Due to popular demand, we have decided to add EIRs into our store. Establishment Inspection Reports (EIRs) are an important tool in your tool belt of inspection preparation and intelligence. If you aren’t familiar with them, read our recent post on the 5 Things to Look for in an EIR.

We’ve collected almost 2,000 EIRs, categorizeSimply go to our store, and do a search like you normally would – type in a company, an inspector, You’ll see that 483s have a gray image, while EIRs have a blue image.  Here’s a search I just did in our store for “Merck” (yes, I always pick on them because they were my first employer!).

FDAzillastorescreenshotEIRsEIRs are available for immediate purchase and download for $595. We charge more for EIRs because of their higher associated cost with processing (given their length). As a side note, we also added ~150 483 response letters into the store as well. Here’s a search on Amgen that shows all 3 document types.

Let us know what you think!

Learn more about how FDAzilla can help you achieve your quality and inspection preparation goals: get 483sInspector ProfilesEnforcement Analytics, and GMP Regulatory Intelligence. Any questions? Contact me at tony@fdazilla.com