This week is Quality Week!

The Chartered Quality Institute (CQI) is using World Quality Week to focus on quality’s role in sustainability and environmental impact.

Per the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, pursuing sustainability means creating and maintaining “the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.”

[Related: Celebrate Quality Week by downloading our Nov. 11 webinar covering the evolution of Quality Culture within the pharma GMP space.]

Quality Week webinar banner - instant download

Supporting sustainability can reduce costs over time, enhance public health, and reduce environmental impacts on our local communities. 

Within the pharmaceutical industry, a few companies started exploring the possibilities of using “green chemistry” practices in the late 1990s. Now, the majority of the large pharmaceutical firms have developed their own sustainability initiatives. The food industry has also undergone a significant shift toward sustainability, emphasizing reusable packaging and encouraging agricultural suppliers to adopt more sustainable practices. 

Below are some examples of how companies in regulated industries are tackling sustainability.

How is your company addressing sustainability? Let us know by leaving a comment in our LinkedIn group!

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