim,
Joe X Phillips,
Joey V Quitania,
Jorge E Martinez,
Jorge L Gonzalez,
Jorge L Guadalupe,
Jorge L Lajara,
Jose A Lopez,
Jose A Moreno,
Jose Acruz Gonzalez,
José E Meléndez,
Jose F Pedro,
Jose Perez Soto,
Jose R Hernandez,
Jose R Lopez,
Jose Rflores Veguilla,
Jose Velez,
Juan Rjimenez Garcia,
Karen A Wolnik,
Karen C Daugherty,
Karen L Kosar,
Karl D Hezel,
Katherine Szestypalow,
Kathryn E Ogger,
Keishla M Arroyo Lopez,
Kenneth H Williams,
Kent C Faul,
Kevin D Kallander,
Kham Phommachanh,
Laiza V Garcia,
Lance Mde Souza, MBA,
Latorie S Jones,
Laura E Garcia,
Laurie B Frazier,
Laurimer Kuilan Torres,
LCDR Michael H Tollon,
Leonard H Lavi,
Leslie A Mendoza,
Libia M Lugo,
Linda K Cline,
Lisa M Lopez,
Lizaida E Rodriguez,
Lloyd D Payne,
Lori B Wikstrom,
Lori Wikstrom,
Lourdes Andujar,
Lourdes Valentin Aponte,
LT Luis O Rodriguez,
LT Rafael Gonzalez,
Lucas B Leake,
Luis A Carrion,
Luis A Dasta,
Luis Mburgos Medero,
Luz N Riveradecruz,
Mahesh Ramanadham,
Margaret M Annes,
Margarita Santiago,
Maria A Ruttell,
Maria Estrella,
Maria Pkelly Doggett, MBA,
Marian E Ramirez,
Marianela Aponte Cruz,
Maribel V Juarbe,
Maridalia Torres Irizarry,
Marie T Falcone,
Marta E Gonzalez,
Marybet Lopez Negron,
Matthew B Casale,
Maya M Davis,
Melissa I Michurski,
Melissa J Garcia,
Michael A Charles,
Michael J Kuchta,
Michael R Klapal,
Michael S Berg,
Michele L Obert,
Miguel A Martinez Perez,
Miguel Hernandez Sanchez,
Milva E Melendez Perales,
Minerva Rogers,
Minh D Phan,
Mra Davism,
Mra Greenc,
Mra Mcculloughj,
Muna Algharibeh,
Muralidhara B Gavini, PhD,
Myriam M Sosa,
Nancy Rosado,
Neisa M Alonso,
Nerizza B Guerin,
Nicholas L Hunt,
Nicholas L Paulin,
Nicole E Knowlton,
Niketa Patel,
Noreen Muñiz,
Nydia E Colon,
Pablo Feliciano,
Parul M Patel,
Patrick C Klotzbuecher,
Paul L Bellamy,
Penny H Mccarver,
Rafael E Cruz,
Rafeeq A Habeeb,
Rakhi B Shah,
Ramon A Hernandez,
Randy L Self,
Raquel Gonzalez Rivera,
Reba A Gates,
Rebeca M Melendez,
Rebecca Parrilla,
Rebecca Rodriguez,
Regina T Brown,
Rhoda B Eniafe,
Richard G Fochesato,
Richard H Penta,
Robert C Coleman,
Robert C Steyert,
Robert D Tollefsen,
Robert Sharpnack,
S Lori Brown, PhD MPH,
Saied A Asbagh,
Sandra A Hughes,
Santos E Camara,
Shawn Gould,
Simone E Pitts,
Sixto M Mercado Rios,
Sonia M Monges,
Steven B Barber,
Steven D Kehoe,
Susan F Laska, MS,
Susan P Bruederle,
Susanna E Ford,
Suzanne N Vallez,
Suzanne Vallez,
Taichun Qin, PhD,
Tamil Arasu, PhD,
Thomas J Arista,
Tiara Nbrown Crosen,
Tiffani D Wilson,
Timothy T Kapsala,
Torrance J Slayton,
Vicky L Cruz,
Victor S Pacheco,
Vilmary Negron Rodriguez,
Viviana Matta,
Vlada Matusovsky,
Walden H Lee,
Wanda J Torres,
William J Leonard,
Yvonne C Mcknight,
Zachary A Bogorad,
Zuleika A Pineiro Vargas
Rafael Nevarez Nieves's Documents
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