We’re happy to announce that FDAzilla will be hosting Grand Rounds next Tuesday, January 11.  What is Grand Rounds?  It is a weekly round-up of the best medical and healthcare blogging.   The theme of the week is anything to do (even tangentially) with medical devices and/or pharmaceuticals.  Nonetheless, we’ll likely work in most (if not all) of the submissions we receive. Check out blogborygmi for an archive of previous Grand Round Hosts.

While we here at FDAzilla primarily blog about working smarter with the FDA, it’s helpful to remember what happens way “upstream” of our work – when the drugs and medial devices are finally approved and manufactured and inspected and shipped, what really happens to it all?  That’s why we’ve decided to host this coming week.  I’ve love to hear some patient, doctor, nurse, and other health care professional stories and perspectives on the drugs and med devices so many real people work hard to get to the market.

Please send me your submissions by Monday 11am EDT (1/10/11), and I promise to work in as many submissions as possible.  Email tony at FDAzilla dot com with the subject heading “Grand Rounds”.