FDA Investigator Thomas J Arista

Thomas J Arista has conducted inspections on 168 sites in 29 countries as of 13 Dec 2022. See below for a list of the FDA enforcement documents resulting from those inspections.

Investigator Details

Number of Inspected Sites:
Last Inspection Date:
13 Dec 2022
Investigator Role:
FDA Investigator
Redica ID:
Countries of Inspections:
Mexico, Jordan, India, United States of America, Puerto Rico, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Taiwan, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Hungary, Germany, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Arab Emirates, Israel, Belgium, France, Oman, Japan, Canada, China, Singapore, Ireland, Portugal, Austria, Netherlands, Argentina
FDA Investigators that have inspected at least one site in common with Thomas J Arista:
Aaron L Dunbar, Abby E Pelletier, Adalberto Cajigas, Adaliz Santaliz Cruz, Adam J Williams, Adam R Cooke, Adaris Mas Rivera, Ademola O Daramola, Aditi S Thakur, Adrian Rodriguez, Akbar J Zaidi, Alan A Rivera, Alan E Mehl, Alan L Truong, Alan M Barker, Alan M Roberts, Alan P Kurtzberg, Alan R Condon, Alanna L Mussawwir Bias, Alberto A Viciedo, Alex M Viehmann, Alexander M Kay, Alice S Tsao, Alicia K Mckinsey, Alicia M Mozzachio, Alison N Stieg, Allen Lou, Althea A Williams, Amalia C Himaya, Amanda L Fyles, Amber G Wardwell, Amir A Abdalla, Amir Alavi, Amy H Ruble, Amy L Singer, Ana Delp Cintron, Ana P Barido, Ana P Pineda Zavaleta, Ana S Cabrera, Anastasia I Onuorah, Anastasia M Shields, Andrace L Deyampert, Andrea A Branche, Andrea D Swingle, Andrea George, PhD, Andrew J Lang, Andrew Le, Andrew M Barlow, Andrew S Limson, Andrew W Harmon, Angel K Sandhu, Angela E Glenn, Anh M Lac, Anissa M Vargas, Anita Narula, PhD, Anita R Michael, Ann L Demarco, Ann Marie Montemurro, Ann Marie Schofield, Anna Lazar, Anna M Brannen, Annet R Rajan, Annette Melendez, Anney Lin, Anthony A Charity, Anthony R Bucks, Antonina Aydanian, April L Young, Arie C Menachem, Arlene M Badillo, Arsen Karapetyan, Ashar P Parikh, Ashley N Queen, PhD, Astrida B Mattson, Atul J Agrawal, Aurora Miha Trifanov, Azza Talaat, Babajide Michael Osunsanmi, Babatunde D Babalola, Barbara J Rincon, Barbara Janine Breithaupt, Barbara L Rellahan, PhD, Barbara M Frazier, Bei Y He, Benjamin J Dastoli, Benjamin J Smith, Bethany L Subel, Bichsa T Tran, Bijoy Panicker, Binh T Nguyen, Blondell W Johnson, Bo Chi, PhD, Bonita S Chester, Bradley Dworak, PhD, Brandon C Heitmeier, Brandy N Lepage, Brian D Nicholson, Brian J Ryan, Brien C Fox, Brittany D Terhar, Brooke K Higgins, Brooke K Seeman, Bruce H Mccullough, Bryan A Galvez, Bryan L Mcguckin, Byeongtaek Oh, Byungja E Marciante, Calvin B Koerner, Camerson E Moore, Candace Y Gomez Broughton, Cara M Minelli, Carl A Huffman, III, Carl A Perez, Carl Lee, Carla A Norris, Carla J Lundi, Carol F Robinson, Caroline H Le, Carolyn A Renshaw, Caryn M Everly, Caryn M Mcnab, Catherine J Laufmann, Cathleen A Carr Sharpe, CDR Ileana Barreto Pettit, CDR Rochelle B Young, RPh, MSA, CDR Thomas R Berry, PPh, Cedar H Boakye, Chaltu Nwakijra, Chaoying C Ma, Charanjeet Jassal, Charisse K Green, Charles D Brown, Charles I Ann, Charles L Zhou, Charles R Cote, RIC, Charles Yuanchia Kuo, PhD, Charlotte Hinkle, Chateryl K Washington, Chelsea N Sealey, Cheryl A Clausen, Chiang Syin, PhD, Chiaochun J Wang, Chikako Torigoe, PhD, Chilton L Ng, Chris A Sack, Christian D Lynch (CDL), Christina Capacci Daniel, PhD, Christina V Santos, Christine A Harman, PhD, Christopher D Leach, Christopher D Rush, Christopher Downey, PhD, Christopher N Tran, Christopher R Czajka, Christopher S Keating, Christopher T Middendorf, Christopher T Peters, Chunsheng Cai, PhD, Cindy Gunnarson, Claudette D Brooks, Colleen Thomas, PhD, Comyar Shoghi, Concepcion Cruz, Jr, Connie L Hannon Rabel, Connie P Rezendes, Constantin Y Philopoulos, Corey K Reno, Corrine M Carter, Courtney N Long, Craig A Garmendia, Cynthia A Harris, MD, RN, Cynthia A Palmer, Cynthia J Lee, MS, Cynthia Jim, CSO, Cynthia M Goudeau, Cynthia T Cain, Cynthia Whitmarsh, Dandan Wang, PhD, Danial S Hutchison, Daniel J Grabicki, Daniel J Lahar, Daniel J Roberts, Daniel L Zheng, Daniel W Cline, Daphne Santiago, PhD, Darin S Wiegers, Darla J Christopher, David A Oluwo, David A Paterson, David A Place, David G Eng, David J Eide, David J Gomes, David J Hafner, David M Beltran, David Perkins, Dawn C Olenjack, Dawn E Barkans, Dawn M Mccabe, Dayna I Martinez, Debara R Reese, Debara Reese, Deborah A Greco, Deborah B Nixon, Deborah M Trout, Debra I Love, Delaram Moshkelani, Dell S Moller, Demitria J Xiradakis, Denise L Burosh, Denise M Digiulio, Dennis Cantellops Paite, Dennis E Guilfoyle, PhD, Dennis L Doupnik, Derek S Smith, PhD, Devaughn Edwards, Deyaa Shaheen, Diana M Rand, Diane L Raccasi, Diane T Bargo, Diane T O'brien, Dina A Tallman, Dipesh K Shah, Djamila Harouaka, Dogbeda F Mackenzie, Dolores E Price, Dolores Harper, Don H Bark, PhD, Donald C Obenhuber, PhD, Donald L Lech, Dongping Dai, PhD, Dorothy W Lee, Douglas A Campbell, Douglas C Kovacs, Dov H Pluznik, PhD, Dr. Barbara D Paul, PhD, Dr. Carmelo Rosa, Dr. Chunchang Fang, Dr. Gang Wang, PhD, Dr. Gopa Biswas, PhD, Dr. Jason R Caballero, Dr. Ralph M Bernstein, PhD, Dr. Robert C Horan, MD, Dr. Yubing Tang, Dr. Zhihao Qiu (Peter), PhD, Dr. Zhou Chen (nmi), MD PhD, Dustin P Tran, Dyana K Stone, Dyvette Arline, Eboni S Funderburk, Edmund F Mrak, Jr, Edward E Lockwood (EEL), Edwin Martinez, Edwin Melendez, Edwin Ramos, Eileen A Liu, Eliezar Ramos, Elizabeth D Connell, Elizabeth L Philpy, Elizabeth Ll Edwards, Ellen P Madigan, Elmina E Akwo, Elmina E Mboh, Emest F Bizjak, Emilie E Kahn, Emily J Orban, Emmanuel Adu Gyamfi, PhD, Ephrem Hunde, PhD, Eric J Cunningham, Eric M Mueller, PharmD, Eric M Padgett, Eric Rothschild, Erika V Butler, Erin D Mccaffery, Ernest Serna, III, Fabian Nchaparro Rodriguez, Farhana Khan, Felix Maldonado, Frank J Marciniak, Frank Verni, Frank Wackes, Freddy Ortiz Colon, Frederick F Razzaghi, Frederick L Fricke, Frederick M Lochner, Gam S Zamil, Gary J Hagan, Gary J Lehr, Gene D Arcy, George J Flynn, George Pyramides, George R Smith, George T Allen, Jr, Georgia A Layloff, Gerald B Seaborn, Jr, Geraldine D Sanders, Gerard Pde Leon, German Rivera, Gideon N Esuzor, Ginger M Sykes, Gloria E Parra, Gloria J Baca, MS, Gloria J Champagne, Gregory A Berg, Gretchen Lf Trendel, Guerlain Ulysse, Gwyn G Dickinson, H Ljamilla Selby, Habacuc V Barrera, Hala L Selby, Haley H Seymour, Hamet M Toure, PharmD MPH, Harry J Brewer, Hasan A Irier, PhD, Heika R Bounds, Heika R Tait, Helen B Ricalde, Helen Verdel, Henry K Lau, Heriberto Negron Rivera, Holly Brevig, Howard A Burmester, Hugh M Mcclure, II, Humera T Khan, Hung H Do, MS, Iraida Ortiz, Iris C Macinnes, Ivis L Negron, J Elkins, J Michael Cannon, PhD, Jack Ragheb, Jacob G Lutz, Jacqueline Mdiaz Albertini, James A Jagon, James A Liubicich, James C Maclaughlin, James D Planchon, James I Giefer, James L Dunnie, Jr, James M Mason, James P Mcreavey, James R Evans, James S Cartwright, Janae D Price, Janet A Rajan, Janet D Blount, Janet L Bowen, Janete F Guardia, Jared P Stevens, Jasjeet K Sekhon, Jason F Chancey, Javier O Vega, Jawaid Hamid, Jay V Jariwala, Jean Blackston Hill, Jean M Kelahan, Jeanne J Chiu, Jeanne J Thai, Jeanne M Morris, Jeffery A Hangartner, Jeffery A Johnson, Jeffrey A Sommers, Jeffrey D Meng, Jeffrey M Watson, Jeffrey P Raimondi, Jeffry A Bernhardt, Jennifer A Kemp, Jennifer C Adams, Jennifer D Hollstrom, Jennifer L Bridgewater, Jennifer L Gustavus, Jennifer L Huntington, Jennifer Lalama, Jennifer M Gogley, Jennifer M Menendez, Jeremy W Rotton, Jerri Baker, Jessica L Pressley, Jessica S Estriplet, Jianming Li, Jigar R Patel, Jill J Tillman, Joan A Loreng, Joanne E King, Joanne Heim, Joe X Phillips, Joel D Hustedt, Joel D Martinez, Joey V Quitania, Jogy George, Johann M Fitch, John A Gonzalez, John C Mcmichael, John D Lloyd, John D White, John P Mistler, Johnna L Bleem, Jolanna A Norton, Jon P Antoniou, Jonah S Ufferfilge, Jonathan G Matrisciano, Jonathan W Chapman, Joohi Castelvetere, Jorge L Guadalupe, Jorge L Lajara, Jose A Lopez, Jose Acruz Gonzalez, José E Meléndez, Jose M Cayuela, Jose Martinez, Jr, Jose R Hernandez, Jose R Lopez, Jose Velez, Joseph A Morkunas, Joseph A Piechocki, Joseph E Duran, Joseph F Mcginnis, RPh, Joseph F Owens, Joseph Kutze, PhD, Joseph R Lambert, Joseph R Strelnik, Joseph X Phillips, Joshua J Silvestri, Joshua M Adams, Joshua P Wireman, Joslyn K Brunelle, PhD, Joy Rkozlowski Klena, Juan Rjimenez Garcia, Juandria V Williams, Juanita P Versace, Julie A Rorberg, Julie A Stocklin, Julie D Bringger, June P Page, Junho Pak, Justin A Boyd, Justine M Corson, Justine Tomasso, Kalavati Suvarna, PhD, Kara L Roden, Karen C Daugherty, Karen E D'orazio, Karen Emasley Joseph, Karen M Cruz Arenas, Karen M Kondas, Karen M Montgomery (KMM), Kari M Johansen, Karthik B Iyer, Karyn M Campbell, Katelyn Astaub Zamperini, Katherine A Clarke Girolamo, Katherine D Adams, Katherine E Jacobitz, Katherine Szestypalow, Kathleen B Swat, Kathleen D Culver, Kathleen M Bradley, Kathryn A Krentz, Kathryn E King, Kathy Ac Girolamo, Kathy E Noe, Katrina B Mosley Sloan, Keith O Webber, PhD, Keith S Ehrlich, Keith Webber, PhD, Kejun Cheng, Kelli F Dobilas, Kellia N Hicks, Kenneth E Felkley, Kenneth H Williams, Kenneth M Gordon, Kenneth O Gee, PhD, Kenny R Robinson, Kent A Conforti, Kent C Faul, Kevin A Gonzalez, Kevin D Kallander, Kevin P Foley, Kevin P Regan, Kham Phommachanh, Kim Lthomas Cruse, Kimberley A Hoefen, Kinh Q Mac, Ko U Min, Kouros Kangarli, Kristen D Evans, Kristin M Abaonza, Kristina J Donohue, Kshitij A Patkar, Kula N Jha, L'oreal F Walker, Lance Mde Souza, MBA, Lance Sindo, CIH, CQA, RS, Lane V Christensen, PhD, Lareese K Thomas, Larry K Austin, Lata C Mathew, PhD, Latorie S Jones, Laura Fontan, MS, Laureen M Geniusz, Laurel A Beer, Lauren E Skokan, Lauren Iacono Connors, PhD, Lauren N Howard, Lauren N Smith, Laurie A Haxel, Laurie Graham, Lawrence J Stringer, Lawrence Thomas, LCDR Chad N Thompson, LCDR Debra Emerson, LCDR Jennifer H Rhyu, LCDR Susan E Polifko, Lee Terry Moore, Leigh Anne Myers, Leighton Kn Gai, Leonard H Lavi, Lequita M Mayhew, Lesley K Satterwhite, Lewis K Antwi, Li Li, Li Yun Huang, Liatte Kreuger, PharmD, Libia M Lugo, Liming Zhang, Linan Ha, PhD, Linda F Murphy, Linda K Cline, Linda M Cheny, Linda Thai, Lindsey M Schwierjohann, Ling Yu L Liu, Lisa Hayka, Lisa K Capron, Lisa L Flores, Lisa L Tung, Lisa M Bellows, Lisa M Puttonen, Lisa R Hilliar, Lisa Shin, Lloyd D Payne, Logan T Williams, Lorenzo Jones, Lori J Silverstein, Lori S Lawless, Lorie S Hannappel, Lourdes Andujar, LT Rafael Gonzalez, LT Tamara J Henderson, Lucas B Leake, Lucila B Nwatu, Luella J Rossi, Luis Mburgos Medero, Lydia I Rosas Marty, Lynda L Perry, PhD, Madushini Dharmasena, PhD, Maida Henesian (NMI), Maira P Brading, Makini Cobourne Duval, PhD, Maotang Zhou, PhD, Marc R Dickens, Marcellinus D Dordunoo, Marco S Esteves, Marcus A Ray, Marcus F Yambot, Margaret A Smithers, Margaret M Annes, Margaret M Sands, Maria Cruz Fisher, Maria Gutierrez Lugo, PhD, Maria Joselopez Barragan, PhD, Maria Pkelly Doggett, MBA, Maria V Price, Marian E Ramirez, Marianela Aponte Cruz, Marianne Allen, Marie A Fadden, Marie B Buen Bigornia, Marie F Morin, Marijo B Kambere, PhD, Marilyn Welchenbach, Marion D Wimberly, Jr, Marisa E Stock, Mariza M Jafary, Mark E Parmon, Mark G Peterson, Mark R Mcclain, Mark W Babbitt, Marshalette O Edwards, Martrice A Packer, Mary E Farbman, PhD, Mary E Storch, Mary Jeanet Mcgarry, Mary K Concannon, Maryam Tabatabaie, Massoud Motamed, Matthew B Casale, Matthew C Watson, Matthew G Brown, Matthew H Hunt, Matthew Ondeck, Matthew R Maddox, Maxine H Wong, Maxwell Van Tassell, PhD, Maya M Davis, Megan A Haggerty, Megan T Ziegler, Meisha R Sampson, Meisha Waters, Melanie C Voges, Melanie M Walker, Melba Trivera Clavell, Melina Lrodriguez Upton, Melissa A Zuppe, Melissa D Ray, Melissa J Garcia, Melissa T Roy, Mercy Oyugi, Meyer J Slobotsky, Michael A Charles, Michael C Rogers, Michael C Zubelewicz, Michael D Garcia, Michael E Clark, Michael E Maselli, Michael L Casner, Michael P Anthony, Michael P Sheehan, Michael R Goga, Michael R Klapal, Michael S Araneta, Michael Serrano, Michael Shanks, MS, Michele Gottshall, Michele L Forster, PhD, Michele L Glendenning, Michele L Obert, Michele Perry Williams, Michelle M Noe Varga, Michelle Marsh, Michelle Rfrazier Jessen, PhD, Michelle Yclark Stuart, Miguel A Martinez Perez, Mihaly S Ligmond, Mikel T Wright, Milos Dokmanovic, PhD, Milva E Melendez Perales, Min Tang, Mindy M Chou, Minh D Phan, Miranda D Mcdonald, Mizanne E Lewis, Monica Cburgos Garcia, Monica Commerford, PhD, Monica E Murie, Monica J Wilkins, Monique C Lo, Montgomery Montgomery, Karen M, Mra B Kamberem, Mra Davism, Mra M Barbosar, Mra Mcculloughj, Mra Munizn, Mra V Millarw, Muna Algharibeh, Muralidhara B Gavini, PhD, Myra K Casey, Myriam M Sosa, Nadeem I Chaudhry, Nailing Zhang, Nancy A Bellamy, Nancy A Saxenian Emmons, Nancy G Schmidt, Nancy L Rolli, Nancy M Espinal, Narong Chamkasem, PhD, Nasir Ali, PhD, Natalia Pripuzova, PhD, Navista C Bolton, Neal L Adams, Neali H Lucas, Nebil A Oumer, Neil J Bonzagni, PhD MPH, Nicholas A Violand, Nicholas L Hunt, Nicholas L Paulin, Nicholas Obiri, PhD, Nicholas P Diorio, Nicole A Lloyd, Nicole E Knowlton, Niketa Patel, Nikki S Ramirez, Nikolay Spiridonov, Niraj R Mehta, PhD, Noreen Muñiz, Norman K Starks, Nydia E Colon, Olumide A Martins, Oluwasefunm Agbanigo, Omotunde O Osunsanmi, Paige R Mccoy, Pamela L Velez Vega, Pamela N Agaba, Pankaj H Amin, Paraluman S Leonin, Paranthaman Senthamaraikannan, Parul M Patel, Patricia A Cochran, Patricia A Mcilroy, Patricia F Hughes, PhD, Patricia H Dlugosz, Patrick B Cummings, Patrick C Klotzbuecher, Patrick D Stone, MS, Patrick L Wisor, Patsy J Domingo, Patty P Kaewussdangkul, Paul A Bonneau, Paul L Bellamy, Paul Mouris, Paul Z Balcer, Paula A Trost, Paula J Bretz, Pauline N Logan, Peggy M Speight, Pei I Chu, Penny H Mccarver, Peter Abel, Peter C Chow, Peter E Baker, Peter R Lenahan, Peter T Erlandson, Philip F Istafanos, DMV, MS, Philip M Steele, PhD, Phillip D Waldron, Phillip M Pontikos, Phung Thien Nguyen, Prabhu P Raju, Pratik S Upadhyay, DDC, Qiao Y Bobo, Qin Xu, Qing Joanna Zhou, PhD, Rabin N Ghoshal, Rachael O Oyewole, Rachel C Harrington, Rafael E Arroyo, Rafael Nevarez Nieves, Rafael Padilla, Rafeeq A Habeeb, Rajiv R Srivastava, Ralph A Erickson, Ralph H Vocque, Ramesh Potla, PhD, Ramon A Hernandez, Ramon E Martinez, Randall N Johnson, Randy L Self, Raquel Gonzalez Rivera, Raymond T Oji, Reba A Gates, Rebeca M Melendez, Rebecca E Dombrowski, Rebecca Parrilla, Rebecca Rodriguez, Regina T Brown, Reginald Walker, Reyes Candau Chacon, PhD, Rhonda L Dash, Richard A Abate, Richard C Chiang, Richard H Penta, Richard L Friedman, Richard L Garcia, Richard L Rutherford, Richard Ledwidge (nmi), PhD, Richard W Thornton, Richmond K Yip, Rick L Friedman, Riley C Myers, PhD, Rita K Kabaso, Rita K Vick, Robert C Coleman, Robert C Steyert, Robert D Tollefsen, Robert Darius, Robert G Ruff, Robert J Doyle, Robert J Ham, Robert J Martin, Robert Jennings, Robert M Barbosa, Robert O'brian, Robert P Neligan, Roberta W Cunningham, Robin K Reel, Rochelle K Kimmel, Rodney D Combs, Rodney L Tinzie, Roger F Zabinski, Rohit B Kolhatkar, Rory K Geyer, Rose Ashley, Ross J Grigsby, Roy Baby, Roy R Rinc, Ruben C Ayala, PharmD, Rumany C Penn, PharmD, Russ E Davis, Russell J Glapion, Russell K Riley, Ruth Moore, PhD, S Lori Brown, PhD MPH, Saeid E Kazan, Saied A Asbagh, Saijal P Naik, Sakineh Walther, Saleem A Akhtar, Samantha J Bradley, Samina S Khan, Sandra A Boyd, Sandra A Hughes, Sandra Kershaw, Sangeeta M Khurana, PhD, Sangeeta M Rataul, Sanket N Patel, Santiago Gallardo Johnson, Santos E Camara, Sara H Gabel, Sarah A Hassas, Sarah Adella Fave, Sarah E Mcmullen, Sarah Forney, Sarah Ibrahim, Sarah M Napier, Satheesh Thomas, Saundrea A Munroe, Sayeeda Hdabe, Scott B Laufenberg, Scott C Lute, Scott N Lim, Scott R Nichols, PhD, Scott T Ballard, Sean Fitzsimmons, Sean R Marcsisin, Selene T Torres, Seneca D Toms, Sha'tina R Alridge, Shafiq S Ahadi, Shankar L Saha, Shannon A Gregory, Shannon B Ruelle, Shari L Kahn, Sharon K Thoma, PharmD, Shawn E Larson, Shelby N Turner, Sherri J Jackson, Sherrie L Krolczyk, Sherry G Bous, Shirley H Isbill, Shirley J Berryman, Shirley S Wen, Sidney B Priesmeyer, Simone E Pitts, Simone M Edmonson, Sina Shojaee, Sinai I Davis, Sixto M Mercado Rios, Sneha S Patel, Sonya M Edmonds, Sparky L Bartee, Stacey S Degarmo, Stardust W Mazzariello, Stefanie L Heckman, Stefanie L Kremer, Stephanie A Slater, MS, Stephanie D Crockett, Stephen D Brown, Stephen D Eich, Stephen J Kilker, Stephen L Beekman, Stephen R Souza, Stephenie M Ortiz, Steven A Gonzales, Steven B Barber, Steven C Madzo, Steven D Kehoe, Steven E Kane, Steven Fong, MS, PhD, Steven Frisbee, Steven M Weinman, Steven P Donald, Steven P Eastham, Sue Lee Chan, Susan D Yuscius, Susan F Laska, MS, Susan Kirshner, Susan M Corrales, Susan M Jackson, Susan M Turcovski, Susan P Bruederle, Susan T Hadman, Susan W Ting, Susanna E Ford, Suyang Qin, Suzanne N Vallez, Syed N Ali, Tajah L Blackburn, Tamala P Magee, Tamara J Umscheid, Tamara L Ely, Tamara M Felton, Tamara M Kays, Tamika White, Tamil Arasu, PhD, Tammara A Stephens, Tara L Breckenridge, Tara L Greene, Tara L King, Tarun D Mehta, Tawny L Colling, Ted L Anderson, Teresa I Navas, Terri L Dodds, Theresa Kirkham (NMI), Thomas R Withers, Thuy T Nguyen, LCDR, Tiara Nbrown Crosen, Tiffani D Wilson, Timothy J Pohlhaus, Timothy T Kapsala, Timothy Wadkin, PhD, Tina M Pawlowski, Tina S Roecklein, Todd M Stankewicz, Tonia F Bernard, Tonnie L Carter, Torrance J Slayton, Toyin B Oladimeji, Tracey L Harris, Tracy Denison, PhD, Tracy K Li, Travis M Beard, Tricia S Martinez, Truong Xuan Nguyen (Andy), Uduak M Inokon, Unnee Ranjan, Uttaniti Limchumroon (Tom), Valerie A Potopsingh, Veronica Fuentes, MS, Veronica L Call, Vickie L Anderson, Victoria A Wagoner, Vilmary Negron Rodriguez, Vincent Thomas, Vioela J Caze, Virgilio F Pacio, CSO, Viviana Matta, Vlada Matusovsky, Walden H Lee, Wanda B Coats, Wanda J Torres, Wayne E Seifert, Wayne J Meyer, Wayne T Smith, Wei Hua Emily Wu, Wei Wang, PhD, Wen Ning Chan (Sally), Wendy G Tan, PhD, William A Fritsch, William A Warnick, William D Tingley, William J Leonard, William L Bargo, William V Millar, Xianghong Jing (Emily), PhD, Xiaokuang Lai, PhD, Xiomara Copeland, Xiuju Lu, Yangmin Ning, Yasamin Ameri, Ying Xin Fan, PhD, Ying Zhang, Yiyue Zhang (nmi), PhD, Youkeun Kim, Yumi J Hiramine, Yvesna C Blaise, Yvette I Johnson, Yvonne E Lozano, Zachary A Bogorad, Zachary L Miller, Zachary L Stamm, Zakaria I Ganiyu, Ze Peng, Zedong Dong, Zhaoyang Meng, Zhong Li, PhD, Zhongren Wu, Zonglin Hu

Thomas J Arista's Documents

Publish Date Document Type Title
July, 2009 FDA 483 Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc. - Form 483, 2009-07-24
November, 2016 EIR Quincy Bioscience Holding Company Inc. - EIR, 2016-11-04
December, 2000 FDA 483 Merck, Sharp & Dohme (Australia) Pty. - Form 483, 2000-12-15
September, 2014 FDA 483 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited - Form 483, 2014-09-19
December, 2001 EIR Central Glass CO., LTD. - EIR, 2001-12-06
October, 2002 EIR Bio-Technology General, Ltd. - EIR, 2002-10-24
December, 2003 FDA 483 Janssen Pharmaceutica NV - Form 483, 2003-12-04
January, 2002 FDA 483 Response Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483R, 2002-02-06
March, 2006 EIR ACS DOBFAR SPA - EIR, 2006-03-29
May, 2019 FDA 483 Zydus Lifesciences Limited - Form 483, 2019-05-03
March, 2002 FDA 483 Response MSD International GmbH - Form 483R, 2002-04-17
August, 2002 EIR Novetide Ltd. - EIR, 2002-12-18
October, 2002 EIR Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. - EIR, 2002-10-31
May, 2005 EIR Eli Lilly and Company - EIR, 2005-05-19
September, 2006 FDA 483 Rising Pharma Holdings, Inc. - Form 483, 2006-09-29
August, 2005 FDA 483 Bristol-Myers Squibb Holdings Pharma, Ltd. Liability Company - Form 483, 2005-08-12
February, 2020 FDA 483 Pfizer Manufacturing Deutschland GmbH - Form 483, 2020-02-07
November, 2013 FDA 483 Wedgewood Connect, LLC - Form 483, 2013-11-05
August, 2002 FDA 483 Novetide Ltd. - Form 483, 2002-08-07
June, 2007 FDA 483 Response Dipharma Francis S.r.l. - Form 483R, 2007-08-01
March, 2015 FDA 483 Dr Reddy's Laboratories Limited - Form 483, 2015-03-06
January, 2003 FDA 483 Response Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - Form 483R, 2003-01-28
February, 2015 FDA 483 Pfizer Healthcare India Private Limited - Form 483, 2015-02-25
July, 2002 EIR Assia Chemical Industries Ltd. - Teva Tech Site - EIR, 2002-07-31
April, 2003 FDA 483 Response Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - Form 483R, 2003-04-22
November, 2019 FDA 483 Vega Life Sciences - Form 483, 2019-11-28
August, 2001 FDA 483 Bimeda-MTC Animal Health - Form 483, 2001-08-31
September, 2019 FDA 483 Cipla Ltd. - Form 483, 2019-09-27
December, 2011 FDA 483 Ben Venue Laboratories Inc. - Form 483, 2011-12-02
March, 2022 FDA 483 Response Element Materials Technology Oakland - Concord Inc. - Form 483R, 2022-03-22
April, 2009 FDA 483 Cipla Ltd. - Form 483, 2009-04-17
June, 2009 FDA 483 TriRx Shawnee LLC - Form 483, 2009-06-17
July, 2000 EIR Pharmacia & Upjohn AB - EIR, 2001-06-13
October, 2000 FDA 483 Alcon Research, LLC - Form 483, 2000-10-27
June, 2006 FDA 483 American Regent, Inc. - Form 483, 2006-06-16
April, 2011 FDA 483 ICU Medical INC. - Form 483, 2011-04-27
June, 2007 EIR Dipharma Francis S.r.l. - EIR, 2007-06-21
August, 2019 FDA 483 Intas Pharmaceuticals Limited - Form 483, 2019-08-02
September, 2001 FDA 483 Sicor de Mexico S.A. de C.V. - Form 483, 2001-09-14
April, 2006 EIR ACS DOBFAR SPA - EIR, 2006-04-04
September, 2022 FDA 483 Mylan Laboratories Limited - Form 483, 2022-09-23
February, 2004 FDA 483 Allergan Sales, LLC - Form 483, 2004-02-25
July, 2009 EIR Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc. - EIR, 2009-07-24
March, 2002 FDA 483 MSD International GmbH - Form 483, 2002-03-21
August, 2021 FDA 483 Response Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc. - Form 483R, 2021-09-13
August, 2007 FDA 483 Rising Pharma Holdings, Inc. - Form 483, 2007-08-17
December, 2000 FDA 483 Amdel - Form 483, 2000-12-07
November, 2022 FDA 483 LUPIN LIMITED - Form 483, 2022-11-23
July, 2002 FDA 483 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. - Form 483, 2002-07-25
May, 2015 FDA 483 NIH Clinical Center Pharmacy Department - Form 483, 2015-05-29
April, 2000 EIR Q-One Biotech, Ltd. - EIR, 2000-04-13
February, 2016 FDA 483 Bachem Americas, Inc. - Form 483, 2016-02-25
October, 2014 FDA 483 Mylan Laboratories Limited - Form 483, 2014-10-03
February, 2014 FDA 483 Meridian Medical Technologies, LLC - Form 483, 2014-02-21
July, 2002 FDA 483 Assia Chemical Industries Ltd. - Teva Tech Site - Form 483, 2002-07-31
September, 2003 FDA 483 Gland Pharma Limited - Form 483, 2003-09-16
August, 2021 FDA 483 Teva Parenteral Medicines, Inc. - Form 483, 2021-08-20
April, 2001 FDA 483 Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483, 2001-04-05
August, 2001 EIR Bimeda-MTC Animal Health - EIR, 2002-01-24
August, 2003 FDA 483 PMC Isochem - Form 483, 2003-08-27
December, 2010 FDA 483 Genzyme Corporation - Form 483, 2010-12-21
March, 2011 FDA 483 Patheon Pharmaceuticals Inc. - Form 483, 2011-03-24
April, 2014 FDA 483 BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc. - Form 483, 2014-04-17
March, 2016 FDA 483 Response AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP - Form 483R, 2016-04-19
September, 2019 EIR Cipla Ltd. - EIR, 2019-09-27
February, 2016 EIR Bachem Americas, Inc. - EIR, 2016-02-25
January, 2002 EIR Eli Lilly and Company - EIR, 2002-01-24
May, 2011 FDA 483 Ben Venue Laboratories Inc. - Form 483, 2011-05-25
November, 2016 FDA 483 ATTWILL Medical Solutions LP - Form 483, 2016-11-04
December, 2000 FDA 483 Mayne Pharma International Pty Ltd. - Form 483, 2000-12-05
July, 2000 FDA 483 Response Pharmacia & Upjohn AB - Form 483R, 2000-07-20
November, 2001 FDA 483 Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483, 2001-11-14
June, 2000 FDA 483 Pharmacia Corp. - Form 483, 2000-12-07
August, 2008 FDA 483 Genentech, Inc. - Form 483, 2008-08-15
December, 2022 FDA 483 Amneal Pharmaceuticals Private Limited - Form 483, 2022-12-23
October, 2000 FDA 483 Response Alcon Research, LLC - Form 483R, 2000-11-03
February, 2010 FDA 483 Boehringer Ingelheim Fremont, Inc. - Form 483, 2010-02-25
January, 2003 EIR Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - EIR, 2003-01-24
December, 2001 FDA 483 Central Glass CO., LTD. - Form 483, 2001-12-06
June, 2006 EIR American Regent, Inc. - EIR, 2006-06-16
May, 2005 FDA 483 Actavis Laboratories FL, Inc. - Form 483, 2005-05-17
March, 2013 EIR Hospira, Inc. - EIR, 2013-03-01
July, 2002 FDA 483 Response Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. - Form 483R, 2002-08-15
November, 2016 FDA 483 Avoca Inc. - Form 483, 2016-11-04
March, 2002 FDA 483 Response MSD International GmbH - Form 483R, 2002-03-21
May, 2005 FDA 483 Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483, 2005-05-19
April, 2000 FDA 483 Response Q-One Biotech, Ltd. - Form 483R, 2000-04-17
June, 2009 EIR TriRx Shawnee LLC - EIR, 2009-06-17
October, 2002 FDA 483 Response Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. - Form 483R, 2002-11-25
February, 2004 EIR Allergan Sales, LLC - EIR, 2004-02-25
March, 2004 EIR Sandoz Industrial Products Gmbh - EIR, 2007-01-09
November, 2019 FDA 483 EUGIA PHARMA SPECIALITIES LIMITED - Form 483, 2019-11-13
February, 2001 FDA 483 Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483, 2001-02-23
December, 2004 EIR MERCK SERONO SPA - EIR, 2005-03-04
February, 2001 FDA 483 Response Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483R, 2001-03-08
March, 2000 EIR C C L Industries - EIR, 2000-03-24
May, 2005 FDA 483 Response Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483R, 2005-05-19
January, 2003 FDA 483 Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - Form 483, 2003-01-24
March, 2000 FDA 483 CCL Pharmaceuticals - Form 483, 2000-03-24
October, 2002 FDA 483 Response Bio-Technology General, Ltd. - Form 483R, 2002-11-12
November, 2000 EIR Sato Yakuhin Kogyo Co., Ltd. - EIR, 2000-11-24
September, 2001 EIR Sicor de Mexico S.A. de C.V. - EIR, 2004-05-18
August, 2017 FDA 483 Emcure Pharmaceuticals Limited - Form 483, 2017-08-17
January, 2002 FDA 483 Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483, 2002-01-24
September, 2008 FDA 483 Vetter Pharma Fertigung GmbH & Co. KG (Langenargen Eisenbahnstrasse) - Form 483, 2008-09-19
April, 2003 FDA 483 Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - Form 483, 2003-04-11
December, 2001 FDA 483 Response Central Glass CO., LTD. - Form 483R, 2001-12-06
March, 2013 FDA 483 Hospira, Inc. - Form 483, 2013-03-01
August, 2014 FDA 483 Sandoz Private Limited - Form 483, 2014-08-28
August, 2002 FDA 483 Response ICU Medical INC. - Form 483R, 2002-09-11
November, 2009 FDA 483 Resilience US, Inc. - Form 483, 2009-11-13
November, 2000 FDA 483 Sato Yakuhin Kogyo Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2000-11-24
February, 2008 FDA 483 Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Limited - Form 483, 2008-02-12
March, 2022 FDA 483 Element Materials Technology Oakland - Concord Inc. - Form 483, 2022-03-24
March, 2004 FDA 483 Response Sandoz Industrial Products Gmbh - Form 483R, 2004-03-09
August, 2002 FDA 483 ICU Medical INC. - Form 483, 2002-08-28
July, 2000 FDA 483 Pharmacia Corp. - Form 483, 2000-12-07
November, 2013 FDA 483 Response Wedgewood Connect, LLC - Form 483R, 2013-11-25
September, 2001 FDA 483 UQUIFA Mexico, S.A. de C.V. - Form 483, 2001-09-07
March, 2000 EIR Lonza Biologics, plc - EIR, 2000-03-31
June, 2015 FDA 483 Gland Pharma Limited - Form 483, 2015-06-30
April, 2009 EIR Cipla Ltd. - EIR, 2009-04-17
December, 2008 FDA 483 Genzyme Corporation - Form 483, 2008-12-05
July, 2016 FDA 483 GLAND CHEMICALS PRIVATE LIMITED - Form 483, 2016-07-01
July, 2014 FDA 483 Apotex Research Private Limited - Form 483, 2014-07-01
October, 2002 FDA 483 Taro Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. - Form 483, 2002-10-31
April, 2000 FDA 483 Response Konapharma AG - Form 483R, 2000-04-09
September, 2010 EIR Biogen, Inc. - EIR, 2010-09-08
February, 2004 FDA 483 Response Allergan Sales, LLC - Form 483R, 2004-03-31
March, 2015 FDA 483 Zhuhai United Laboratories Co., Ltd. - Form 483, 2015-03-31
August, 2002 FDA 483 Response Novetide Ltd. - Form 483R, 2002-09-02
July, 2019 FDA 483 Mylan Pharmaceuticals Inc. - Form 483, 2019-07-25
November, 2016 FDA 483 Quincy Bioscience Holding Company Inc. - Form 483, 2016-11-04
October, 2000 EIR Alcon Research, LLC - EIR, 2000-10-27
April, 2013 FDA 483 Patheon Inc. - Form 483, 2013-04-26
August, 2002 EIR ICU Medical INC. - EIR, 2002-08-28
March, 2002 EIR MSD International GmbH - EIR, 2002-04-18
January, 2007 EIR Amgen Manufacturing Limited LLC - EIR, 2007-01-12
September, 2001 FDA 483 Response UQUIFA Mexico, S.A. de C.V. - Form 483R, 2001-10-09
July, 2002 FDA 483 Response Assia Chemical Industries Ltd. - Teva Tech Site - Form 483R, 2002-09-02
January, 2007 FDA 483 Amgen Manufacturing Limited LLC - Form 483, 2007-01-13
April, 2000 FDA 483 Konapharma AG - Form 483, 2000-04-07
June, 2000 EIR Pfizer Health AB - EIR, 2000-06-22
August, 2019 FDA 483 Dr Reddy's Laboratories Limited - Form 483, 2019-08-20
November, 2001 FDA 483 Response Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483R, 2001-12-03
July, 2002 EIR Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. - EIR, 2002-07-25
March, 2016 FDA 483 AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP - Form 483, 2016-03-29
January, 2010 FDA 483 King Pharmaceuticals LLC - Form 483, 2010-01-19
August, 2012 FDA 483 UBI Pharma Inc. - Form 483, 2012-08-06
June, 2007 FDA 483 Dipharma Francis S.r.l. - Form 483, 2007-06-21
July, 2011 FDA 483 Hercon Pharmaceuticals LLC - Form 483, 2011-07-26
April, 2013 FDA 483 Eli Lilly and Company - Form 483, 2013-04-19
October, 2002 FDA 483 Bio-Technology General, Ltd. - Form 483, 2002-10-24
July, 2015 FDA 483 Aurobindo Pharma Limited - Form 483, 2015-07-10
November, 2013 FDA 483 Leiter’s Compounding - Form 483, 2013-11-05
April, 2000 EIR Konapharma AG - EIR, 2000-08-16
April, 2003 EIR Jubilant HollisterStier LLC - EIR, 2003-04-11
April, 2000 FDA 483 Q-One Biotech, Ltd. - Form 483, 2000-04-13
September, 2001 EIR UQUIFA Mexico, S.A. de C.V. - EIR, 2003-11-20
September, 2013 FDA 483 Grandpa's Compounding Pharmacy, Inc. - Form 483, 2013-09-10
October, 2022 FDA 483 Maiva Pharma Private Limited - Form 483, 2022-10-29

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