FDA Investigator Terri L Dodds

Terri L Dodds has conducted inspections on 74 sites in 16 countries as of 06 Feb 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.

Investigator Details

Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
06 Feb 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
France, Australia, Hungary, Switzerland, United States of America, Netherlands, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Italy, Ireland, Germany, Spain, Puerto Rico, Belgium, Canada, Croatia, Japan
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Terri L Dodds:
Adam R Cooke, Alan P Kurtzberg, Alexander M Kay, Alexandra B Pitkin, Alexandria L Capuano, Alicia M Mozzachio, Amalia C Himaya, Amanda L Fyles, Amir Alavi, Ana M Rivera, Anastasia M Shields, Anderson, Andrea A Branche, Andrew K Haack, PhD, Andrew S Limson, Angela E Glenn, Anita Narula, PhD, Anna Lazar, Anthony A Charity, April L Young, Arie C Menachem, Ariel Cruz Figueroa, Arsen Karapetyan, Ashar P Parikh, Astrida B Mattson, Azza Talaat, Babajide Michael Osunsanmi, Barbara J Rincon, Barbara Janine Breithaupt, Barbara Jwilimczyk Macri, Barry Cherney, PhD, Benjamin J Dastoli, Benjamin S Liao, Bichsa T Tran, Binh T Nguyen, Bo Chi, PhD, Bonita S Chester, Bonnie E Conley, Bonnie E Pierson, Bradley Dworak, PhD, Brenda L Reihing, Brenda W Uratani, PhD, Brian J Ryan, Brian P Putz, Brien C Fox, Brittany D Terhar, Bruce H Mccullough, Bryan A Galvez, Burnell M Henry, Calvin B Koerner, Carl A Anderson, Carl A Huffman, III, Carl Lee, Carla J Lundi, Carlos A Medina, Carolina D Vasquez, Carrie A Hughes, Caryn M Everly, Caryn M Mcnab, Cassandra L Abellard, Catherine J Laufmann, Cathleen A Carr Sharpe, CDR Rochelle B Young, RPh, MSA, Cecilia H Kieu, Charisse K Green, Charles R Cote, RIC, Chelsea N Sealey, Cheron M Portee, Christian D Lynch (CDL), Christina C Santos, Christina V Santos, Christine A Harman, PhD, Christopher R Czajka, Comyar Shoghi, Connie P Rezendes, Crystal A Harlan, Cynthia J Lee, MS, Cynthia Jim, CSO, Cynthia L Gorveatt, Dandan Wang, PhD, Daniel J Moskowitz, Daniel J Roberts, Daniel R Solis, Daniel W Cline, David A Oluwo, David J Daworski, David J Gomes, David Serrano, Davinna Ligons, PhD, Dawn E Barkans, Deborah A Greco, Dennis Cantellops Paite, Devaughn Edwards, Devon M Shoop, Diane Cvan Leeuwen, Diane R Weidley, Diane T Wade, MS, Doan T Nguyen, PharmD, Dogbeda F Mackenzie, Dolores E Price, Don H Bark, PhD, Donna Ltartaglino Besone, Donna Mwilliams Hill, PhD, Douglas A Campbell, Douglas C Kovacs, Dr. Carmelo Rosa, Dr. Chunchang Fang, Dr. Zhihao Qiu (Peter), PhD, Dyana K Stone, Edmund F Mrak, Jr, Edward D Mcdonald, Edwin Melendez, Edwin Ortega, Eileen A Liu, Elaine A Bunch, Elena Karnaukhova, PhD, Elizabeth Ll Edwards, Elizabeth S Howell, Emest F Bizjak, Eric L Dong, BS, Eric M Mueller, PharmD, Eric S Weilage, Esther B Gamallo Herrera, Esther C Broner, PhD, Evelyn Wong, Farhana Khan, Felix Maldonado, Frances Namuswe, PhD, Frank W Perrella, Freddy Ortiz Colon, Frederick L Fricke, Gabriel M Guevarra, Gam S Zamil, Gayle S Lawson, Gene D Arcy, Geraldine D Sanders, Gerard Pde Leon, German Rivera, Gloria J Baca, MS, Greg K Keshishyan, Gregory A Berg, Haley H Seymour, Hanna L Potter, Haroon Vohra (NMI), Hasan A Irier, PhD, Heidy C Perales, Heika R Bounds, Heika R Tait, Himanshu Gupta, PhD, Ian J Thomson, Iraida Ortiz, Iris C Macinnes, Ivis L Negron, Jacqueline Mdiaz Albertini, James C Maclaughlin, James D Hildreth, James D Planchon, James I Giefer, James M Timper Jr, James P Mcreavey, James P Stumpff, James R Fleckenstein, Jamie M Du, Jane S Wernberg, Janet D Blount, Jasmine N Thompson, Javier O Vega, Jee Chung, PhD, Jeffery A Hangartner, Jeffery A Johnson, Jeffrey J Leclair, Jeffrey P Raimondi, Jennifer Gogley, Jennifer L Bridgewater, Jennifer L Huntington, Jennifer M Gogley, Jinnie Kokiatkulkij, Joan T Briones, Joanne E King, Jocelyn E Massey, Jocelyn E Sparks, Joe X Phillips, Joel Welch, PhD, Joey V Quitania, John A Gonzalez, John Burr, John D White, John M Dietrick, John R Myung, Jonathan T Little, Jorge E Martinez, Jorge L Guadalupe, Jose A Lopez, Jose Acruz Gonzalez, José E Meléndez, Jose R Hernandez, Jose Velez, Joseph P Iser, MD, Joseph X Phillips, Joshua P Wireman, Julia E Chervoni, Julie A Rorberg, Julie A Stocklin, Junho Pak, Ka L Wong, Karen A Wolnik, Karen Takahashi, Kari M Johansen, Katherine E Jacobitz, Katherine Szestypalow, Kathleen B Swat, Kathleen R Jones, PhD, Kathryn A Krentz, Kathy Chiu, Kathy Kuo, Kelley, Kelly I Anderson, Kelvin Cheung, Kelvin X Sanders, Kendra A Biddick, Kenneth H Williams, Kenneth O Gee, PhD, Kent C Faul, Kevin A Gonzalez, Kevin P Foley, Kham Phommachanh, Khoa Nathanv Tran, Kim Lthomas Cruse, Kimberley A Hoefen, Kimberly M Lichter, Kirtida Patel, Kristin M Abaonza, Kristy A Zielny, Kumar G Janoria, Lance Mde Souza, MBA, Larry K Austin, Laura Fontan, MS, Laurel A Beer, Lawrence J Stringer, Lawrence Y Lee, PhD, LCDR Chad N Thompson, LCDR Debra Emerson, Leonard H Lavi, Liatte Kreuger, PharmD, Liming Zhang, Linda F Murphy, Linda S Leja, Linda Thai, Ling Yu L Liu, Lisa K Capron, Lisa Shin, Lori J Silverstein, Louis B Cencetti, Lourdes Andujar, LT Richard A Lyght, Luella J Rossi, Luis A Dasta, Luis Mburgos Medero, Luis P Torres, Lynda L Perry, PhD, Marcelo O Mangalindan, Jr, Marcia B Williams, Marco S Esteves, Marcus F Yambot, Margaret M Annes, Maria Pkelly Doggett, MBA, Maribeth G Niesen, Maridalia Torres Irizarry, Marie Falcone, Marie T Falcone, Marijo B Kambere, PhD, Marisol Faberlle, Mariza M Jafary, Mark A Tucker, Mark C Saale, Mark W Babbitt, Marvin D Jones, Matt D Suedkamp, Matthew B Casale, Matthew J Johnson, Matthew J Sienko, Maxine H Wong, Maxyne T Lam, Maya M Davis, Megan A Haggerty, Melissa D Ray, Melissa J Garcia, Michael A Charles, Michael D Garcia, Michael E Maselli, Michael J Nerz, Michael L Casner, Michele L Obert, Michelle A Marsh, Miguel A Martinez Perez, Mihaly S Ligmond, Mikel T Wright, Minh D Phan, Mohsen Rajabi Abhari, FDA, Moraima Jramos Valle, Mra Davism, Mra Greenc, Mra Mcculloughj, Mra Munizn, Mra V Millarw, Nabeela J Chaudhry, Nancy A Saxenian Emmons, Nancy G Schmidt, Nancy L Rolli, Nebil A Oumer, Nelly N Tran, Nicholas A Violand, Nicholas L Hunt, Nicholas L Paulin, Nicholas Obiri, PhD, Nicola M Fenty Stewart, Nicole E Knowlton, Nicole K Trudel, Noreen Muñiz, Omotunde O Osunsanmi, Parul M Patel, Patrick C Klotzbuecher, Patrick L Wisor, Patsy J Domingo, Paul A Bonneau, Paul F Rader, Paul M Kawamoto, Paul Mouris, Paul Rader, Paula A Trost, Peter C Chow, Peter S Diak, Philip F Istafanos, DMV, MS, Prabhu P Raju, Prasad Peri, PhD, Rachelle M Deskins, Ralph A Erickson, Randy L Self, Raquel Gonzalez Rivera, Raymond T Oji, Rebecca Rodriguez, Reyes Candau Chacon, PhD, Richard C Chiang, Richard Heath Coats, Richard W Thornton, Richmond K Yip, Robert C Coleman, Robert D Tollefsen, Robert Darius, Robert Jennings, Roger F Zabinski, Rona Leblanc, PhD, Ronald G Crawford, Ronald L Koller, Ronda Leblanc, Rowena S Nguyen, Rumany C Penn, PharmD, Ryan J Borges, S Lori Brown, PhD MPH, Saied A Asbagh, Saleem A Akhtar, Samantha J Bradley, Samina S Khan, Sandra L Shire, DMD, MPA, Sangeeta M Khurana, PhD, Sangeeta M Rataul, Santiago Gallardo Johnson, Santos E Camara, Sara H Gabel, Sarah A Hassas, Sarah Arden, Sarah E Mcmullen, Scott R Nichols, PhD, Sean P Desbrow, Selene T Torres, Shannon B Ruelle, Sharon I Gundersen, Shirley H Isbill, Shirley J Berryman, Sidney B Priesmeyer, Sidonie J Takougang, Simone E Pitts, Sixto M Mercado Rios, Sonia R Peterson, Sonya L Karsik, RAC, Sparky L Bartee, Stanley Au, Stephanie A Slater, MS, Stephanie Mangigian, MS/OSH, RN, Stephen D Brown, Steven C Madzo, Steven E Porter, Jr, Steven Fong, MS, PhD, Steven M Weinman, Steven P Donald, Sudipan Karmakar, Sue Lee Chan, Sundy V Sedwick, Susan F Laska, MS, Susan T Hadman, Susan W Ting, Susanna E Ford, Taichun Qin, PhD, Tamala P Bogan, Tamala P Magee, Tamika White, Tara G Bizjak, Tara R Gooen, Temar Q Williams, Teresa I Navas, Thanh M Andrews, Thao T Kwan, Thao X Tran, Thomas J Arista, Thuy T Nguyen, LCDR, Timothy D Evans, Timothy T Kapsala, Tina M Pawlowski, Tina S Roecklein, Torrance J Slayton, Tracey T Duong, Tracy K Li, Truong Xuan Nguyen (Andy), Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom), Vashti E Bocker, Veronica Fuentes, MS, Vickie L Anderson, Vilmary Negron Rodriguez, Virgilio F Pacio, CSO, Viviana Matta, Vlada Matusovsky, Walden H Lee, Wayne E Seifert, Wayne T Smith, William J Leonard, Xiomara Copeland, Yasamin Ameri, Yumi J Hiramine, Yvette Mlacour Davis, Yvonne C Wilkes, Yvonne T Lacour, Zachary A Bogorad, Zachary L Miller, Zachary L Stamm

Terri L Dodds's Documents

Publish Date Document Type Title
November, 2000 EIR Xenos Bioresources Inc - EIR, 2000-11-13
January, 2005 FDA 483 Cardinal Health 414, LLC - Form 483, 2005-01-28
June, 2001 EIR Amgen, Inc - EIR, 2001-06-08
April, 2002 FDA 483 Archimica S.p.A. - Form 483, 2002-04-08
September, 2003 FDA 483 Schema Farmachemical SRL - Form 483, 2003-09-11
February, 2001 EIR Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc. - EIR, 2001-02-14
January, 2001 FDA 483 Curia Italy S.r.l. - Form 483, 2001-01-17
June, 2004 FDA 483 MDRNA, Inc. - Form 483, 2004-06-23
April, 2002 FDA 483 Response Archimica S.p.A. - Form 483R, 2002-05-16
November, 2001 FDA 483 Response Bachem Americas, Inc. - Form 483R, 2001-11-27
December, 2004 FDA 483 PhotoMedex, Inc. - Form 483, 2004-12-29
August, 2002 EIR Xellia Pharmaceuticals Ltd. - EIR, 2002-09-13
September, 2003 FDA 483 Response GlaxoSmithKline - Form 483R, 2003-10-09
April, 2005 EIR Takeda Ireland Limited - EIR, 2005-04-20
December, 2000 FDA 483 Response Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483R, 2000-12-20
July, 2004 EIR Viatris Pharmaceuticals LLC - EIR, 2004-07-02
January, 2001 EIR Curia Italy S.r.l. - EIR, 2001-02-28
August, 2002 FDA 483 Response Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o. - Form 483R, 2002-10-28
July, 2003 EIR William Lanzer, M.D. - EIR, 2003-07-08
July, 2000 FDA 483 Response Stason Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483R, 2000-07-28
February, 2001 FDA 483 Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc. - Form 483, 2001-02-14
December, 2000 EIR Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - EIR, 2000-12-13
July, 2003 FDA 483 Response William Lanzer, M.D. - Form 483R, 2003-07-11
April, 2002 FDA 483 Societa Italiana Medicinali Scandicci (S.I.M.S. Srl) - Form 483, 2002-04-02
March, 2005 FDA 483 OFD Biopharma, LLC - Form 483, 2005-03-16
February, 2004 FDA 483 Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - Form 483, 2004-02-25
March, 2005 EIR OFD Biopharma, LLC - EIR, 2005-03-16
July, 2004 FDA 483 Viatris Pharmaceuticals LLC - Form 483, 2004-07-02
August, 2002 EIR Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o. - EIR, 2002-09-13
July, 2000 FDA 483 Stason Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2000-07-14
September, 2003 EIR Shasun Pharma Solutions - EIR, 2003-10-08
June, 2002 FDA 483 KC Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2002-06-19
October, 2000 FDA 483 MD Pharmaceuticals aka Celltech Manufacturing - Form 483, 2000-10-24
February, 2001 FDA 483 Response Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc. - Form 483R, 2001-02-21
May, 2006 EIR Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - EIR, 2006-05-12
September, 2001 FDA 483 Polypeptide Laboratories, Inc. - Form 483, 2001-09-26
August, 2002 FDA 483 Response Xellia Pharmaceuticals Ltd. - Form 483R, 2002-09-13
January, 2002 EIR Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc. - EIR, 2002-01-23
April, 2001 FDA 483 Astellas Pharma Inc. - Form 483, 2001-04-03
April, 2006 FDA 483 Pascal Company, Inc. - Form 483, 2006-04-18
February, 2004 FDA 483 Response Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - Form 483R, 2004-03-04
August, 2002 FDA 483 Xellia Pharmaceuticals Ltd. - Form 483, 2002-08-24
April, 2001 FDA 483 Response Astellas Pharma Inc. - Form 483R, 2001-05-29
June, 2001 FDA 483 Amgen, Inc - Form 483, 2001-06-08
February, 2004 EIR Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - EIR, 2004-02-25
April, 2003 EIR 3M Espe Dental Products - EIR, 2003-04-11
March, 2003 EIR Custom Formulations Corporation - EIR, 2003-03-12
January, 2004 FDA 483 NorMed - Form 483, 2004-01-15
June, 2006 FDA 483 OFD Biopharma, LLC - Form 483, 2006-06-16
June, 2001 FDA 483 Response Amgen, Inc - Form 483R, 2001-06-21
March, 2001 FDA 483 Stason Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2001-03-14
March, 2002 FDA 483 International Medication Systems, Ltd. - Form 483, 2002-03-08
August, 2002 FDA 483 Pliva Hrvatska d.o.o. - Form 483, 2002-08-30
June, 2000 EIR B. Braun Medical Inc. - EIR, 2000-06-30
September, 2001 EIR Polypeptide Laboratories, Inc. - EIR, 2001-09-26
April, 2004 FDA 483 Bridgeport Wholesale Products, Inc - Form 483, 2004-04-20
April, 2005 FDA 483 Response Similasan AG - Form 483R, 2005-05-03
July, 2000 EIR Stason Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - EIR, 2000-07-28
August, 2000 FDA 483 Response Teva Pharmaceutical Works Private Limited Company - Form 483R, 2000-12-04
July, 2000 EIR Stason Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - EIR, 2000-07-17
December, 2000 FDA 483 Kindeva Drug Delivery L.P. - Form 483, 2000-12-13
October, 2000 EIR MD Pharmaceuticals aka Celltech Manufacturing - EIR, 2000-10-24
April, 2003 FDA 483 3M Espe Dental Products - Form 483, 2003-04-11
April, 2003 FDA 483 Response 3M Espe Dental Products - Form 483R, 2003-06-27
November, 2001 FDA 483 Bachem Americas, Inc. - Form 483, 2001-11-27
September, 2001 EIR Shasun Pharma Solutions - EIR, 2001-09-12
July, 2003 FDA 483 William Lanzer, M.D. - Form 483, 2003-07-08
September, 2003 FDA 483 Response Shasun Pharma Solutions - Form 483R, 2003-09-24
April, 2001 EIR Astellas Pharma Inc. - EIR, 2001-04-03
May, 2006 FDA 483 Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - Form 483, 2006-05-12
March, 2005 FDA 483 Response OFD Biopharma, LLC - Form 483R, 2005-04-14
September, 2004 FDA 483 Evangelical Christian Ministry dba Health & Herbs - Form 483, 2004-09-17
September, 2003 FDA 483 Shasun Pharma Solutions - Form 483, 2003-09-24
April, 2002 EIR Archimica S.p.A. - EIR, 2022-05-03
November, 2001 EIR Bachem Americas, Inc. - EIR, 2001-11-27
September, 2003 FDA 483 GlaxoSmithKline - Form 483, 2003-09-18
August, 2000 EIR Teva Pharmaceutical Works Private Limited Company - EIR, 2000-08-30
April, 2002 FDA 483 Response Societa Italiana Medicinali Scandicci S.I.M.S. Srl - Form 483R, 2002-04-18
April, 2002 EIR Societa Italiana Medicinali Scandicci S.I.M.S. Srl - EIR, 2002-04-02
September, 2003 EIR GlaxoSmithKline - EIR, 2003-10-06
June, 2006 EIR OFD Biopharma, LLC - EIR, 2006-06-18
July, 2000 FDA 483 Stason Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - Form 483, 2000-07-28
May, 2006 FDA 483 Response Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - Form 483R, 2006-05-26

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