FDA Investigator Felix J Marrero

Felix J Marrero has conducted inspections on 172 sites in 16 countries as of 27 May 2024. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.

Investigator Details

Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
27 May 2024
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
United States of America, Ireland, China, Brazil, Sweden, Turkey, Germany, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Costa Rica, Hungary, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Netherlands, Switzerland, Argentina
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Felix J Marrero:
Alvaro G Dominguez, Jr, Amanda S Zorn, Amy M Cramer, Amy S Graf, Andrea A Branche, Andrea J Schmidt, Andrew J Garufi, Andrew M Kolenc, Antonetta M Colacchio, Ashleigh P Barkans, Ashleigh P Wodushek, Azotearc, Babatunde D Babalola, Betty Kay Baxter, Blake R Jensen, Brandon K Lawson, Brent W Higgs, Bryan J Love, Carla R Hinz, Caroline H Le, Carolyn J Cook, Carrie E Jolly, Catherine J Laufmann, CDR Sean T Creighton, Charles D Brown, Charles L Larson, Cheryl D Mccall, Christine I Shaw, Christine L Williams, Claudette D Brooks, Clotia Cabbey Mensah, Courtney N Long, Cynthia A Harris, MD, RN, Cynthia T Cain, Daniel J Lahar, Daniel L Aisen, Daniel Pst Laurent, David A Gonzalez, Dawn M Braswell, Debra L Curtis, Dolores Harper, Donald R Hawn, Edith M Gonzalez, Elaine G Stewart, Elisa J Beard, Elizabeth B Griffin, Elvin R Smith, Eric S Myskowski, Eric W Anderson, Evelyn Taha, Francis J Eng, Frank J Marciniak, Frank L Cordova, Fulton A Varner, Gamal A Norton, Gary C Pecic, Jr, Gerard T Schneider, German Rivera, Ginger M Sykes, Gloria A Milster, Gregory B Ferguson, Gregson A Joseph, Hanna L Potter, Harry A Wilson, Holly L Miller, Iris C Macinnes, Isabel Y Espinosa, Isaiah D Isakson, Jacqueline S Warner, Jai P Singh, James D Romero, James L Finn, James P Mcreavey, James R Montero, James W Leonette, James W Plucinski, James W Whitney, Jamie L Dion, Jamie L Port, Janet B Abt, Janet Pulver, Janete F Guardia, Janice L Straight, Jennifer A Baker, Jennifer R Mathern, Jessica L Johnson, Jessie E Morris, Jin M Kim, Jocelyn C Turner, John A Sciacchitano, Jorge L Guadalupe, Joseph A Seitz, III, Joseph R Strelnik, Joshua C Schafer, Juan A Morales, Justin H Erickson, Kamara Co, Karl D Hezel, Kathleen S Tormey, Kathryn M Mogen, Keith C Littrell, Kelvin Cheung, Kimberley A Hoefen, Kimetha A King, Kinh Q Mac, Kristen E Szenderski, Larisa E Pavlick, Larry Gehring, Laura B Kennedy, Laura L Van Wagenen, Lauren E Priest, Lavender M Huskey, Lawton W Lum, LCDR Wilfred A Darang, Leon R Stratman, Linda F Murphy, Linda Linh N Adams, Linda M Cheny, Maida Henesian (NMI), Manuel A Moreno, Marc A Jackson, Jr, Marie B Buen Bigornia, Marijo B Kambere, PhD, Marion W Nadeau, Mark E Chan, Marlo Ianm Alintanahin, Marquez D Berrianvalle, Marsha L Mccauley, Martina E Lagrange, Mary F Bodick, Maryam Tabatabaie, Matthew A Johnson, Matthew M Vernon, Matthew R Dionne, Meaghan M Rabideau, Melissa J Nucci, Miaja Umaedi, Michael E Maselli, Michael K Larson, Michael L Zimmerman, Michael R Goga, Michelle D Motsinger, Michelle J Glembin, Moonn, Morie Alpha, Nathan M Jornod, Nathan R Moon, Nayan J Patel, Nicholas R Nance, Nicholas Z Lu, Nicole T Williams, Patricia A Brown, Patricia A Maestas, Paul J Teitell, Paul M Kawamoto, Paul W Moy, Paul Z Balcer, Perry H Gambrell, Philip E Ake, Phillip M Pontikos, Randy V Bong, Rebecca L Mullikin, Rebecca S Secrist, Rendall E Barfoot, Ricki A Chase, Ricky A Crouch, Rodney D Combs, Rosanna M Goodrich, Roy Baby, Sarah A Hassas, Selene T Torres, Shaquenta Y Perkins, Shererk, Solomon G Williams, Stephen C Smith, Stephen D Eich, Stephen R Souza, Steve P Yost, Steven C Madzo, Steven O Gauthier, Sumit Sen, Susan D Yuscius, Susanna E Ford, Suzanne M Healy, Tammy Vasquez Hancock, Teresa K Kastner, Thai T Duong, Theressa B Smith, Thomas A Peter, Thomas V Anderson, Trevor R Beach, Tuan A Nguyen, Vicky L Cruz, Xiaojun Yan, Yvette Mlacour Davis, Zachary L Miller, Zachary L Stamm

Felix J Marrero's Documents

Publish Date Document Type Title
January, 2014 EIR Zynex Medical, Inc. - EIR, 2014-01-21
June, 2016 FDA 483 LED Technologies, Inc. (Warehouse) - Form 483, 2016-06-30
June, 2015 FDA 483 Tartan Orthopedics, Ltd. - Form 483, 2015-06-30
September, 2019 FDA 483 Something High Electric (Xiamen) Company Inc. - Form 483, 2019-09-05
June, 2016 FDA 483 LED Technologies, LLC - Form 483, 2016-06-30
July, 2022 FDA 483 GETSCH+HILLER MEDIZINTECHNIK GmbH - Form 483, 2022-07-21
May, 2014 FDA 483 SteriGear, LLC - Form 483, 2014-05-09
March, 2013 FDA 483 Novarad Corporation - Form 483, 2013-03-11
November, 2013 FDA 483 Rocky Mountain Research, Inc. - Form 483, 2013-11-08
December, 2012 FDA 483 Encision Inc. - Form 483, 2012-12-07
January, 2014 FDA 483 Response Zynex Medical, Inc. - Form 483R, 2014-02-07
July, 2012 EIR Westone Laboratories, Inc. - EIR, 2012-07-12
January, 2014 FDA 483 CoRE labs, LLC - Form 483, 2014-01-03
May, 2014 FDA 483 KORR Medical Technologies, Inc. - Form 483, 2014-05-10
March, 2015 FDA 483 Guilin Zizhu Latex Co., Ltd - Form 483, 2015-03-07
December, 2015 FDA 483 Adapta Medical, Inc. - Form 483, 2015-12-02
April, 2019 FDA 483 Dongguan Kepler Special Cabling Company Limited - Form 483, 2019-04-19
January, 2012 FDA 483 Adapta Medical, Inc. - Form 483, 2012-01-26
February, 2015 FDA 483 Shenzhen Jumper Medical Equipment Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2015-02-13
August, 2014 FDA 483 Xiamen Taft Medical Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2014-08-01
September, 2012 FDA 483 LED Technologies, LLC - Form 483, 2012-09-25
March, 2015 EIR Promisemed Hangzhou Meditech Co., Ltd - EIR, 2015-03-13
October, 2013 FDA 483 Koko, LLC - Form 483, 2013-10-28
March, 2017 EIR Chinese Peptide Co., Ltd. - EIR, 2017-03-03
January, 2015 FDA 483 Guangzhou T.K Medical Instrument Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2015-01-15
September, 2021 FDA 483 Unimicro Medical Systems (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2021-09-26
March, 2017 FDA 483 Chinese Peptide Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2017-03-03
March, 2011 FDA 483 Golden Boy Foods, Ldt. - Form 483, 2011-03-25
March, 2011 EIR Golden Boy Foods, Ldt. - EIR, 2011-03-25
December, 2014 FDA 483 PingDingShan Joinkona Medical Products Co., Ltd - Form 483, 2014-12-12
July, 2015 FDA 483 Invisible Hand Enterprises, LLC DBA ToughWare Prosthetics - Form 483, 2015-07-02
November, 2012 FDA 483 Parkway Products, Inc. - Form 483, 2012-11-20
May, 2012 FDA 483 RMO, Inc. - Form 483, 2012-05-10
May, 2015 FDA 483 Synthes (USA), LLC - Form 483, 2015-05-08
March, 2011 FDA 483 Response Golden Boy Foods, Ldt. - Form 483R, 2011-04-13
January, 2014 FDA 483 Zynex Medical, Inc. - Form 483, 2014-01-21
June, 2015 EIR Tartan Orthopedics, Ltd. - EIR, 2015-06-30
March, 2024 FDA 483 Jiangsu Shenli Medical Production Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2024-03-29
June, 2023 FDA 483 TERRAGENE S.A. - Form 483, 2023-06-09
July, 2021 FDA 483 Global Medical Production Co Ltd - Form 483, 2021-07-30
September, 2021 FDA 483 Unimicro Medical Systems (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2021-09-26

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