FDA Investigator James D Planchon
James D Planchon has conducted inspections on 192 sites in 20 countries as of 01 Jun 2015. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.
Investigator Details
Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
01 Jun 2015
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
Korea (Republic of),
Costa Rica
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with James D Planchon:
Aisha N Rashad,
Alan E Mehl,
Alex M Viehmann,
Althea A Williams,
Amir A Abdalla,
Amy E Devine,
Andrea A Branche,
Andrew A Hoopes,
Andrew J Garufi,
Anthony A Charity,
Anthony G Emerson,
Anthony R Bucks,
Aref Mel Demerdash,
Arie C Menachem,
Ashleigh P Wodushek,
Ashley A Mutawakkil,
Barbara I Rogolsky,
Barbara Janine Breithaupt,
Blondell W Johnson,
Bonita S Chester,
Bonnie E Pierson,
Brenda C Hamilton,
Brent T Hall,
Brett R Havranek,
Brian M Campbell,
Brian R Cronenwett,
Brittany D Terhar,
Byungja E Marciante,
Candace S Tucker,
Carl A Huffman, III,
Carl J Montgomery,
Carmen Y Fisher,
Catherine J Laufmann,
CDR Sean T Creighton,
Charles J Chacko,
Chilton L Ng,
Christina L Bigham,
Clifford F Long,
Cody D Rickman,
Creighton T Tuzon,
Cynthia L Evitt,
Cynthia M Goudeau,
Dana D Carter, SR DDS,
Danial S Hutchison,
Daniel J Lahar,
Daniel R Hurt,
Dannie E Rowland,
David H Smith,
David K Glasgow,
David L Miser,
David P Vanhouten,
Dawn C Olenjack,
Dawn M Braswell,
Deborah A Greco,
Dejon N Harris,
Dennis Cantellops Paite,
Dennis R Butcher,
Diana K Krepel,
Dina K West,
Djamila Harouaka,
Dolores Harper,
Douglas A Campbell,
Dr. Carmelo Rosa,
Dustin K Hampton,
Edward D Mcdonald,
Edward E Lockwood (EEL),
Elena Karnaukhova, PhD,
Elizabeth B Griffin,
Elmina E Mboh,
Emily B Camire,
Eric C Fox,
Eric C Nielsen,
Eric M Mueller, PharmD,
Eric M Padgett,
Eric S Pittman,
Eric T Huebler,
Erika V Butler,
Erin L Mcfiren,
Esther A Ofori,
Evelyn Taha,
Evelyne L Weaver,
Farhana Khan,
Francis J Eng,
Frank W Perrella,
Frank Wackes,
Fred K Kelly,
Gail L Katz,
George G Calafactor,
George T Allen, Jr,
Georgia A Layloff,
Gloria J Champagne,
Gregson A Joseph,
Gwyn G Dickinson,
Hammam A Abdallah,
Helen B Ricalde,
Ingrid Y Johnson,
Iris C Macinnes,
Jacob G Lutz,
Jacqueline S Warner,
James I Giefer,
James M Crenshaw,
James P Finn,
James P Mcreavey,
James R Fleckenstein,
James W Whitney,
Jamie P Webb,
Janet B Abt,
Janete A Eaker,
Janete A Oliveira,
Javelle P Spann,
Jeannie M Vonderbrink,
Jeffery L Sumter,
Jennifer S Ness,
Jesse A Vazquez,
Jessica E Hensley,
Jessica L Peterson,
Joan A Loreng,
John A Iwen,
John A Sciacchitano,
John C Mcmichael,
Jonathan R Campos,
Joohi Castelvetere,
Jörg Vollner,
Jorge L Guadalupe,
Jose Acruz Gonzalez,
Joseph D Gong,
Joseph R Lambert,
Joseph R Strelnik,
Joshua R Hayes,
Juandria V Williams,
Jude C Dikes,
Juliane C Lessard,
Julie N Vosilus,
Justin A Boyd,
K Gonzlez,
Ka L Wong,
Kara L Roden,
Karen C Daugherty,
Karen Emasley Joseph,
Karen L Bauer,
Karen M Cruz Arenas,
Karen M Montgomery (KMM),
Karthik B Iyer,
Katherine E Jacobitz,
Kathleen B Swat,
Kathleen M Bradley,
Kellia N Hicks,
Kelly D Sheppard,
Kelvin Cheung,
Kham Phommachanh,
Kim M Downing,
Kimberley A Hoefen,
Kimberly Lewandowski Walker,
Kirtida Patel,
LCDR Audra J Lenhart,
LCDR Ismael Olvera, IV,
LCDR Matthew J Morrison,
LCDR Matthew R Mcnew, MPH, REHS/RS,
LCDR Wilfred A Darang,
Leonard H Lavi,
Lewis K Antwi,
Linda R Kuchenthal,
Linda S Mattingly,
Lisa D Ellis,
Lisa L Gilliam,
Lori A Gioia,
Lori S Lawless,
Lydia S Chan,
Margaret A Smithers,
Marion D Wimberly, Jr,
Marisol Faberlle,
Mark E Parmon,
Mark S Ross,
Marko Braeuning,
Marla A Cassidy,
Marvin D Jones,
Mary A Millner,
Mary K Concannon,
Mary L Schuckmann,
Maryam Tabatabaie,
Matthew A Walburger,
Matthew H Hunt,
Matthew J Sienko,
Matthew Ondeck,
Matthew P Barnard,
Matthew R Sleeter,
Megan M Kirk,
Melanie G Warzala,
Melanie W Pishnery,
Melinda L Rice,
Melva J Palmer,
Michael J Nerz,
Michael M Goerger,
Michael S Araneta,
Michele D Thompson,
Michele L Obert,
Michele Perry Williams,
Minerva Rogers,
Minh D Phan,
Monica Cburgos Garcia,
Monica J Wilkins,
Monique M Brooks,
Mra Davism,
Msdap Gonzlezk,
Nadine Nanko Johnson,
Nancy G Schmidt,
Natasha N Mccants,
Natasha R Johnson,
Neal L Adams,
Nicole J Conklin,
Nicole K Trudel,
Norman Wong,
Paige E Shelborne,
Paige E Wilson,
Pamela L Velez Vega,
Patrick L Wisor,
Paul M Kawamoto,
Philip J Boston,
Phillip M Pontikos,
Rachel Collen,
Ralph Jerndal,
Raymond Valdivia,
Rebecca Rodriguez,
Reyes Candau Chacon, PhD,
Richard D Coleman,
Richard Heath Coats,
Richard Jay Tucker, RS,
Richard K Vogel,
Richard L Rutherford,
Richard W Tubb,
Rick L Friedman,
Robert D Tollefsen,
Robert J Ham,
Robert J Nesselhauf,
Robert R Wilson,
Robin K Hatfield,
Robin K Reel,
Rodney D Combs,
Rohit B Kolhatkar,
Roy Baby,
Samuel K Gibbons, Jr,
Sandra A Boyd,
Sandra A Hughes,
Sarah E Morris,
Selene T Torres,
Shafiq S Ahadi,
Sherry G Bous,
Shirley J Berryman,
Sidney B Priesmeyer,
Siv K Si,
Stephanie T Durso,
Stephen D Eich,
Steven B Barber,
Steven C Madzo,
Steven D Kehoe,
Steven M Weinman,
Steven P Allen,
Steven R Ziser,
Susanna E Ford,
Suzanna E Ford,
Suzie L Kent,
Tamara J Umscheid,
Tania E Vizcaino,
Tara G Bizjak,
Tara L Breckenridge,
Tara L Greene,
Tara L King,
Tara R Gooen,
Telicia R White,
Terri L Dodds,
Thanh M Andrews,
Thomas J Arista,
Thuy T Nguyen, LCDR,
Timothy G Philips,
Torrey M Ward,
Traci C Kelm,
Travis S Bradley,
Trudy R Papson,
Veronica Fuentes, MS,
Veronica L Call,
Vickie J Kanion,
Victor Spanioli,
Victoria A Wagoner,
Wanda B Coats,
Warren J Lopicka,
Wayne T Smith,
William C Corley,
William F Lagud, Jr,
Yehualashet A Gessesse,
Zachary A Bogorad,
Zedong Dong
James D Planchon's Documents
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