FDA Investigator Traci M Armand

Traci M Armand has conducted inspections on 403 sites in 1 countries as of 19 Oct 2021. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.

Investigator Details

Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
19 Oct 2021
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Traci M Armand:
Abby Lmozeke Baker, Abraham M Maekele, Alec D Fabus, Alexis O Robinson, Allen S Carman, Amanda B Vega, Amy A Johnson, Amy H Ruble, Andrew J Mcguffin, Andrew Saunders, Angela E Glenn, Ann B Borromeo, Annette Melendez, Armando Chavez, MS, Barbara D Wright, Barbara S Manson, Barbara T Carmichael, Bill Tacket, Jr, Brandon L Mariner, Brandy D Brown, Brant M Schroeder, Brentley S Collins, Brian S Lynch, Brittny C Cargo, Brunilda Torres, Carmen M Chan, Chantae D Mitchell, Charles D Boison, Charles N Dupont, Charles S Watson, Cheryl A Clausen, Cheryl G Scott, Chinyere A Asanya, Christopher J Adams, Christopher M Jeffers, Christopher T Smith, Claire M Minden, Cody D Rickman, Combs, Courtney A Gilbert, Craig A Garmendia, Cynthia L Medlin, Cynthia R Crocker, Cynthia R Gibson, Dana M Daigle, Dana M Klimavicz, Daniel L Aisen, Danielle M Maddox, Daphne A Videau, Darcy L Webber, David J Leray, David P Vanhouten, David R Heiar, Dawn P Hall, Debra A Taylor, Devaughn Edwards, Diana M Guidry, Diane Hall, Diane L Kelsch, Diane S Douglas, Dionne D Arline, Donald J Mee, Donna D Gallien, MPH, Dwayne A Miller, Eddie J Rigsby, Edward A Brunt, Elizabeth D Connell, Emily E Smith, Erika M Wilkerson, Ernest A Clausnitzer, Ernest L Levins, Esra Toussaint, Fabian Nchaparro Rodriguez, Francis A Guidry, Gary E Coleman, Jr, REHS, Gene R Gunn, German Rivera, Gloria A Milster, Harry R Bringger, Jr, Henry E Sanchez, Herbert M Corbello, Herman S Clincy, Holly M Scott, Hromyak, Ivan E Reyes, Ivy Z Bevill, James W Blakely, Jana L Caylor, Janet B Abt, Jason D Abel, Jason P Aun, Jerry T Hunt, Jessica A Stephens, Jessica E Hensley, Joan A Loreng, John A Iwen, Jolanna A Norton, Jontae D Sanders, Jose R Hernandez, Joseph B Carballa, Josiah D Davis, Juanelma H Palmer, Julie D Bringger, Karen Gale Sego, Kari L Batey, Kate E Jesse, Kathleen D Culver, Kellie L Thommes, RN, Kelly I Anderson, Kena M Senegal, Kenneth L Smalls, Kenneth R Merritt, Kip J Hanks, Konsuela Y Glass, Lacey J Chessor, Ladislav Kermet, Lakisha N Morton, Lareese K Thomas, Laressa R Gray, Larry A Estavan, Latrice G Jones, Laura E Garcia, Lawrence A Butler, LCDR Randall L Morris, Leena Thomas, Leisha R Shipes, Leo J Lagrotte, Leon L Crawley, Leroy Terrelonge, Linda A Gregory Duty, Lindsay H Bertling, Llopis, LT Daveta L Bailey, LT Kimberly M Hull, LT Richard A Lyght, Lundy H Patrick, Lura D Baquero, Madelyn Renteria, Marcus A Green, Margaret E Slimbach, Markeesa M Scales, Marshall H Kinsey, Marvin D Jones, Mary T Carden, Matthew B Thomaston, Matthew R Coleman, Megan R Anderson, Melanie G Warzala, Melanie L Drayton, Melanie W Pishnery, Melinda B Lewis, Michelle D Haamid, Mizanne E Lewis, Munoz, Myla D Chapman, Natalie A Guidry, Natasha N Mccants, Nisha C Patel, Ormond, Patricia S Smith, Paul L Figarole, Jr, Phuong L Tran, Randy L Clarida, Rebecca A Asente, Richard J Bashay, Richard K Vogel, Ronnie E Jackson, Rosia E Nesbitt, Samantha J Bradley, Samantha J Pinizzotto, D V M, Samuel L Collins, Sandra Carpio, Sandricka M Mosley, Scott A Watson, Shannon Atlas, Sheri L Stephenson, Shusheen A Alexander, Shymetris M Allen, Sidney M Smith, Sonia M Monges, Susanne M Richardson, MS RAC, Taylor G Barker, Thai D Truong, Thomas O Morgan, Thomas R Stanley, Tiana M Mckinley, Timothy P Lafave, Toni M Booker, Tony E Bable, Traci L Miller, Valerie Jgrecek Trinh, Verdell Nelson, Verlinda A Narcisse, Virginia L Meeks, Wanda B Coats, Wayne S Fortenberry, Wendy R Blame, Whitney M White

Traci M Armand's Documents

Publish Date Document Type Title
November, 2002 FDA 483 Air Liquide Large Industries U.S. LP - Form 483, 2002-11-26
July, 2013 EIR LifeSouth Community Blood Centers - EIR, 2013-07-30
March, 2011 FDA 483 Robert Cywes, M.D. - Form 483, 2011-03-09
August, 2019 EIR Beth E. Safirstein, M.D. - EIR, 2019-08-06
February, 2016 FDA 483 Joseph, Richard - Form 483, 2016-02-29
January, 2005 FDA 483 C & M Oxyfill Llc - Form 483, 2005-01-20
November, 2015 EIR Amit K. Vijapura, M.D. - EIR, 2015-11-23
May, 2003 EIR Compass Point Research, Inc. - EIR, 2003-05-13
January, 2005 FDA 483 Response C & M Oxyfill Llc - Form 483R, 2005-01-25
April, 2002 EIR Vallette & Associates Inc - EIR, 2002-04-30
April, 2002 FDA 483 Lertora, MD, Juan JL - Form 483, 2002-04-19
May, 2003 FDA 483 Compass Point Research, Inc. - Form 483, 2003-05-13
August, 2000 EIR Air Liquide America Specialty Gases LLC - EIR, 2000-08-24
April, 2015 FDA 483 Response Victoria C. Mosteller, M.D. - Form 483R, 2015-04-22
May, 2004 FDA 483 Christopher Marrero, MD - Form 483, 2004-05-27
August, 2017 FDA 483 Jason E. Lang, M.D. - Form 483, 2017-08-23
March, 2005 EIR Hebert, Corey MD - EIR, 2005-03-22
April, 2015 FDA 483 Victoria C. Mosteller, M.D. - Form 483, 2015-04-17
September, 2019 FDA 483 Gershwin Blyden, M.D. - Form 483, 2019-09-12
August, 2019 FDA 483 Beth E. Safirstein, M.D. - Form 483, 2019-08-06
February, 2005 FDA 483 MDS Pharma Services - Form 483, 2005-02-10
September, 2013 EIR LifeSouth Community Blood Centers, Inc. - EIR, 2013-09-10
February, 2019 EIR Jorge Lascano, M.D. - EIR, 2019-02-26
November, 2016 FDA 483 Charles Klodell, MD - Form 483, 2016-11-03
April, 2002 EIR Lertora, MD, Juan JL - EIR, 2002-04-19
April, 2016 FDA 483 Elena Valor, M.D. - Form 483, 2016-04-28
April, 2015 EIR Victoria C. Mosteller, M.D. - EIR, 2015-04-17
November, 2004 FDA 483 Espinoza, Luis MD - Form 483, 2004-11-10
February, 2005 EIR MDS Pharma Services - EIR, 2005-02-10
February, 2015 EIR Koren, Michael J., MD - EIR, 2015-02-02
June, 2017 FDA 483 Peter Stacpoole, M.D. - Form 483, 2017-06-15
November, 2004 EIR Espinoza, Luis MD - EIR, 2004-11-10
May, 2004 EIR Christopher Marrero, MD - EIR, 2004-05-27
February, 2020 FDA 483 Santosh M. Nair, MD - Form 483, 2020-02-26
February, 2019 FDA 483 Jorge Lascano, M.D. - Form 483, 2019-02-26

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