FDA Investigator Rita K Kabaso
Rita K Kabaso has conducted inspections on 77 sites in 7 countries as of 01 May 2023. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.
Investigator Details
Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
01 May 2023
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America,
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Rita K Kabaso:
Abby E Pelletier,
Adrienne Morgan,
Alan E Mehl,
Alan L Truong,
Alicia M Frees,
Alicia M Mozzachio,
Alysia C Alger,
Amir A Abdalla,
Ana Paulap Sandee,
Anastasia M Shields,
Andrew A Hoopes,
Ann L Demarco,
Anthony R Bucks,
Aqualia L Nelson,
Arsen Karapetyan,
Ashar P Parikh,
Ashlee M Ward,
Ashley A Mutawakkil,
Atul J Agrawal,
Avery J Dennis,
Bapu R Gaddam,
Barbara I Rogolsky,
Barbara Janine Breithaupt,
Bijoy Panicker,
Bo Chi, PhD,
Bonnie E Pierson,
Brandon C Heitmeier,
Brenda C Hamilton,
Brent T Hall,
Brett R Havranek,
Brittany D Terhar,
Bruce H Mccullough,
Bryan S Roddy,
Carl A Huffman, III,
Carl J Montgomery,
Carmen Y Fisher,
Charles R Cote, RIC,
Chiang Syin, PhD,
Chih Jung Hsu, PhD,
Chilton L Ng,
Chris A Sack,
Christina A Miller,
Christine A Harman, PhD,
Cody D Rickman,
Cody J Alley,
Conner N Mann,
Cynthia C Smith, PhD,
Cynthia M Goudeau,
Damaris Y Hernandez,
Dana D Carter, SR DDS,
Dandan Wang, PhD,
Danial S Hutchison,
Daniel J Roberts,
Daniel R Hurt,
David A Foran,
David F Graham,
David J Eide,
David J Gomes,
Debra I Love,
Debra Lboyd Seale,
Denise M Digiulio,
Diana K Krepel,
Diane L Raccasi,
Dina K West,
Dina Kloost,
Dipesh K Shah,
Donald L Myers,
Dongping Dai, PhD,
Dr. Barbara D Paul, PhD,
Dr. Gopa Biswas, PhD,
Dr. Robert C Horan, MD,
Dr. Sriram Subramaniam, PhD,
Eileen A Liu,
Emilio O Escobar,
Eric C Nielsen,
Eric M Mueller, PharmD,
Eric M Padgett,
Eric Nielson,
Erika V Butler,
Evelyne L Weaver,
Farhana Khan,
Felix Maldonado,
Frank Wackes,
George J Flynn,
Georgia A Layloff,
Gretchen Lf Trendel,
Guerda Prophete,
Guerlain Ulysse,
Gwyn G Dickinson,
Hasan A Irier, PhD,
Heath W Cartwright,
Hector A Carrero,
Helen Y Saccone,
Hongjian Ding,
Ingrid Y Johnson,
Ivis L Negron,
J Michael Cannon, PhD,
Jacqueline Mdiaz Albertini,
James C Maclaughlin,
James I Giefer,
James K Rice,
James P Mcreavey,
James S Cartwright,
Janet B Abt,
Jared P Stevens,
Jason F Chancey,
Jazmine N Still,
Jeffrey B Moody,
Jeffrey P Raimondi,
Jeremy W Rotton,
Jessica E Hensley,
Jill J Tillman,
Jimmie L Weigand,
Joan M Nandrea,
Joel D Hustedt,
Jogy George,
John A Gonzalez,
John A Iwen,
Jonathan R Campos,
Joohi Castelvetere,
Jose A Lopez,
Jose Acruz Gonzalez,
José E Meléndez,
Jose Martinez, Jr,
Jose R Hernandez,
Joseph R Lambert,
Juanita P Versace,
Julie N Vosilus,
Junho Pak,
Justin A Boyd,
Justine Tomasso,
Kara L Roden,
Karen C Daugherty,
Karen S Anthony,
Kari M Johansen,
Katherine M Taylor,
Katherine Szestypalow,
Kathleen J Close,
Kellia N Hicks,
Kelly K Nachtigal,
Ken L Bowers,
Kenneth D Bland,
Kenneth H Williams,
Kevin D Kallander,
Kevin P Foley,
Kevin P Regan,
Kham Phommachanh,
Kristi B Panzer,
Kristi M Hampton Thurston,
Kshitij A Patkar,
Larry K Austin,
Lata C Mathew, PhD,
Latorie S Jones,
Laura S Huffman,
LCDR Ismael Olvera, IV,
Lequita M Mayhew,
Lewis K Antwi,
Liming Zhang,
Linda F Murphy,
Linda R Kuchenthal,
Lionell L Thomas,
Lisa Hayka,
Lisa L Flores,
Lisa L Gilliam,
Lori A Gioia,
Louis S Chen,
Lucas B Leake,
Lucila B Nwatu,
Luis A Dasta,
Makini Cobourne Duval, PhD,
Marcellinus D Dordunoo,
Marcus F Yambot,
Margaret A Smithers,
Maria C Shih,
Maria V Price,
Marie B Buen Bigornia,
Marion D Wimberly, Jr,
Martin K Yau, PhD,
Mary K Concannon,
Massoud Motamed,
Matthew A Walburger,
Matthew B Casale,
Matthew M Schuckmann,
Matthew R Sleeter,
Megan T Ziegler,
Meisha Waters,
Melinda L Rice,
Melissa N Simanton,
Michael A Charles,
Michael C Zubelewicz,
Michael L Chasey,
Michael R Goga,
Michael R Klapal,
Michael S Smoker,
Michele L Glendenning,
Michele L Obert,
Michele Perry Williams,
Miguel A Martinez Perez,
Minerva Rogers,
Monica Cburgos Garcia,
Monica M Mcclure,
Monique M Brooks,
Muralidhara B Gavini, PhD,
Nadine Nanko Johnson,
Nancy G Schmidt,
Nancy M Espinal,
Narong Chamkasem, PhD,
Naseem S Jouhari,
Nathan R Moon,
Neal L Adams,
Nebil A Oumer,
Neil J Bonzagni, PhD MPH,
Nicholas L Hunt,
Nicholas P Diorio,
Nicholas V Walkinshaw,
Nicole E Knowlton,
Nicole J Conklin,
Nikki S Ramirez,
Norman K Starks,
Omotunde O Osunsanmi,
Paige E Shelborne,
Paranthaman Senthamaraikannan,
Patricia L Payne,
Patrick C Klotzbuecher,
Patrick L Wisor,
Patty P Kaewussdangkul,
Paul Mouris,
Paula A Trost,
Pratik S Upadhyay, DDC,
Rafeeq A Habeeb,
Rajiv R Srivastava,
Ralph H Vocque,
Raquel Gonzalez Rivera,
Rashonda N Rucker,
Richard D Coleman,
Richard E Needham,
Richard L Rutherford,
Rita K Vick,
Robert D Tollefsen,
Robert J Doyle,
Robert J Ham,
Robert R Wilson,
Robert S Woodruff,
Robin K Reel,
Rodney D Combs,
Ruben C Ayala, PharmD,
Russell K Riley,
Ryan S Martin,
S Lori Brown, PhD MPH,
Saied A Asbagh,
Samantha J Bradley,
Samina S Khan,
Sangeeta M Khurana, PhD,
Sangeeta M Rataul,
Santos E Camara,
Sarah E Rhoades,
Satheesh Thomas,
Saundrea A Munroe,
Scott A Golladay,
Scott A Jepson,
Scott B Laufenberg,
Scott T Ballard,
Seneca D Toms,
Shafiq S Ahadi,
Shannan B Beisser,
Sharon K Thoma, PharmD,
Shaun M Stracener,
Shawn B Johnson,
Sherry G Bous,
Shirley J Berryman,
Shwnji Susie Lee,
Sidney B Priesmeyer,
Simone E Pitts,
Soyinka S Eneng,
Stacy C Foster,
Stacy C Hetz,
Stephen D Brown,
Stephen D Eich,
Steven A Gonzales,
Steven C Clifford,
Steven D Kehoe,
Steven M Weinman,
Steven P Allen,
Steven P Donald,
Susan M Jackson,
Susanna E Ford,
Susie H Lee,
Sylvester Mapulanga,
Tamara J Umscheid,
Tamil Arasu, PhD,
Tara L Breckenridge,
Tara L Greene,
Tara L King,
Ted L Anderson,
Teresa I Navas,
Thomas J Arista,
Tiara Nbrown Crosen,
Tonia F Bernard,
Torrance J Slayton,
Torrey M Ward,
Toyin B Oladimeji,
Tristian E Strait,
Unnee Ranjan,
Veronica Fuentes, MS,
Vickie J Kanion,
Victoria A Wagoner,
Vilmary Negron Rodriguez,
Vinh T Phan,
Vioela J Caze,
Warren J Lopicka,
Wayne D Mcgrath,
Weston K Szymanski,
William Hallett, PhD,
Xiaokuang Lai, PhD,
Yasamin Ameri,
Yiyue Zhang (nmi), PhD,
Yumi J Hiramine,
Yvins Dezan,
Zachary A Bogorad,
Zhaoyang Meng,
Zhong Li, PhD,
Zi Qiang Gu
Rita K Kabaso's Documents
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