FSMA compliance takes a lot of work and determining exactly what food processors, growers, importers, or others in the industry should be doing is something that experts have been writing about. Some articles are purely informational while others provide definitive steps forward. We’ve compiled 8 of the best below:

1. FSMA in a Nutshell

In the whirlwind of details relating to FSMA compliance, an outline of all that the act truly entails is important to understand. Beginning the process of becoming FSMA-literate can start with this article that provides an overview of everything that is now required of food companies in the United States.

2. The Importance of Records Under FSMA

Recordkeeping is often referenced to as one of the most stringent requirements of FSMA and a compiled guide to exactly which records are necessary for suppliers to develop is invaluable. This article provides a complete guide filled to the brim with specifics.

3. Top Five Ways to Get Your Plant Sanitation FSMA-Ready

In this article, FoodEngineering identifies 5 steps to become FSMA ready, with a focus on plant sanitation. Complete with tips and advice from experts in the industry, this article is a valuable tool for those considering what plant sanitation really entails under FSMA.

4. FSMA Checklist: Intentional Adulteration Rule

Although short, the article put forward by Food Safety Tech is effective for identifying where food processors are in preparation for combatting intentional adulteration. With a self-diagnostic checklist, it tangibly highlights the areas that need improvement to reach adequate compliance.

5. FSMA Produce Safety Rule Water Requirements: Insights to Get You Organized!

This article explains what the water requirements of FSMA is along with methods to meet those requirements. After reading the details contained in the article, food companies will have a well-rounded understanding of the rule on water and the ways it should be integrated into their programs.

6. The FSMA Foreign Supplier Verification Program: What U.S. Importers Need to Know

After explaining the reach of FSVP, this article by FoodSafety provides steps for food importers to be proactive with their own programs. For a subject that is extremely complex, this article simplifies it so that each part can be addressed.


A thorough checklist for FDA inspection prep is presented by Remco Products. It targets what should be done before, during, and after an inspection for optimal results. Following the step-by-step process, inspections have never been more straightforward.

8. Planning for a Recall

A guide to structuring a proactive recall plan, this article determines the 3 main steps involved. Further, this piece (the 2nd FoodSafety magazine article to make the top 7) introduces a variety of methods that food processors can choose to work with.

All in all, with these 8 resources on hand, those subject to the demands of FSMA should have a clear path to compliance.