FDA Investigator Jennifer A Robinson
Jennifer A Robinson has conducted inspections on 340 sites in 8 countries as of 10 Jun 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.
Investigator Details
Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
10 Jun 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America,
Korea (Republic of),
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Jennifer A Robinson:
Aaron J Fox,
Abby M Miller,
Alan D Grupe,
Alan M Barker,
Alec D Fabus,
Alejandro Rodriguez,
Alicia A Armijo,
Alvaro G Dominguez, Jr,
Amy L Mcintyre,
Andrea H Norwood,
Andrea J Schmidt,
Andrew M Kolenc,
Anita Narula, PhD,
Ashley B Jelonek,
Ashley Gonzalez,
Ashley M Caputo,
Astrid M Rylander,
Babatunde D Babalola,
Becky L Bhan,
Beira Montalvo,
Betsy C Galliher,
Bill Tacket, Jr,
Billy M Battles,
Blake R Jensen,
Bora Veliu,
Brandon K Lawson,
Brant M Schroeder,
Brent W Higgs,
Brian P Hendrickson,
Brian Ravitch,
Brittany R Laymon,
Brittny C Cargo,
Bruce W Benware,
Carla R Hinz,
Carol S Davis,
Carolyn J Cook,
Carrie E Jolly,
Cathleen A Carr Sharpe,
CDR Ileana Barreto Pettit,
Cesar A Herrera,
Cherie T Parker,
Cheryl A Clausen,
Cheryl D Mccall,
Chet A Fitzgerald,
Christie A Soto,
Christin L Torres,
Christina A Mayer,
Christine L Williams,
Christopher J Freebairn,
Christopher M Jenner,
Christopher T Smith,
Christos G Tsingelis,
Chyla T Hunter,
Ciara J Bajulai Austin,
Cierra S Strong,
Clara E Santiago,
Courtney A Gilbert,
Courtney R Ingalsbe,
Daniel Pst Laurent,
Darcy L Webber,
Daryl A Dewoskin,
David A Gonzalez,
David C Thomas,
David J Leray,
David P King,
Dawne M Hines,
Debra D Devlieger,
Debra L Curtis,
Denicia L Hernandez,
Dillard H Woody, Jr,
Djamila Harouaka,
Dolores Harper,
Donald M Mack,
Douglas L Page,
Dr. Dominick Roselle,
Duc Minh H Nguyen,
Edith M Gonzalez,
Edward H Maticka,
Edward O'shaughnessy,
Edwin J Gorney,
Efrain E Meneses,
Elisa J Beard,
Elizabeth P Mayer,
Elvin R Smith,
Emma R Schaefer,
Eric L Vangraafeiland,
Eric R Holm,
Erica R Havely,
Erica R Woody,
Ernest A Clausnitzer,
Ethan P Stegman,
Felicia M Orlando,
Frans E Mercado,
Garrad R Poole,
Gary C Pecic, Jr,
Gene R Gunn,
Gerard T Schneider,
Gerardo Z Vazquez,
German Rivera,
Gina Eng,
Gina M Scholze,
Ginger M Sykes,
Giovanna Serpa,
Glenn S Quintanilla,
Harry A Wilson,
Harry R Bringger, Jr,
Harshal J Desai,
Holly J Smith,
Holly L Miller,
Holly M Scott,
Howard A Webley,
Hung V Le,
Isabel Y Espinosa,
Israel Juarbe,
Jacob W Reynolds,
James P Stallings,
James R Montero,
James To Neal,
Jamie L Dion,
Jamie L Port,
Jana L Caylor,
Janete A Oliveira,
Janice L Straight,
Jason D Tenney,
Jason P Aun,
Jennifer A Baker,
Jennifer L Wolfe,
Jennifer Lalama,
Jennifer M Heitz,
Jennifer M Pouget,
Jennifer R Mathern,
Jennifer S Ness,
Jessica I Newman,
Jessica L Pressley,
Jessica M Ector,
Jessie E Morris,
Jinkee Mvila Binayug,
Joanne E King,
Jogy George,
John A Daubenspeck,
Jolanna A Norton,
Jose A Lopez,
Jose Perez Soto,
Joshua A Querl,
Joshua J Silvestri,
Juan A Morales,
Juan C Gonzalez Rivera,
Justin A Boyd,
Justin H Erickson,
Ka L Wong,
Kamara Co,
Karen G Hirshfield,
Karen M Labounty,
Karissa J Mccaw,
Karl D Hezel,
Karla J Gibler,
Katherine M Taylor,
Katherine V Serrano,
Kathleen S Tormey,
Kathryn M Mogen,
Katlin N Stubbs,
Kawshalya Pathiraja,
Kayla V Sprague,
Keith A Schwartz,
Keith C Littrell,
Kelley L Clark,
Kelly I Anderson,
Kenneth S Boehnen,
Kevin T Gerrity,
Kibily D Dembele,
Kimberley A Hoefen,
Kristen E Szenderski,
Ladislav Kermet,
Larisa E Pavlick,
Larry Gehring,
Laura A Munsterman,
Laura B Kennedy,
Laura L Staples,
Laura L Van Wagenen,
Laura M Lopez,
Lavender M Huskey,
LCDR Michael H Tollon,
Lenora M Amason,
Leo J Lagrotte,
Leon L Law,
Leon R Stratman,
Leroy Terrelonge,
Leslie A Cartmill,
Leslie A Jackanicz,
Linda K Matheny,
Linda M Cheny,
Lisa A Warner,
Lourdes Andujar,
LT Daveta L Bailey,
LT Kimberly M Hull,
LT Tamara J Henderson,
Lucas B Leake,
Luis Mburgos Medero,
Lynne Ensor,
Manuel A Moreno,
Marc Balzarini,
Margo C Jones,
Maria Rubi,
Marie B Buen Bigornia,
Marion W Nadeau,
Mark E Imsland,
Mark E Moen,
Marsha L Mccauley,
Mary F Bodick,
Mary M Finn,
Marybeth Willis,
Matthew A Johnson,
Matthew A Kozler,
Matthew B Thomaston,
Matthew J Hansen,
Matthew R Dionne,
Meaghan M Rabideau,
Megan K Otero,
Melanie G Warzala,
Melanie W Pishnery,
Melinda B Lewis,
Melissa F Chauvin,
Melissa J Hill,
Meredith M Cobb,
Michael D Gifford,
Michael L Zimmerman,
Michael R Goga,
Michael W Shafer,
Michelle D Motsinger,
Michelle J Hines,
Miguel A Martinez Perez,
Mikayla K Deardorff,
Mizanne E Lewis,
Mohammed H Adam,
Monica Cburgos Garcia,
Moraima Jramos Valle,
Morie Alpha,
Nakesha J Jackson,
Nancy E Byerly,
Nancy E Smith,
Nancy J Lucas,
Narahi J Alvarez Alcazar,
Nathan M Jornod,
Nathan R Moon,
Neira Acevedo Ramos,
Nianna C Burns,
Nianna M Capalia,
Nicholas Fragedakis,
Nicolas Riveratorres,
Nicole E Knowlton,
Nicole J Clausen,
Nicole K Buck,
Nora W Kabbara,
Oluwaseyi Ojinni,
Pablo Alcantara,
Patricia A Brown,
Patricia A Maestas,
Patricia P Wrona,
Paul L Figarole, Jr,
Phal K Chhun,
Philip E Ake,
Rachel A Gomez,
Rafael H Ortiz,
Raymond M Lam,
Rebecca S Secrist,
Richard G Fochesato,
Richard K Vogel,
Richard T Jensen,
Richard W Clark,
Ricki A Chase,
Robert J Goldman,
Robert W Calais,
Rochelle A Rolnik,
Rodney W Lenger,
Ronald E Gill,
Rosario D'costa,
Rowena Trevino Solis,
Saied A Asbagh,
Saleem A Akhtar,
Salvatore N Randazzo,
Samantha E Rafferty,
Samantha J Pinizzotto, D V M,
Sara Jdent Acosta,
Sarah E Mcmullen,
Saundrea A Munroe,
Shari H Shambaugh,
Sharon Giamberini,
Shavon L Square,
Sheila Alaghemand,
Sheirly J Reyes,
Shelley H Beausoleil,
Sherbet L Samuels,
Sheri L Stephenson,
Siobhan A Gallagher,
Siobhan G Taylor,
Solomon G Williams,
Sonia M Monges,
Stephanie C Milan,
Stephanie D Crockett,
Stephen T Hansen,
Steve P Yost,
Steven A Brettler,
Sundy V Sedwick,
Suzanne N Vallez,
Tamara L Setzer,
Tamara M Casselman,
Teresa I Navas,
Thaddeus M Steinke,
Thanh M Andrews,
Theressa B Smith,
Thomas J Hudson,
Thomas V Anderson,
Timothy T Kapsala,
Toni L Morales,
Tracy L Reed,
Tracy M Portelli,
Tressa T Lewis,
Trevor R Beach,
Vanessa R Muller,
Virginia L Meeks,
William A Lanier,
Zachary A Bogorad,
Zachary L Stamm
Jennifer A Robinson's Documents
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