FDA Investigator Marcelo O Mangalindan, Jr
Marcelo O Mangalindan, Jr has conducted inspections on 194 sites in 17 countries as of 21 May 2018. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.
Investigator Details
Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
21 May 2018
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America,
South Africa,
Korea (Republic of),
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland,
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Marcelo O Mangalindan, Jr:
Addam S Reynolds,
Adetutu M Gidado,
Albert A Salvador,
Albert M Brindle,
Allen Lou,
Althea A Williams,
Amy L Singer,
Amy M Codella,
Amy M Cramer,
Anastasia I Offordile,
Anastasia I Onuorah,
Anastasia M Shields,
Andrew A Hoopes,
Andria L Kuhlman,
Anita R Michael,
Ann Marie Montemurro,
Annemarie Bodnar,
Anthony M Criscuolo, Jr,
Antoinette L Ravelli,
Asia D Clark,
Astrida B Mattson,
Atul J Agrawal,
Audrey Thereset Uy,
Barbara D Wright,
Barbara J Maulfair,
Barbara Jwilimczyk Macri,
Ben Du,
Bing Lin,
Brandon L Mariner,
Brandy N Lepage,
Brenda L Reihing,
Brenda S Zimmer, PhD,
Brian D Young,
Brian S Keefer,
Byungja E Marciante,
Carl A Anderson,
Carol A Perry,
Carol A Robles,
Cary Greene,
Catherine J Laufmann,
Charles A Snipes, PhD,
Charles I Ann,
Charles J Chacko,
Ching Jeyg Chang,
Christian D Lynch (CDL),
Christina K Theodorou,
Christina N Maurino,
Christina Theodorou,
Christopher Bastedo,
Christopher J Hurst,
Craig D Zagata,
Craig W Swanson,
Crystal A Harlan,
Cynthia F Kleppinger, MD,
Cynthia Jim, CSO,
Cynthia White,
Daniel J Grabicki,
Daniel T Lee,
Darin S Wiegers,
David A Oluwo,
David H Smith,
David J Hafner,
Dawn L Wydner,
Deborah J Parris,
Debra J Bennett,
Debra L Pagano,
Dena M Elimam,
Denise M Digiulio,
Denise M Visco, Investigator,
Derek S Dealy,
Dessa A Antoine,
Devon Jenkins,
Dhaval H Patel,
Dolores Harper,
Doreen P Gubbay,
Dorothy J Denes,
Douglas C Kovacs,
Dr. Abhijit Raha, PhD,
Dr. Mark J Seaton, PhD,
Dr. Robert C Horan, MD,
Dr. Sriram Subramaniam, PhD,
Edward D Mcdonald,
Edward O'shaughnessy,
Emest F Bizjak,
Emily A Baldwin,
Emmanuel Jramos Maldonado,
Eric Rothschild,
Erika M Wilkerson,
Erin D Mccaffery,
Erin M Mcdowell,
Frank J Marciniak,
Frederick F Razzaghi,
Gabrielle J Swain,
Gayle S Lawson,
George Pyramides,
Gianine E Delade,
Gianine E Tompkins,
Gillian B Nardelli,
Gobiga Vanniyasingam,
Guerlain Ulysse,
Hala L Selby,
Helen B Ricalde,
Hitesh R Patel,
Hyojong Kwon, PhD,
Iqra Iftikhar,
Jacqueline A O'shaughnessy, PhD,
Jacqueline Mdiaz Albertini,
Jacqueline S Warner,
James M Mason,
James P Mcevoy,
Jason M Sluzynski,
Jay B Shah,
Jean Blackston Hill,
Jean M Kelahan,
Jeen S Min,
Jennifer A Bazergui,
Jennifer Macmillan,
Jessica M Monteiro,
Jill M Sooter,
Jo Annc Declement,
Joan A Loreng,
Jogy George,
Jonathan T Little,
Jonee J Mearns,
Jose M Cayuela,
Jose Ohernandez Guzman,
Joseph F Mcginnis, RPh,
Joseph L Despins, PhD,
Joseph T Dougherty,
Joy Rkozlowski Klena,
Juanita P Versace,
Judith A Jones,
Judith A Paterson,
Julianne C Mccullough,
Justine Tomasso,
K Gonzlez,
Kara A Scheibner, PhD,
Karen A Briggs,
Karen E D'orazio,
Karen F Tomaziefski,
Karen M Ferguson,
Keith A Schwartz,
Keith M Reilly,
Kelly Doremus,
Kelly I Anderson,
Kelly N Kerr,
Kendra L Brooks,
Kerry A Kurdilla,
Kinh Q Mac,
Ko U Min,
Kris K Moore,
Kristen D Evans,
Kristen E Rescigno,
Kristina J Donohue,
Kristina Mjoyce Pittman,
Kristy A Zielny,
Krystal O Ogunremi,
Krystyna M Kitson,
Kurt A Brorson, PhD,
Kyle D Covill,
Laishan L Lam,
Lata C Mathew, PhD,
Lauren L Vajo,
Lawrence R Johnson,
LCDR Matthew R Mcnew, MPH, REHS/RS,
LCDR Wilfred A Darang,
Lenahan Lenahan, Peter R,
Liatte Kreuger, PharmD,
Linda M Hoover,
Linda R Kuchenthal,
Lisa Harlan,
Lisa Mathew,
Loretta Nemchik,
LT Colin E Tack, BSE,
LTJG Bradley E Benasutti,
Manhar R Patel,
Margaret M Sands,
Maria Estrella,
Marjorie D Schultz,
Martha Sullivan Myrick,
Matthew R Noonan,
Matthew S Mccollough,
Mayar M Mussa,
Melissa A Freeman,
Melissa B Libby,
Melissa M Schafer,
Meredith L Sheridan,
Meyer J Slobotsky,
Michael D Omeara,
Michael F Skelly, PhD,
Michael J Nerz,
Michael L Casner,
Michael R Klapal,
Michael Rosner,
Michael Serrano,
Michael Skelly,
Mike M Rashti,
Mindy M Chou,
Morris Paul,
Msdap Gonzlezk,
Murthy Vkn Sikha,
Nancy F Scheraga,
Nancy M Espinal,
Natasha Gupta,
Nerizza B Dalena,
Nerizza B Guerin,
Nicholas A Violand,
Nikisha M Bolden,
Nina Yang,
Patricia S Smith,
Paul L Bellamy,
Paula J Bretz,
Peter R Lenahan,
Prabhu P Raju,
Ramanda C Gregory,
Raymond L Cheung,
Regina T Brown,
Richard D Manney,
Robert G Ruff,
Robert J Maffei,
Robert Sharpnack,
Robert W Calais,
Robert W Mccullough,
Rochelle L Cross,
Rose Ljean Mary,
Russell J Glapion,
Ruth A Oni,
Sam Chan,
Sam Pepe,
Sandra Kershaw,
Sarah Forney,
Seng Ching Hwang,
Sherri J Liu,
Shirley H Isbill,
Shirley S Wen,
Sidney B Priesmeyer,
Sinai I Davis,
Stephanie Mangigian, MS/OSH, RN,
Stephanie T Durso,
Stephen J Mottola,
Steven E Kane,
Steven L Carter,
Subramanian Muthukkumar, PhD,
Susan M Jackson,
Susan T Hadman,
Tahseen Mirza,
Tamil Arasu, PhD,
Tammy L Chavis,
Tania E Vizcaino,
Tara G Bizjak,
Teigan M Mule,
Terri L Dodds,
Thai D Truong,
Thomas E Friel,
Thomas N Adjabeng,
Thomas R Withers,
Tressa T Lewis,
Tyanna N Hadley,
Unnee Ranjan,
Valerie C Reed,
Vlada Matusovsky,
Wayne E Seifert,
Wayne J Meyer,
Wayne T Smith,
William J Muszynski,
William W Dotts,
Yangmin Ning,
Yiyue Zhang (nmi), PhD,
Yong Wu, PhD,
Yvesna C Blaise,
Yvins Dezan
Marcelo O Mangalindan, Jr's Documents
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