FDA Investigator William Hallett, PhD
William Hallett, PhD has conducted inspections on 6 sites in 3 countries as of 27 Jan 2020. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.
Investigator Details
Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
27 Jan 2020
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America,
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with William Hallett, PhD:
Alan M Roberts,
Amy C Jordan,
Amy N Chen,
Ana Paulap Sandee,
Anastasia G Lolas,
Anjali Shukla, PhD,
Anthony R Bucks,
April L Brown,
April L Young,
Ashutosh Rao, PhD,
Bo Chi, PhD,
Brandon C Heitmeier,
Bruce Huang,
Calvin B Koerner,
Carla J Lundi,
Charles R Cote, RIC,
Chih Jung Hsu, PhD,
Daryl A Dewoskin,
Deborah Schmiel, PhD,
Dien N Nguyen,
Donald C Obenhuber, PhD,
Dr. Ralph M Bernstein, PhD,
Dr. Zhihao Qiu (Peter), PhD,
Edmund F Mrak, Jr,
Emilio O Escobar,
Eric M Padgett,
Erika V Butler,
Frances Namuswe, PhD,
Frank Wackes,
Georgia A Layloff,
Gerald B Seaborn, Jr,
Gregory W Smith,
Herbert M Corbello,
Hongjian Ding,
Ivis L Negron,
Jacek Cieslak, PhD,
James I Giefer,
Jennifer M Gogley,
Jorge L Guadalupe,
José E Meléndez,
Juhong Liu, PhD,
Julie D Bringger,
Justin A Boyd,
Karen A Briggs,
Karen C Daugherty,
Katherine Szestypalow,
Kevin A Gonzalez,
Kshitij A Patkar,
Laura Fontan, MS,
Lei Zhang, PhD,
Leiyun Boone, PhD,
Libia M Lugo,
Linda F Murphy,
Madushini Dharmasena, PhD,
Maria Joselopez Barragan, PhD,
Marie A Fadden,
Marion Michaelis,
Marjorie A Shapiro, PhD,
Mark R Mcclain,
Mary E Storch,
Maryam Tabatabaie,
Megan A Haggerty,
Meredith P Soehl, Investigator,
Michael Shanks, MS,
Michele Perry Williams,
Michelle Yclark Stuart,
Mihaly S Ligmond,
Mra B Kamberem,
Nadeem I Chaudhry,
Nealie C Newberger,
Patrick J Lynch,
Paul L Bellamy,
Peter Adams, PhD,
Rebecca Rodriguez,
Reyes Candau Chacon, PhD,
Richard Ledwidge (nmi), PhD,
Rita K Kabaso,
Robert D Tollefsen,
Robert J Ham,
Robert Rodriguez,
Ronald R Ruff,
Sandra A Hughes,
Santos E Camara,
Scott R Nichols, PhD,
Sean R Marcsisin,
Sharon K Thoma, PharmD,
Sherry G Bous,
Stacey S Degarmo,
Steven D Kehoe,
Steven Fong, MS, PhD,
Susan P Bruederle,
Thuy T Nguyen, LCDR,
Tiara Nbrown Crosen,
Vaishali J Patel,
Wayne E Seifert,
Xiaokuang Lai, PhD,
Xiaoping Guan,
Yetao Jin, PhD,
Ying Xin Fan, PhD,
Zhong Li, PhD,
Ziyang Su, PhD
William Hallett, PhD's Documents
Publish Date | Document Type | Title |
April, 2019 | FDA 483 | Immunex Rhode Island Corporation - Form 483, 2019-04-19 |
January, 2020 | FDA 483 Response | Sigma-Aldrich Manufacturing LLC - Form 483R, 2020-02-21 |
January, 2020 | FDA 483 | Scientific Protein Laboratories LLC - Form 483, 2020-01-10 |
January, 2020 | FDA 483 | Sigma-Aldrich Manufacturing LLC - Form 483, 2020-01-31 |
October, 2017 | FDA 483 | Sandoz GmbH - Form 483, 2017-10-13 |
March, 2015 | FDA 483 | Lonza AG - Form 483, 2015-03-31 |
January, 2020 | EIR | Scientific Protein Laboratories LLC - EIR, 2020-01-10 |
January, 2020 | FDA 483 Response | Scientific Protein Laboratories LLC - Form 483R, 2020-01-10 |
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